Iwata - Wii is not in a healthy state

Iwata - Wii is not in a healthy state

Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata has come out with a statement describing the Wii's lack of good fortune in its homeland Japan.

"As you probably know, the current situation of Wii cannot be defined as healthy. The price cut seems to have the least impact here than other parts of the world. It is our urgent mission to recover the momentum of Wii during the holidays utilizing Nintendo's strength. The total Japanese market size is less than one sixth of that of the US, and about one fourth of the four major European countries. There exists major differences in market size today. When we compare the unit hardware sales, Japanese sales are about two-sevenths of the US, and more than half of the four major European countries. It can be said that Japan today is the challenging market for home console software to sell. Since the software we launched at the end of 2008 did not go on to sell for an extended period of time, and we were not able to launch very strong titles in the first half of this year, we have seen a significant drop in software sales this year. As a result Wii Software unit sales share is just below 50 percent of the entire home console software market so far in 2009".

What can Big N do to win over the hearts and minds of Japanese gamers?

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Rob Jones

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WiiNinja said:



YoshLee said:

I thought Monster Hunter 3 tripled Japans Wii sales alone. Besides if there are 3 consoles out right now wouldn't owning just below 50% of the market give them more than 1/3 of the market?


insultman911 said:

Release NSMBWii earlier.

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Nova said:

Just below 50%? There are three home consoles. Even if at 40%, it's still more than a third of the market. Still, I can't say Nintendo has much to say for themselves. Not a whole lot of substantial software was released in the first half of this year in Japan, and it doesn't sound like a whole lot is coming during the second, compared to previous holiday seasons. But it's still too early to see. Japan isn't a big market to begin with (when compared to America and Europe).


Monkeylemur said:

Tales of Graces.


Vive la Ouii said:

Make some new games, how does that sound? Not all that old recycled stuff we've seen this year. Worst Nintendo year ever if you ask me. Name me one memorable Nintendo game from 2009 we didn't already play on the GameCube?


Pay Attention said:

Re: Vive la Ouii way to pay attention. Wii Sports Resort, WiiMotionPlus games, etc. There have been plenty we didn't see on the Gamecube. You obviously live under a rock.


Lokee said:

It makes sense, this past year hasn't been too hot. But wait until next year, Mario Galaxy 2, Metriod Other M, Redsteel 2, MH3, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and that's just the confirmed titles. Wii Zelda would inspire the most.


YoshLee said:

Viva: I personally don't see anything wrong with simply polishing classic games, and only slightly altering the gameplay additions here and there. Why exactly should someone fix what isn't broken, am I seriously the only one who's noticed whenever a game series goes through rapid changes it usually doesn't end well. Star Fox assault was in and of itself a good game, however was negatively received by many because they added scenes where you shoot from a 3rd person view on foot instead of operating a vehicle, if they did make it be nothing but air shooting like it's 64 counter part it would have been much more well received. At the very least when Nintendo does rehash many of their games they still remain loyal to their previous titles and if they stray from their original gameplay elements their still very good (a la LOZ 2 Adventure of Link). Just look at Capcom, for every memorable game Capcom releases they usually have 2 or 3 quick cash ins to go with it (and yet Capcom is still ironically my favorite 3rd party developer). The Megaman Battle Network series are looked down upon by most Megaman fans due to their RPG elements and being vastly different from previous megaman titles. Now let's Look at the classic Megaman series all of their games have been considered at the very least descent and the best of them (Megaman 1, 2, 3, and 9) are considered brilliant master pieces and some of the greatest things Capcom has ever made despite each of the games having only minor tweaks from their first predecessors overall gameplay functions. My point is sometimes it's best simply not to tamper with a already good game. If this plea doesn't convince you just look into Metroid Other M it is going to be a 3rd person shooter as opposed to the previous 3-d metroid game's FPS style, and is also being produced by Team Ninja as a means of making a game that will appeal to the Japanese game market more. Weather or not Team Ninja being in charge of this will be a good or bad thing I'm uncertain of but I do know any step away from the FPS genre is a GOOD one, so I have high hopes for Other M as one of the few games that has significantly strayed from it's previous golden titles (Metroid Prime's 1, 2, 3) yet still comes out just as good.


Nintendo4Ever said:

Wow, iwata! You actually noticed that ps3 and 360 gamers are taking over the market due to wii's plentiful childish games.


ColdFusion said:

A good FPS for the Wii that utilizes the gamecube controller. Or at least some decent mature games. I mean the conduit is awesome and everything but, the reason I bought a 360 was because of the lack of mature games.

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