January 2010 NPD gaming sales

January 2010 NPD gaming sales

The console and games sales numbers from the NPD Group have been released, covering last month January 2010 in North America. It's good news for Big N as per.

  1. Nintendo Wii - 465,800
  2. Nintendo DS - 422,200
  3. Xbox 360 - 332,800
  4. PlayStation 3 - 276,900
  5. PSP - 100,100

The game charts are pretty bright too, with no less than five entries on Wii.

  1. New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii) - 656,700
  2. Mass Effect 2 (360) - 572,100
  3. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 555,700
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360) - 326,700
  5. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 310,900
  6. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 297,600
  7. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) - 259,000
  8. Army of Two: The 40th Day (360) - 246,500
  9. Just Dance (Wii) - 191,900
  10. Darksiders (360) - 171,200
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Rob Jones

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wiiboy101 said:

But Wii still waiting for december's npd from you Wiisworld.com. Were they high for Nintendo you never did tell us were nintendos doomed system's sales really that bad wink'wink! I think maybe Wii world thought reporting on Wii, ds numbers december sales might have pushed some sony and microsoft fanboys over the edge and decided not to upset the weaker already bullied ps3 fan LOL.


Jordan said:

Wiiboy, you are the biggest fanboy I've ever seen. Every time NPD figures are revealed, you always go on about ps3 & xbox not doing as well as Nintendo. I am a proud Wii and PS3 owner and don't really care about these figures. I enjoy them, that is all that matters.


GQ said:

It would only mean something if based on sales more 3rd parties would leave ps3 and xbox and make games for Wii. Sadly these companies don't like the Wii and most of the wiis game sales come from Nintendo themselves. Oh if only the Wii was HD.


wiiboy101 said:

Jordon seriously get over ones self. I fan what clearly deserves my attention. I ignore the two pimples on nintendo's butt called sony and microsoft. I UNDERSTAND WHAT GAMING IS. Hell I should do, I've gamed since 1980. Sony/microsoft have no place in it as the industry profits and numbers clearly prove and the house I live in mortgage free after my 2005 Nintendo stock investment (I seen Wii coming the 1980 to date game master like vision could see gaming was about to be saved). Funny the so called hardcore still don't get WHAT GAMING IS.


andiman said:

Wasn't ps3 going to challenge Wii and beat x360 here on out, pift whatever ps3 fanboys.


zx81towii said:

If Wii isn't gaming and ps3 is, explain a movie you watch on ps3 heavy-rain being a video-game, and calling wii-fit not a game! Wii fit you interact with the 3d graphics in real time i.e. YOU PLAY IT, therefore it's a game. HEAVY-RAIN you watch it, that's NOT A GAME, but ps3 is gaming and Wii isn't. SORRY that makes no sense. Movies ain't games, ps3 got what it deserved.

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