Line Rider is a web game / toy made in Flash, if you've never seen it check it out here. It features a little man on a sled, you draw slopes and curves for him using a pencil.
inXile today announced that it will be bringing the Line Rider phenomenon to Wii and also the DS. Maker of the game Bostjan Cadez assures people that the retail packages will have added gameplay and features (you'd hope so!). Purists can always play the original game for free through Wii Opera.
Mr Cadez initially created Line Rider as a project for his illustration class in his native Slovenia. Expect to see console and handheld versions next Spring.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Wii-Worshiper said:
Are you serious? That is cool.
Wii Pwnes said:
Oh my god this is my favorite game! I am so thrilled.
Scooby!_Jew said:
My cousin's going to love this, he's the one that showed me the game in the first place. If there's one feature I hope they add to the game, it's the ability to erase instead of just throwing it all away and needing to restart all over again.
Ekaj185 said:
I love Line Rider! The DS version will probably be better.
Wii Pwnes said:
Umm. You guys know that the link on the article is a link to official line rider 2, which has an eraser and a bunch of new features.
Master Foot said:
me the guy in blac said:
Try line flyer.
quartzlcc said:
Wow. I was just playing that game, and then I came here. XD That's an awesome idea though! Cool! This'll be fun.
theDancingPenguin said:
That game is hilariously fun! I can't wait. I'm not sure which will be better though.
Ja-Mez said:
This game is fun as! I hope they have the undo button and different vehicles with different statistics like endurance and speed to choose from!
DragonFoxCoon said:
Line Rider. I got frustrated 'cause I couldn't get the guy to do what I wanted.
I need a wii... ew said:
Wow that rocks. Oh yea I'm posting this from my Wii! Yaaaaay.
Somedude2 said:
Really that's awesome when does it come out?
addes123 said:
It comes out in spring.
Ekaj185 said:
I just played Line Rider 2. It's WAY better than line rider 1. I'm going to play it again.
Ablex said:
I was just playing it and then I came here and I thought that my eyes must have been deceiving me. But no it's true!
Wiipaw said:
I just played it for the first time. I'm glad that because of the Wii and DS versions, I won't have to go online every single time. Plus, I have dial up so it plays slow! Oh, and even though the ds version will probably feel most natural, I can't get off my Wii (joke all you want) so I'll get the Wii version. Can anyone say Mii compatible?
looney said:
Line rider is my favourite game!
MArk said:
Guys I think that's pretty stupid. Can't we just use the opera browser to play it on the Wii?
Patrick said:
I'm on my Wii and line rider 2 is just a blank screen. Any help?
Wii Freak said:
Basically line rider is a blank screen with a pencil to draw lines. It's THE BEST GAME EVER.
im typing with wii said:
Line rider is the worst game ever.
Wii Pwnes said:
Yes patrick is right, line rider doesn't work on Wii opera browser. The Wii has a very low version of flash, so it is not compatible.
duhman said:
Patrick, I think that line rider does not work with Wii opera 'cause the browser only supports flash 7 by now, and from what I see, line rider needs flash 8 to play. Yeah, it's kind of dumb to have an older version of flash player in the browser, 'cause line ride rocks so much (and would rock WAY more with the wiimote) but remember that the browser is still beta (they may apply the latest flash in the final version). Hope that helps. Also wiipaw, what you said is true. Having a line rider of yourself would be so much awesome! Does anyone else think so? Don't you think that 3rd parties need to start getting the hang of mii avatars? Games are barely using them, and if this goes on for the next waves of titles, the mii channel would end up as something unused but in few 1st party games.
Ekaj185 said:
To MArk, it will have more stuff on it than line rider 2. Line Rider 2 on the web is only a beta anyway.
Gary The Snail said:
Will it be released in Australia? I sure hope so!
wii rulez said:
Yes duhman, it would be cool to have your mii as line rider. That would be totally AWESOME!
Way cool it's coming out for Wii.
Wii Man2 said:
I can't believe this! I LOVE Line Rider! I can't believe that it is coming to Wii and DS.
Wii Freak said:
Line rider is my favorite computer game.
tails said:
For wii a 3d version would be awesome.
Wii Freak said:
That would just ruin the game.
wii-man said:
Can you buy the game yet? If so how much?
12invaders said:
I bet there's more features in the Wii one, good for parties and such.
TruBlu said:
My brother loves Line Rider. But not me.