Lucas' special moves are made known today in the official Super Smash Bros Brawl update.
Originally seen in the Mother 3 game, Lucas has psychic abilities as well as some physical tricks up his sleeve.
Sometimes you need a kick up the wazoo.
Lucas really loved his Gamecube.
Hey come back here, I want my money.
C'mon, we've got an appointment with the vet.
Side Special Move: PK Fire.
Things aren't going my way lately.
Standard Special Move: PK Freeze.
It's getting hot in here.
What have I done to deserve this..
Up Special Move: PK Thunder. This is a good move to use for recovery, and also has some value as an attack.
My mind is glowing.
Down Special Move: PSI Magnet. Lucas can use this move to absorb projectiles and other attacks to recover his own damage.
These New Pork kids just won't die.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
SSBB Obsession said:
Great captions as always WiisWorld.
metaknightmaster said:
Then what happens to ness?
Aeth said:
Pikachu: Copycat newb, thunder is my thing. Anyway it looks like Ness isn't coming back as the way they worded it on the Smash Bros Dojo and the fact Lucas has similar powers (and most of Ness's PK moves) lead to that conclusion. All in all an okay update, but kind of sad too as Ness isn't coming back.
frogman said:
Well this means that ness isn't going to be in. The website clearly gave tis away saying, "There's a character named Ness who has appeared in the Smash Bros Series up until now". So long, Ness. A would-be clone took your place.
insultman911 said:
Ness should be in brawl with Lucas. They could fight to see who's better.
Nintendoof said:
Poor, poor Ness - he's been replaced.
Peach is #1 said:
I didn't like Ness all that much anyway, Lucas is better.
Hey said:
Ness'll probably still be there.
wiicloud9 said:
-sigh- Bye, Ness. Have fun not being Earthbound any more.
Supayoshi88 said:
Yea, I think this update just confirmed that Ness won't be in the game. It's kind of sad because, I didn't really want Sakurai to get rid of any previous characters, I just wanted him to add a whole bunch of new ones. When I saw the Ice Climbers returning I thought maybe he didn't replace any, but now we know. I wanted the roster to be like forty or more characters.
Kamehameha X said:
Well, this is all well and good, and although I miss Ness with a vengeance, I am resigned to the fact that Lucas will be pretty cool. Does anyone have any idea what Lucas' Final Smash is? Ness' would have been PSI Rockin'.
PHiRE said:
He didn't specifically say Ness is out, don't jump to conclusions.
B Darius said:
It's basically Ness, except for PK Freeze instead of PK Flash.
llamaz said:
"Lucas is better"- oh, you've played this game already? The game that isn't out yet? Stupid.
Elebot said:
While I will greatly miss Ness if he doesn't show up in Brawl, Lucas will be a suitable replacement. In some ways, I kind of like him better. He seems like he's got a better personality or something.
kool-aid man said:
Maybe ness will be a secret character.
RisingPhoenix said:
The line "up until now" can be read in many different ways. I really doubt that Ness won't appear, why replace a character that's been with us since part 1? Anyway, I like Lucas' moves but his blue shield doesn't cover his entire body like it used to on Ness in previous games. I like it better when it covers the entire body. By the way Lucas is still cooler.
EDD said:
Ness still has a chance since Lucas' moves are different.
Zendalf said:
If ness is gone I am so going to kick someone's ass.
SSB4LIFE said:
Ness, he was my best character in ALL the games. He's gone now. NOOOOO.
#1 Peach Fan said:
If Ness isn't in, I won't be all that shocked. I didn't hate Ness though, I used him often. I guess this means the cloning is out, hopefully if clones are in they fix them. I'm waiting on Luigi to be in.
cookie said:
Ness is the best, that isn't really fair. Supayoshi88 was thinking what I was thinking, that once ice climbers are in no one will be left out, bet I was wrong. But on the bright side PHire can be right, let's not jump to conclusions.
i need a wiieww said:
Dammit, all these years and I've never thought of using pk thunder to recover like that in melee.
Dark Star said:
This probably means Ness is out (note Ness fans I said probably). "There's a character named Ness who has appeared in the Smash Bros series up until now". That either means Ness is most likely out or something was lost in translation.
pichu fan said:
Hey peach is #1, you don't know who's better without a fight. So there is no way Lucas is better, get that straight. Ness belongs not Lucas.
Milkman844 said:
I think that they'll cut down on clones and ness is out. But as ness is being replaced by essentially the same character with a different name, I don't see why they wouldn't have kept him. Everyone is used to having ness.
Wiiping for wii said:
Love that "pika?" comment, keep up the good work.
Scooby Jew said:
I really hope he doesn't cut out Ness. He's such a badass, nobody can deny that. I know, his smash up A and smash down A were horrible, but that can all be fixed because Sakurai is God.
Zumwan said:
The freezing one is almost like the PK flash. Besides that one, all the other special moves are the same as Ness! I really hope they take out ness. Don't worry, Ness fans, it will be the same character only with a different hair, like Roy fans if he is replaced with Ike. Don't you realize they are the same characters. Snake caption was GREAT, so was the fox-PK flash caption.
willandhiswii said:
Ness is my best character, he can't be gone.
feb10isfartheraway said:
Ness gone. Sigh. Oh well. At least this person can electrocute, freeze and burn enemies.
doglover said:
The only one different is the freeze thing.
smashdodo said:
I like Lucas' smash moves but I still think they should put Ness in.
pichu fan said:
Ness don't go, a journey awaits you for the ultimate battle. Marth and Roy, you too.
zaulster said:
Umm I don't think they would remove any characters.
divinityboy said:
He has some cool moves, but who really cares about Ness? He's been replaced with Lucas who is even more powerful.
RisingPhoenix said:
Ness won't be gone! It's stupid to take out a veteran character. I can't stand Ness, I truly hate him, but he is a "classic" character, he's an original. And he is NOT the same as Lucas, they just look the same and have the same Up+B and Side+B, but his Down+B, B, and his A's and maneuverability are completely different (it's like wanting Luigi out because he's "similar" to Mario, it's ridiculous).
andyboy said:
Like a few other people said, don't be so sure that ness is gone. I think it may be a tease, and the words "up until now" don't make the odds of him returning seem too good, yet they are still ambiguous nonetheless. Besides, lucas is not really a clone, and sakurai probably wouldn't take out any characters that weren't "unnecessary" (i.e. Young link, dr Mario, pichu). Maybe he'll go back to super secret character status like he was in the original super smash bros?
xMr1337x said:
Does anyone know if you can actually control the freeze thing? Or is it like Ness' small range exploding thunder thing?
Brawl into horizon said:
Ness (sigh), you rocked in a way and yet you were so inferior in others. Ness had been one of my favorite 3 characters in melee. But the harsh truth is that he was a super low tier fighter. This Lucas seems like he's going to kick some serious ass but it's like the following: Solid Snake vs Raiden. Cool isn't always the best, but then again, can it be?
Zumwan said:
Hey, RisingPhoenix, The down+B move is also the same.
Dark Star said:
After taking a second look and translating the other forms of the dojo, I found that all the other forms say nothing about "until now". This "until now" junk is probably just something lost in translation, like a certain soft drink that's English slogan was "Come alive with the Pop generation". When it got translated to Japanese it became "Pop brings your ancestors back from the dead".
insultman911 said:
I'm going to kind of miss playing baseball with ness. I made up this game called nessball, you pick ness and use a mr saturn as a baseball and play some ball, but you can also use the home run bat, so it's not a problem.
Dayless Night said:
Very good point Dark Star (I'm still laughing at it). I personally don't care either way, I didn't use Ness other than to beat all three modes with everyone.
Kito536 said:
I hated Ness anyways, Lucas is a cool kid.
Mother3 said:
Lucas is high tier material, and his Pk fire is superior to Ness'. ALSO Pk thunder does not dissipate when it hits someone, it can pass through an enemy multiple times, and when it hits Lucas and he launches into you it's an attack. Finally anyone who THOUGHT Ness wasn't in this game, you fail.
Jim123 said:
Lucas and Ness are NOT the same. I have played it. Ness's yo-yo is weak, Lucas's up A and Down A moves are really strong. They look like yellow PK stuff. And if a character has around 40% Lucas's up A is instant KO and even if a character has 0% if Lucas charges the power of it all the way (hold up A) then it's almost always instant KO. Lucas down be heals faster than Ness and if someone attacks from the behind he will still absorb it whether it covers his whole body (which it doesn't) or not. And his pk thunder when it hits him goes farther, stronger, keeps going (keeps hitting the opponent) unlike ness, ness pk thunder stops when it hits some one. LUCAS IS awesome.