Kirby and his moves are in the spotlight today for the Super Smash Bros Brawl update. It's a meaty one, with more screenshots than you've seen in your life!
Kirby is unique, in that he can copy his enemy's standard special move (like Peter Petrelli). It happens after he inhales and swallows his opponent, that can't be pleasant.
Mmmm Wranglers, my fave.
Trade hats? Mine's too big.
Wa.. Hoo?
Life is peachy.
So, what does this do again?
I can't believe it's not butter.
Bananas give me the runs.
I left the iron on.
The crowd didn't like that one.
Tea party!
LOLZ I must still be dreaming.
Mom, what did you feed my Squirtle?
Kirbachu, I choose you.
Get this thing off me.
Fox, I hardly recognized you.
My home is a dump.
This really keeps your face warm.
k thx bai.
Snake, if he was a fat monk.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Mike said:
Those are way better than the old ones.
thesmashmaster said:
Nice goatee Kirby. I love this game and I wasn't being sarcastic. That really is a nice goatee. I wonder if Kirby can swallow assist trophies?
SuperMatt said:
lol so funny.
Wii Freak said:
I like Snake's one. It's really funny.
Aeth said:
Finally, an above decent update! I got to admit that I saw a lot of people's guesses on his forms and for a few they were spot on. Though they didn't do Ike, Ivysaur, Charizard, Lucas and Sonic (And Ice Climbers, but we already say that one in The Summit). Man, it's hard to find anyone who posted all of Kirby's Melees Copy looks. In addition you have to turn the Kirby trophies in order to fully see the Kirby copies. Hopefully someone will post the Brawl Kirby Forms. One last thing: Snake Kirby is funny! Wish they showed Sonic Kirby though.
Stinky12694 said:
Best. Update. Evar.
what said:
Tea party! What character is that? Is that sheik?
Master Foot said:
I was really hoping that they would keep the Kirby hats secret, but it's kind of obvious what they do.
YoshLee said:
So that's what Snake Kirby looks like, funniest one I've ever seen.
Link Q said:
Lol, from now on, I love Kirby.
wiistorm13 said:
Snake kirby looks funny.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
These were awesome, I love the snake one. Pretty good update.
i need a wiieww said:
Do you think he has a different final smash depending what character he is?
pichu fan said:
The snake kirby looks funny. I wish they had shown sonic and charizard.
BrothaZ said:
I like how he looks with snake. I wonder what he's like with sonic?
Juan said:
Awesome, I'm going to use Kirby. I hope he does their final smash too.
Nintendoof said:
Hilarious! Can't wait to see Sonic! Did anyone notice Tortimer in the 9th pic? He looks creepy.
MAybe said:
In the one that he's zero suit samus he reminds me of fergie in the video of pump it hah.
MrWii said:
Yet again, an update we don't need to know, but it's nice to see.
mr guy said:
I wonder who the one in the Nintendo hat was?
DragonFoxCoon said:
I sort of wish they hadn't put this as an update; it takes some of the fun out of Kirby's ability. I'd rather copy someone, laugh the first time I take someone new, then be on my merry way. This spoils it for a few people. Especially Samus without her suit. They couldn't think of anything more original besides the ponytail?
dogman said:
lol for all the pics, but what does Kirby eaten Ike look like? And Charizard and Ivysaur?
LOLZ said:
Yes. Kirby as snake. Freaking hilarious.
B Darius said:
What the hell?! No Sonic Kirby?
wii-are-rabbids said:
Oh I'm definitely getting brawl now! My favorite is mario and link kirby.
EDD said:
I love the snake one. It is true that when snake's hat is on kirby he does look fat.
Wiiping for wii said:
On kirby with the crown you should have said "WHERE'S MY MONEY?!".
Sonic Phantom said:
When I saw Snake Kirby on the site, I laughed my head off. Although, it would've been funny if there was a Sonic Kirby. But still, I think this is the BEST update this week.
Nova said:
These are even better than in melee.
theykilledkenny said:
Awesome update, pics, and captions. One question though, what's Dedede's special ability? It looks the same as Kirby's.
RisingPhoenix said:
This is awesome! Snake isn't as cool as I was expecting. ZSS look lame but Squirtle is amazing. ZSS and Fox guns look really detailed. Pit is really cool. I always use Kirby so this is a great update for me.
Beast64DS said:
Good thing he didnt get Snake's mullet.
Miiiikkee said:
The meta-knight one, something about it I just don't like too much.
Keranu said:
I love the "Mom, what did you feed my Squirtle?" caption! The look on the dude's face fits it.
Dark Star said:
Did anyone else notice that the Dedede Kirby is inhaling? Dedede's standard may be he inhales and spits out his enemies (so like Kirby's minus the copy ability). The Meta Knight one is a bit of a let down for me though. I was hoping for the shoulder armor too.
SSB FTW said:
SNAKE KIRBY! Finally. I've been wondering what that would look like for a long time now.
Yoshi-1up said:
The snake-kirby threw me off.
#1 Peach Fan said:
The Metaknight & Snake ones are funny.
lickwid said:
Last one definitely the funniest.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Cool remarks and only a step down from what I expected, this is a good update.
Senpai said:
Snake Kirby is awesome! Too bad I'm going to make one of my friends play as snake just so I can do that.
Quartz said:
Aww, I wanted to see what he did with Sonic.
Bucket said:
The snake one I think is the best.
Ultigonio said:
The DK and Zelda captions for the win.
Epsilon said:
Ha! The Snake Kirby Hat is hilarious! Ooh, and they also inadvertently revealed Dedede's standard B move.
Aeth said:
Here is the order from top to bottom: Mario Kirby (Mario Cap), Wario Kirby (Wario Helmet), Peach Kirby (Peach's Crown), Link Kirby (Link's Hat), Dedede Kirby (Dedede's Crown), Diddy Kirby (Diddy's Nintendo Cap), Zero Suit Samus Kirby (Samus's Pigtail), Yoshi Kirby (Yoshi-Face Cap and Tongue), Zelda Kirby (Young Zelda's Crown), Donkey Kong Kirby (Brown Fur Body), Squirtle Kirby (Squirtle's Shell and Tail), Pikachu Kirby (Pikachu's Head and Tail), Samus Kirby (Samus's Helmet), Fox Kirby (Fox's Helmet, Ears, and Gun), Bowser Kirby (Bowser's Horn, Hair, and Eyebrows), Meta Knight Kirby (Meta Knight's Mask and Wings), Pit Kirby (Pit's Laurel Wreath and Pegasus Wings), Snake Kirby (Snake's Sweatband and Facial Hair). By the way, if Meta Knight Kirby doesn't prove Kirby and Meta Knight are the same species, then nothing does.
MrWii said:
I love the Snake and Squirtle hats, the captions are hilarious for them.
Nickhead said:
They forgot Lucas and Ike.
ganon man 62 said:
I'm very intrigued to see that for Zelda Kirby they didn't use twilight princess graphics, but they used ocarina of time for a hat. Does this give further evidence for Shiek?
Epsilon said:
Should've showed Sonic, Charizard, Ivysaur and Ike. Otherwise, cool update.
Gina Beets said:
Do you think that after he sucks up meta knight or pit he can glide?
WiiWorldRules said:
I think Pic Seven (Nintendo hat) is Diddy Kong.
SuperMatt said:
Nice Heroes reference.
That one guy said:
I wonder if Ivysaur Kirby will have a bulb on his head.
Wii Freak said:
I wonder if when Kirby sucks up Captain Olimar he'll have his helmet.
David said:
Right, Nintendo hat is Diddy, he is holding a banana peel. I may be wrong, but Kirby will probably get Sheik's head wrap when he inhales Sheik.
josh disa said:
That is the funniest thing ever.
KirbyWorld said:
Lol! I like the Squirtle one. Also, the Samus one. The Samus one looks like she's evilly mean.