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Ike in Super Smash Bros Brawl

Ike in Super Smash Bros Brawl

Another late update from Sakurai today, it's quite a biggy though. Fire Emblem's Ike will be a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Another swordsman, he wields a big two-handed sword with only one hand. What a man, what a mighty mighty good man. His special move is called "Aether".

It's all in the wrist.

Love at first sight.

Not everyone with a cape can fly.

Kick the baby!

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Rob Jones

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JosephTheSquirell said:

I found my new favorite character.


soulbreather said:

Wario? :D.


man with cap said:

Yep, he looks pretty cool.


Dark Star said:

Not surprised. I just hope it was Marth he replaced and not Roy.


pichu fan said:

This guy does look cool but I still want to play as marth and roy.


xMr1337x said:

From what I've read he has replaced both of them, because he is much faster than Roy and much stronger than Marth.


Guitardude said:

This looks sick. Even if he did replace roy, he's still probably better.


Sonicfan12 said:

I was hoping ike was in it.


Gamefreak said:

Everyone said Ike was to be a new character.


smash fan x said:

When I saw it first I thought it was just an assist. Then I came to my senses and was like yeeeess. By the way, is he a third party?


Name123 said:

My friend loves using marth so I think he'll like ike.


Dave the Man Dave said:

Oh my god. I've been praying every night for this. I LOVE FIRE EMBLEM. I used Marth in SSBM but I never got to use him in another game. Ike is so beasty in Path of Radiance, and I can't wait for Goddess of Dawn. Hip Hip Hooray.


Jarin said:

Finally, a new character we didn't know about.


Scooby Jew said:

I was really, really hoping to see Ike in Brawl. He was such a great character in Fire Emblem, so I was thinking he'd also be a great character in Brawl. Now if they could just give him a few new move sets different from Marth and Roy's, that would be awesome.


KOOL-AID said:

I like this because it means new characters will start being on updates. I don't like this because there will probably be more FE characters and that is one of the last things I want for this game. I mean one is fine but any more is just worthless.


pokemon game freak said:

Yo people I think snake would be cool and could just kick everyone's ass.


Captain Jamesman said:

I've been hearing things about people wanting this so called Ike in Smash Bros. Even though Fire Emblem is not my favorite series, he seems like a reasonable character. Does anyone know which Fire Emblem he's from?


DragonFoxCoon said:

I agree with Dark Star. As much as I liked Marth's speed, Roy's power reigned supreme.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Yes! He's finally on it.


Master Foot said:

They better not replace Roy! I hope that they get aerial combos in addition to the ground ones.


\ said:

Don't kick the baby.


Sonic Phantom said:

Hell's yeah! I knew Ike would be in it.


B Darius said:

Awesome! I wonder if Marth & Roy will appear as well.


Elementrat said:

My guess is that he will replace Marth AND Roy. Look, he has Roy's cape and Marth's hair. It's basicaly a combination of the two.


KOOL-AID said:

On the site is says "warning challenger approaching". Does that mean he has to be unlocked?


SSB4LIFE said:

I hope that he didn't replace Marth or Roy, although I didn't like Roy too much. He has so much more detail now.


ikkimon said:

This means some of your predictions are coming true?


Pescador Gama said:

Sweet! Hope there would also be Marth and Roy.


Quartz said:

Oh goody. Looks like they're going to add everybody but somebody who people actually care about- Sonic.


jskrdude said:

I hope he replaces both marth and roy. I dislike characters that play the exact same way.


singapore meh said:

They should have hector replace roy. Axes are awesome.

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Nova said:



Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Ike is finally in here! I always wanted him in SSBB but I wonder if Micaiah is going to come in.


Mot0 said:

Of course my favorite fire emblem character is bound to be in BRAWL.


Nickhead said:

Well well well, they finally put another newcomer.

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Mike said:

It would be funny if instead of Ike from fire emblem it was Ike from South Park! *kick the baby*.


KillerHonke said:

Yea that'd be pretty lame if the game had marth and ike, who look almost identical.


marthfan said:

I hope it was roy he replaced and not marth.


EDD said:

Is ike going to replace both roy and marth?


Sonic Phantom said:

First off CJ, don't insult Ike. Secondly, Ike is from "Path of Radiance". I understand if you don't like Fire Emblem, but don't go making harsh statements just because it's somebody you don't know.


JosephTheSquirrel said:

Well, from what "Mr. X" said, Ike would replace Roy, but Marth would stay. Of course, that is if you believe him.


ike rules said:

I don't really care who he replaces, I'm just happy that he's in the game. They finally announced something good, all I know is that it made my day.


Stallion said:

Actually Ike replaces Roy. Marth is still in the game. That is a fact.


link is king said:

Ike sucks he will get owned by link.


i need a wiieww said:

Well at least they've shown a character to us that wasn't actually revealed a year or more ago in videos.


Nickhead said:

Kick the baby? What does that mean?


the Nintendian said:

Actually the word was that the producer was deciding not to put in JAPAN ONLY CHARACTERS, so your theory might be wrong Stallion. I don't like FE anyway, but the addition of Ike is a good one. Finally new competition for Elric (in case if your wondering the name "Elric" means "ruler of elves" which means aka LINK).


noneyaBswax said:

I hope if Sonic isn't in it, some other Sonic character is.


lman07 said:

Dear nintendian wouldn't the ruler of elves be zelda and not link?


Sonic Phantom said:

NoneyaBswax, Sonic's the only Sonic character that has a chance to be in Brawl.


Meleemaster said:

If sonic gets in maybe there will be some sonic character assist trophies.


KOOL-AID said:

If Sonic isn't in the game they better make a SSB 4.


super smash rules said:

Ike rules, he will own Link even if Link is one of the best.


KOOL-AID said:

You know I have to admit Ike looks better than the other FE characters, but saying he would own Link *pssh* what are you smoking?


Roy Rulez said:

They should keep roy and marth in there and the rest and even ness.


Roy owns said:

I think instead of removing characters they should keep all of the ones from SSBM and then add characters, not remove.


Captain Jamesman said:

Whoa there Sonic Phantom, I wasn't trying to be mean. It's just that I used to "hate" Fire Emblem because my cousin kept on saying he's better than Mario. I've already gotten over it, and sometimes play as Marth or Roy now. Okay so I haven't played Fire Emblem yet, but that doesn't mean I'm insulting it.


All Rules said:

Everyone says he will own him, and this guy will own this guy. It all depends on who's playing, not the character.


handpuppet said:

I hope he replaces roy, he's cool.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Wow, that's why you used to hate it CJ? Fire Emblem's awesome.


ike rules said:

Yes ike is the best. I was going to get SSBB but now that ike is in it I have to get the game right away. I could care less about the other updates now that ike is in it, I can rest easy.


eclipse said:

Marth was a waste of a character. Roy was obviously the better FE character. Stronger, fast and not easily thrown from the stage. Marth was faster than Roy, but all his attacks were weak and he was so light that he could be thrown from the stage in about 5 hits. If they replace anyone for Ike, it should be Marth.


Sonic Phantom said:

Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You have not played a "Fire Emblem" game before? You do not know what you are missing. Fire Emblem rocks! And besides, just because you say Fire Emblem is not your favorite series doesn't mean it's too late to play a Fire Emblem game to see if you like it or not. I'm going to get "Goddess of Dawn" for the Wii, seeing how that is a sequel to POR.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

They will probably replace Roy and Marth with characters from the latest fire emblem games.


insultman911 said:

Roy's awesome, Ike's the best fire emblem dude, and Marth sucks like poo in the toilet for 5 weeks.


Orange Soda Man said:

They won't kick out marth. After all, on the tournament scene marth was the character the champ used. They can't kick out the 'best' character. Marth> roy.


erock said:

Roy sucks. I can easily beat roy (no matter who played him) with marth. Marth played a lot smoother and was a whole lot faster. Just because roy's attacks had fire doesn't mean his better. No one can touch me with marth. I hope marth stays though, ike seems pretty cool too.


doglover said:

I think Roy is stronger but if he charges too long he hurts himself from an explosion from his sword in SSBM.


TruBlu said:

Ike is so hot. I think I'm going to play Path of Radiance now.


Keev-Roy fan said:

I really hope they don't replace roy with Ike. I want all three of them to be playable. In SSBM I could beat almost anyone with roy.


Roy rocks said:

Roy shouldn't have been replaced by Ike, Ike is stupid. Roy rocks and Ike dies in a hole where he belongs.


Rasendori said:

Ike replaces Roy but don't worry he is such a beast. He can knock someone out when they are only at like 50% damage. He is so awesome.


SwerveX8 said:

Roy is so much cooler than Ike! Because although Ike is stronger, he is too slow. Roy is a perfect balance between Ike and Marth.


late poster said:

Ok guys, I'm posting way after the game has been released but let me inform people who never played fire emblem. The reason roy isn't in the game is because roy is a japan only character. His game, Fire emblem Fuin no Tsurugi didn't do very good in japan and there is no chance that they'll bring it out of japan except maybe in a remake. Plus roy was just an advertisement for the game, which came out after melee. The reason why marth is still in the game is because he was the first lord in the fire emblem games and he is in the first and third fire emblem games. Though he is currently japan-only, the upcoming Fire Emblem Shin Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Ken will definitely see a global release so it was necessary for him to be in brawl. Now for ike, he is probably in brawl because he is in two games and because both games are doing pretty good in america.


Ike is King said:

Ok, no matter what any of you who are against Ike have said, Ike is the beast of Brawl. His attacks are so godly he can end someone at only "30%" if you use a smash attack and clip someone with the tip of the sword after a full charge. He is unarguably the BEST character in the game, simply for the fact that ANYONE can easily pick up the game and use Ike for the first time and still own the hell out of people who have played the game longer. I have seen this happen. His power surpasses everyone in the game and that alone more than makes up for his lack of speed. Along with that, he is almost invincible while doing his aether attack and at the end of his flame eruption attack. His final smash attack is able to hit multiple people, kill them at 30% easily, AND have the chance to hit the ones you missed at the end of it. Whenever I face people with Ike there is an 80% chance that I win. He's just that good.


marthman said:

Ike is a proper replacement for Roy, but just like Roy, Ike can't beat Marth at all.


Roy said:

Oh my god. Ike is so retarded! Yeah you have to get someone to 30 percent to get an instant K0 but if you charge up Roy's special in ssbm he will instantly K0 you and plus don't you think Roy would've had a super cool special attack if he was on Brawl, too?


Ymmit said:

Hey people if you liked roy don't cry, ike has fire moves like roy. Idiots. Plus marth's moves have changed a bit like his special instead of swinging he pokes. And I like poking.


marth said:

Ike may be strong but he is slow as hell. Roy should have been in smash bros brawl. And still Roy also may be strong but Marth is way too quick for both of those fighters which makes Marth much better because he is strong and quick with his special move that is an instant kill all the way. So in all reality Marth is better than both Ike and Roy.


Walter said:

I agree with dark star.


zach said:

Link is better.

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