Krystal from the Star Fox series is set to feature in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
First appearing in the epic Star Fox Adventures, Krystal is the lone survivor of planet Cerinia and is voiced by Alesia Glidewell.
Alesia's official website lists SSBB voices as part of her resume, one of which is Krystal.
Note that this doesn't necessarily mean Krystal's a playable character. She could just be an assist trophy or something else. Either way it's good news for Krystal fans.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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User comments
cat said:
Freakin sweet.
NinjaRygar said:
Krystal fans are SICK. Good news for them would be somebody got them THERAPY.
Aeth said:
Hopefully she's a playable character as we need more Starfox characters. Kirby recently got two of his franchise characters added, so now it's Starfox's turn.
butt said:
Krystal was on the Mr X list too, so if this is true, something else might be true too.
Gerardo said:
I knew she had to appear somehow. Let's hope she doesn't take the potential space of Falco or Wolf.
Peach is #1 said:
My sister would be happy if Krystal was playable.
Nintendoof said:
Well, I can't really say I totally believe it since it hasn't been revealed officially yet. But this seems pretty legit.
Beast64DS said:
She would probably use the staff from adventures.
dman said:
Seems more like an Assist Trophy. She says she did Knuckle Joe too and he's an assist.
Master Foot said:
I think that Krystal will be playable to appeal to the ladies. So far Peach, Samus, ZS Samus and Zelda are the only female characters announced and you can't have a roster of 90% male characters. This isn't Street Fighter: World Warrior.
Elebot said:
I was really hoping she'd be in it somehow. I know everyone wanted to see Wolf, and that wouldn't be bad either, I just think Krystal would seem like a better choice.
RisingPhoenix said:
The perfect Fox list would be: Fox(Duhh), Falco (Fox's best friend and big fanbase), Kristal (we need more female characters), and Wolf (I've been wishing for this badass for a long time, plus he's a bad guy).
#1 Peach Fan said:
This is sweet news! Oh I wanted her in. I hope you can play as her.
The Vulpine Furry said:
I pray she's a playable, and anyone who says Krystal fans need therapy I'm going to rip you a new one.
Dox said:
As long as they keep Falco, I'm happy.
Scooby Jew said:
Not sure if this can be considered good or bad news- she wasn't necessarily a great character and it's not even confirmed if she's going to be playable or not. Basically: I don't know how to take this news, so I'll just remain neutral at this point.
Zendalf said:
Well there are 3 Kirby characters so there very well may be 3 Star Fox characters. Anyhow, Krystal was voted the sexiest video game character a while ago.
feb10isfartheraway said:
Hmm. How strange. I never saw this coming.
goldseer said:
She must have her staff and she must be playable.
Jinchuuriki 88 said:
Sweet. I didn't play Star Fox Adventures, but I did play Assault, and she looks hot in it.
Andrew said:
Starfox rules! We need more felmales too! I hope falco is still in, he's the best.
Epsilon said:
Yeah, if she used the staff she would probably make a pretty good character.
SuperMatt said:
Splintercell4ever said:
I smell a Mr X in the air.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I bet this is like Melee, where the rest of the Star Fox team talks if you press the d-pad down enough with Fox or Falco.
SupaYoshi88 said:
This is really cool, but I have a bad feeling she might be taking Falco's place if she is a playable character. Even so, I'm glad another Starfox character is in it.
Dark Star said:
Interesting, hope she's playable. It would be an enormous let down for her to be only used in the small one line thing like Slippy and Peppy were in Melee. Her staff looks like the perfect weapon for her in Brawl (original and easy to think of a move set for).
Peach is #1 said:
Brawl is going to be the best game ever!
DKX900 said:
I agree with Nintendoof. I never believe these rumours until they appear on the official website.
itachi said:
Star wolf is better.
Andrew said:
She looks pretty good.
WolfStar said:
Ninja, there's no need to be a hater! What have us Krystal fans ever done to be sick? I was so glad reading this. I just pray that she is a playable character. Even if I didn't like Krystal I'd still have to say that she would make a good addition, mainly because there has not been a character before in the series that uses a staff, which is a class weapon. If they let the likes of king dedede, lucas, and pokemon trainer playable characters, I'll be mega pissed if Krystal isn't. Plus, the star fox series only has fox and falco up to date. More are needed! (Sorry for the essay).
Doglover said:
Who is Wolf?
omgwhatever said:
Oh my god they should put Midna in brawl.
WolfStar said:
I have a great idea. If Alesia Glidewell's official site has an e-mail adress to contact her directly, then we should e-mail her asking if Krystal is playable or not. I can't because I currently don't have a computer. I'm at a library with my time limit quickly running out. Would be so sweet if she replied saying she is a playable character.
Aeth said:
Well in Melee, Pokemon had 4 characters (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pichu) and they just added two more characters from the Kirby franchise (Meta Knight and King Dedede) so it is extremely possible that both Krystal and Wolf can be both added in as long as the creators could think up enough moves for them and a Final Smash (Fox has Land Master and it's theorized that Falco will get the Arwing, so they'll also most likely get a vehicle Final Smash).
dave said:
Yeah I have to agree with you on Midna, although I'm hoping Krystal and Ashley the Red show up playable too. Midna could maybe switch between forms like Zelda did in the previous brawl and her super smash could be, well, you know what happens near the end of the game.
Ultigonio said:
In reply to Doglover: Wolf [O'Donnell] is the main antihero of the StarFox series; he is also the leader of the mercenary gang (whose personnel has constantly changed over the years), called Star Wolf. As for the issue of Krystal fans, I'd say that those who like her for thinking she is sexy, well, that IS wrong. As for those who like her for being a staff-user and whatnot, well, that's okay. Anyway, I suppose it'd be okay to have Krystal in Brawl; I like magic-using characters and Krystal would be the second [good-guy] magic-user in Brawl. Ness and Lucas would be, but they're psychics, not magicians.
Juan said:
I'm not a fan of star fox games, but the more characters, the better. That way there's more variety. She seems like a good addition though.
insultman911 said:
I bet she's a character. 2 characters from a game need to go it. There has to be at least 2 characters from a series. Fox in in the starfox series, but fox is the only one. Krystal has to be in. Like mario is from the mario series, and ike is from the fire emblem series.
WolfStar said:
(in response to Aeth) That sounds reasonable dude, hopefully Nintendo have gone on the same brainwave that each game should have 3-4 characters. Fox, krystal, wolf and falco would be great. I'd agree with you on the final smashes. Reckon wolf would have a wolfen come down, and krystal would probably have a cloud runner from sauria or something.
sexystf said:
I want krystal, falco, wolf as playable and slippy and peppy as an assist attack with their airwings.
itachi said:
This could be fair and I hope she is fast and strong.
GamingGuy84 said:
I just checked Alesia's website; it no longer says that she will be voicing those characters in Brawl. Why is that? It's because something happened and that we won't see Krystal after all. I'm disappointed.
Dark Star said:
Ultigonio, I agree on the we need more magic characters. Because all we have at the moment is Zelda and (I only half agree on this one) Ganondorf. And to everyone else I'm hesitant to say whether Wolf is likely because one of Fox's color changes is a close similarity to Wolf.
Aeth said:
GamingGuy84, she probably took it down because Nintendo didn't want to reveal the Crystal information too early (though it is kind of too late).
WolfStar said:
Hmm, Nintendo probably told her to take them off because she's revealing news they don't want her to reveal. Or, she might have realized herself that she probably wasn't supposed to have given that info and took it off herself. Well, I hope its something as simple as that! Either way I'm pretty confident she will make it as a playable. Mainly because, next to fox she has the largest fanbase from the star fox series, and she has a unique moveset, what with her staff and all. No other smash character has had a staff. I just hope that Falco hasn't been replaced.
SupaYoshi88 said:
Maybe Krystal really will be a playable character and that's why Alesia took off the information. Either Nintendo found out and told her or she figured it wasn't supposed to be revealed. After all, there have been a lot of things revealed before being shown on Dojo, such as Meta Knight and Ike's Final Smashes, and the Advance Wars assist trophy, but revealing a playable character is major and that's why it was taken off.
Master Foot said:
The fact that Alesia took off her resume is totally senseless. Sakurai spoils the game every day with a new character, stage, final smash, Pokemon, item, game mode and practically every aspect of the game. Come on! That just proves that Krystal is most likely playable. Extensive voice work would most likely be done on characters with major roles, so I say that Krystal IS selectable. I would be surprised if Nintendo has any more surprises in store by next spring, unless it's a bundled headset or Master Chief or Ratchet and Clank as playable characters.
Sirralart said:
Where can I see Ike's Final Smash?
Rags said:
Wolf O Donnell for Brawl! WOO! Sirralart - It hasn't been announced yet.
starizzle said:
panicker said:
It doesn't prove anything. At the very least it means she is set to feature in the game. Maybe part of a cut scene, or as an assist trophy. Also about Master Chief or Ratchet & Clank, not going to happen. Sakurai already said all 3rd party characters must be characters that have appeared on a Nintendo console. Sonic has appeared on several Nintendo consoles already. As for Snake, he was a Nintendo character in the original Metal Gear.
Crazy Hand said:
They're not going to employ an authentic voice actress to do a few seconds of recording for an Assist Trophy. And I doubt the Subspace Army cutscenes are going to have much voice work in them. She's got to be playable.
Wolf Odonnell said:
I hope that either wolf or krystal is in it, because if they aren't *shakefist*.
smash 64 said:
It would be cool to have krystal, but think about it. Didn't fox and falco have the (exact) same moves in melee? It would be a real letdown if her moves were just a clone of someone else's? Also gannon and C Falcon had the same moves in melee.
fox kloud said:
I hope she is a playable character.
fox kloud said:
If she is going to be a playable character she should use her staff and also she looks HOT.
Plaugefiend said:
I hope Krystal is in it. But why would microsoft give away their money maker, Master Chief? But I still hope though. I'm waiting to be Ridley. (laugh) Swoop down and bite people. We need some Metriod characters. Besides, who wouldn't play as a big boss from metriod? I do.
Krystalholic said:
I am a HUGE Krystal fan. My friends actually complain about me talking about her too much. Anyway, I'm just hoping they put her in with her Starfox Assault or Adventures costume on. Otherwise I might die. Oh, and I think that because Fox is getting the bulky Landmaster, she should be getting adult Tricky from Assault. That would kick butt.
Ayama said:
I have my fingers crossed.
Dyson said:
I hope this is true because I am a huge Starfox fan, and a Krystal fan as well.
Plaugefiend said:
She should be playable because there's hardly any female characters. Hopefully Ridley is in as well and the Black Knight from Fire Emblem. All 3 would kick so much ass. And we all can get revenge on the Black Knight for killing us in one swing with his sword. HA! Sorry. I got it out of my chest.
luvinthessbb said:
I hope Krystal is a playable character because there are not a lot of female characters and the ones that are playable are kind of weak (exception is Samus), so having Krystal as a playable character would be awesome since she is pretty strong.
gamer guru said:
I bet she will only appear in the Star Fox stage just like Slippy, Peppy, and Falco did in Corneria. Sorry to those who thought of her as a playable character.
Plaugefiend said:
Gamer guru, don't give up. She is another female character, so why not? If they don't put her in it, then at least tell me why and hopefully there are more female characters to play as. If she's an assist trophy, then I will cry.
Donut said:
Krystal in Brawl?. Oh, goody. This means I can beat up furries.
davyt 0247 said:
I hope Krystal is playable too. Not only for her staff, but she could throw grenades like the ones in Assault. Plus more female characters is always a good thing. At least she is in the game in one form or another.
David said:
Zelda is not as weak as you might think. I know it sounds crazy, but she has power behind her attacks. While Sheik can pile on the damage quickly. The key to mastering Zelda/Sheik, is to switch between Zelda and Sheik using the down B combination (it has been confirmed that Sheik will be in brawl by the way). So if you ever think of playing as Zelda, (man this wait is driving me crazy), practice with her. Trust me, it's worth it.
TruBlu said:
I WISH Nintendo would put Krystal in Brawl! I want her in along with Tails, Falco and Lucario. They already have the other characters I wanted such as Ike and Dedede.
TruBlu said:
Hey Donut, you're a moron *unintelligible mumbles*. Anyways, I could imagine a moveset for Krystal. I would think she could turn out to be similar to Zelda. Magic based attacks and all that except with her handy-dandy staff. I'm positive she won't be a power type sort of gal, Samus filled that application. Geez, I hope she makes it in.
luvinthessbb said:
Well this pretty much sucks the chance of Krystal being in brawl because since the Japanese release, it does not show Krystal as one of the playable characters. I was really on high hopes for her as playable. I just wish that Sakurai could have added way more female characters (girls play video games too!).
mickmymick said:
I heard she actually is supposed to be in brawl. I think she can kick butt with the staff and that she would probably be better than Peach by a lot. And yes Fox needs more buddies on the game.
Wii Freak said:
Since she's not playable, she's an Assist Trophy.
Plaugefiend said:
Wii Freak, don't give up. We still don't know the facts, yet.
fox kloud said:
I bet her final smash would be that crazy ground pound from starfox adventures.
TruBlu said:
Exactly, luvinthessbb! I know Shadow is an assist trophy, yay.
Luigito said:
Doglover, who is WOLF! He's cooler than andross, ganandorf, lucas/ness, and mario, he beats their coolness combined. Anyway wolf is basically starfox's opponent. Like fox, he is a mercenary. I think the most memorable moment with him for me is in starfox64. Andross hired him to stop fox several different times. Anyway he isn't a good or bad guy, just another mercenary.
lucario man said:
Krystal is already in some of the foreign versions of brawl (don't know which ones). I know for a fact that wolf will be in brawl, but Dojo hasn't had time to post. Starfox is really the most popular Nintendo games, so 3 characters is enough until the next smash bros game.
AV524 said:
Ok guys Krystal is in brawl, but she isn't a playable character or an assist trophy, she is just a trophy. She's still hot though.
Plaugefiend said:
Well, we tried asking Nintendo for more female characters. Not even a quote from Chaos is good enough for this shame. But I'm still PO about one thing! Jigglypuff DOES NOT count as a female character! *shakes fist angrily*.
lucario man said:
Yes actually Krystal is not in brawl at all not even foreign versions. All of the character screens I saw with Krystal were fake.
Aeth said:
Okay, this whole thing turned out to be a dud. This voice acting thing was for the in-game conversations you hear while battling on the Lylat Cruise Stage if someone is playing as Fox, Falco, or Wolf.
Princess Nova said:
Hate to tell you, but she's not in it.
TAG95 said:
I REALLY hope that those idiots at Nintendo add Krystal to super smash bros brawl and prove those non-hopeful NITS wrong!
Uhhhh TAG95 it's already out and hate to tell you but Aeth is right. I don't think that they would give people in different countries different characters, Nintendo wouldn't do that.
Nova said:
You're obviously not from the US. Brawl has absolutely no sign of Krystal.
Rags said:
You know, the game's out. And she's not in.
Aeth said:
TAG95, it is kind of too late to have her, other than a trophy, unless they plan to have "expansion packs" through the WiiWare.
Plaugefiend said:
Hey, it's over. She isn't in it. Now allow this rumor to rot in its grave. "Even through death, I am victorious!". But you have to admit it, this was close to Sonic in Melee.
Guitar Legend said:
The Starfox characters in Brawl all have the same Final Smash. It really stinks. I'd rather teach classical guitar than play as Fox, Wolf, or Falco. Thank you, thank you very much.
Plaugefiend said:
There won't be a "expansion pack" through Wiiware, Nintendo don't want too many characters. *Shakes Head* So so much for that idea.
Rfmg895 said:
Why didn't they put krystal? So what if wolf is fox's archenemy? Krystal is his girlfriend. Don't you want 2 see fox getting kicked around by krystal or fox proving he's better or something like that? I think that she can still be added. Through WI-FI connection. Those people can just make her moves, final smash, and her taunts then send her through wi-fi. Plus japan made it. The most advanced people with technology in the world. So come on make krystal for us please.
Rfmg895 said:
Let me say something that doesn't make sense to me. They let a useless robot in the game, a cheap flying dude from a game that I never heard of, a pink puffball that the only good thing is the be attack and final smash, a Zelda that the only thing to do to win is to use the fireball, and 2 kids with basically the same moves and to get the smash ball all they have to do is "PK thunder", but nooo they keep Krystal out and wolf in is because wolf is an arch enemy!
fox said:
Ummm why take Roy out? Then don't add Krystal? I mean I understand pichu and doc mario, same moves. And why mewtwo too? I mean what is wrong with them. Mewtwo was a unique char. Not a copy like pikachu or doc mario.
Luwiigi said:
Mewtwo was a slight samus clone, fox.