Warning! Challenger approaching! Lucas from Mother 3 (released only in Japan) is a new fighter in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
In case you're not familiar with him (I know I'm not), he uses psychic abilities to fight.
Always look eye, Daniel-san.
Let's go surfing.
Join the dark side.
Fetch, boy.
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User comments
insultman911 said:
He looks like ness. That means they've extended the newcomers zone on the website and ness fell down a ditch.
sexystf said:
A clone of ness - we don't need that.
insultman911 said:
He looks like calvin from calvin and hobbes.
insultman911 said:
Goodbye ness, hello extended page on the dojo website. Woo. More newcomers. I'm going to predict some. Krystal replaces falco. They're not going to show unlockables. Sheik might finally be a stand alone character. Bowser jr should be in it if diddy's in it.
world wide wii said:
Reminds me of ness.
tam uchiha said:
Like ness.
smashdodo said:
For all these people who might think he is a clone of Ness, do not worry. We just saw Lucas using similar normal moves, not special moves. Also some characters like Luigi have similar normal moves to Mario.
lucariolover said:
At first I thought it said lucario!
Nintendeth said:
I hope he doesn't replace Ness.
Dablackluigi said:
Man! Lucas replaces Ness? Ness was cool. I hate to see this guy replace him. Maybe Lucas will be to Ness like Luigi is to Mario (moveset wise).
Epsilon said:
Ooh, more Earthbound charachters, interesting.
RisingPhoenix said:
I like him WAY more than Ness. His attacks look a lot cooler too. I hope he replaces Ness, I might play this guy once in a while.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Lucas seems like a cool character, I wonder about Ness's return though.
Master Foot said:
Could it be that Ness is getting the axe?
Zendalf said:
Does this mean no ness?! There has to be ness. He was the best.
DKX900 said:
Oh god it's Ness v2! Please kill this character, it's a waste of time. I was really hoping smash bros would have the sense to kill Earthbound and Mother.
BonbonJoe said:
I have no idea who he is, but hey, it's a new character.
dragoon3646 said:
I hope he joins ness and isn't taking his place. I don't care what anyone says, ness was cool. I hope they're both in.
B Darius said:
AWESOME! So if Lucas is appearing, then Ness is definitely going to appear as well.
r3y-r3y said:
Cool update but I hope they still have ness.
Wii Freak said:
He looks the same as ness except for his hair.
cookie said:
That is awesome but I hope ness doesn't leave or I will be kind of mad. But anyways he is still cool.
Scooby Jew said:
Why is his mouth always open? Does he draw his power from his Down's Syndrome?
C'mon guys do you seriously think that they are going to replace a vetaren that has been in the game since the beginning?
scramble said:
Well of course ness is going to be in it, he's the main character of Earthbound. That's just like saying link is going to be replaced by a goomba.
pichu fan said:
Know that the rumor wasn't true, maybe the main 12 won't make it after all. I just hope ness will come back with the rest of the characters, no one is having the axe, not this time. I still like this dude.
SSB4LIFE said:
It's nice to get a new character update, but this raises two concerns. A) I hope he won't replace Ness because I really liked playing as him. B) If both he and Ness make it into Brawl, will he be a clone of Ness? I hope not, I hate clones and I don't want to tarnish Ness' reputation.
name said:
He is not replacing ness, if you actually read carefully it mentions ness in the update. Meaning that he is coming back.
Aleric735 said:
I love SSB, but if they don't put in some other cool characters because they wasted slots on people like Lucas, I'll be rather annoyed with Nintendo. I'd be much more happy to see Koopa join the ranks than some character I don't know that seems to be a Ness copy. Here's an idea: CREATE A NEW CHARACTER, Nintendo! Oh by the way, I seriously doubt they'll be tossing aside any of the original SSB characters, so chill out Ness fans.
Elebot said:
Excellent. I was hoping Earthbound would get another character. It just seems fitting. Can't wait to try him out. Yeah, will be very disappointed if Ness is not in Brawl.
ganon man 62 said:
Not very specific on ness. It could mean ness is back or it could say goodbye ness. I really don't care either way. Ness never was my character. I just hope they keep marth.
dec3issofaraway said:
Ness is in for sure. The Smash Dojo website says that "Is it possible he can surpass even Ness?".
Nickhead said:
It's been 4 or 5 weeks since they had a challenger approaching.
insultman911 said:
No ness people. There can only be 1 earthbound character in the game.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Eh, I don't really care for this guy. Didn't care much for Ness either.
insultman911 said:
Dojo'd be great if they had funny captions, but hey. That's why wiisworld is here.
divinity boy said:
Wow, pic 3 looks cool. I never liked Ness very much, but Lucas looks interesting.
sidkid004 said:
He's not completely the same. By the way, Lucas was the main protagonist in Mother 3 for the Gameboy Advance, y'know, if anyone is curious.
NinjaRygar said:
Ness wasn't supposed to even be in Melee. If Mother 3 had been released at the time, Lucas would have been in that game instead. Now that Mother 3 is out, Ness doesn't need to be there. Sakurai said that some characters will be replaced and some won't be returning. It makes sense. Now stop complaining about it and get used to it.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Well, if Ness is out, then I'm all for his replacement.
Nintendoof said:
Great! Still waiting for Olimar. Does anyone else think an Earthbound Wii game is on the horizon?
YoshLee said:
I'm kind of weirded out because before I saw this I was thinking please be a newcomer. This is a cool update.
Super King said:
One hundred dollars says Ness is still in the game. Sakurai wouldn't mention Ness at all (as he does in this update) if he wasn't returning.
Epsilon said:
He LOOKS like Ness, but probably will be different. Ness will probably return in Brawl anyways since he's been in the first two games.
YoshLee said:
Ness will totally return.
MarioDude said:
From what I hear Sakurai said that all the characters from the original SSB 64 would be returning which means ness too shall return.
insultman911 said:
Maybe ness will return. If that character's been in the 2 smash games, they'll probably return. C Falcon might because there's a C Falcon dude as an assist.
Nickhead said:
Gee his hair looks like Jimmy Neutron, the idiot I hate.
Soul Lock said:
Right now, Ness still has a chance. We'll learn if they have an update with Lucas' moveset.
Epsilon said:
Really, Nintendo has no reason to cut Ness. Even though Ness and Lucas MAY end up similar, there'll still probably be a number of noticeable differences, just like with Mario and Luigi.
Rachy1337 said:
He's not a clone of Ness. He's actually more shy. His sprite in Mother 3 doesn't look like calvin or dennis the menace.
EarthBound Player said:
No, there will be no EarthBound for Wii, as far as can be predicted. Shigesato Itoi, creator of EarthBound, has said he does not intend to make any more games (though he suggested that if anyone else wants to take up the franchise, they are welcome). And as for Lucas "not being cool enough", all I can say is that I pity the fool who has never played EarthBound.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I thing Ninjabread Man should be on Super Smash bros Brawl.
Meta Knight said:
You should put ness in brawl too so Lucas and Ness fight each other to see who is the strongest.
Nintendoof said:
EDD said:
Ness was one of the strongest fighters. Now comes lucas trying to take over.
Sagi-Wagi said:
The fourth pick just screams "OBJECTION!".
Belgarath said:
I played as him. He's cooler and better that Ness. Jimmy Neutron?
Hobo Santa said:
I seriously think that Ness is better than Lucas. Lucas just come in and take Ness's place. Sure Ness was in every SSB so far, but he still deserves to be in brawl (by the way, I did a match with lucas at lv9 and ness at lv1 and ness won! XD).