LucasArts peeved at Nintendo

LucasArts peeved at Nintendo

A report in the most recent Game Informer magazine suggests that a number of companies are annoyed with Nintendo about being kept in the dark about the MotionPlus accessory.

Publishers LucasArts are said to be particularly upset, since Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels is a Wii-exclusive title which could have really benefited from using the addon, had they known about it. As it stands, the game won't support 1:1 motion.

Nintendo aren't always known for keeping good relations with third parties, was it a mistake this time?

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Rob Jones

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gatorade said:

Makes me wonder if the motion plus will actually be good. I'm sure if it fixes the glitches it's supposed to the star wars game would be much better. I was disappointed with the glitches in the sword fighting in red steel.



Like I said before Nintendo has ruled with an iron fist for years and sometime that fist affects the decisions that are made. The Wii has been spammed with bad releases and decisions since day 1, let's pick it up BIG N or do I have to start calling you little n.


Tom said:

If they'd have shown the motionplus before E3, the other guys may have stolen it before Nintendo can finalize it. So in the end, it is reasonable.


SkullHydra said:

I guess that a 1:1 lightsaber game is just a dream for now.


Master Foot said:

BAD MOVE! Since the Wii's inception, people have been clamoring for the "Ultimate 1:1 lightsaber game". Clone Wars was what Wii needed to demonstrate that and I'm mad at Nintendo for not telling LucasArts about it. The game will definitely not be what fans have been hoping for. On the plus side, they will probably work on a sequel once the motion plus is released, but I fear that LucasArts feels burned about the deception and may leave Nintendo up to its shovelware shenanigans.


Senpai said:

Well look at it like this, not only would it have been unsafe for Nintendo to have given the wmp prior to e3 (even the best devs can't be trusted with this stuff) but also, what good could it really do? The 1:1 could only help DEFINE movements in this case, they should stop whining and just make a 3rd/1st person game where the 1:1 is critical.


Yoshi-1up said:

Well, they can make a second game and stfu. Nintendo is going at a nice steady pace.


Nintendoof said:

Hopefully, it's for the best. Right? Maybe?


wiiboy101 said:

Lucasarts shut up, you made up lies about ds a few months back about cart sizes, you also stated some average looking 3rd person shooter game couldn't run on Wii, both of which were clear lies. Now you complain about Wii motion plus, it's got nothing to do with Wii motion plus you're simply using this as an excuse for the fact your new Wii game most likely has weak motion play and that's your DEVELOPER'S fault clearly.


YoshLee said:

I fully agree with Wiiboy101, Lucas arts is one of the worst gaming companies I've ever heard of. They're all the way up on that list with THQ.

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Nova said:

I've heard a lot about this on the IGN podcasts. I got to play this game at Comic-Con in San Diego and I noticed it felt like soul calibur just replacing the random button mashing with random swings and waggle. It would have been a lot cooler with 1:1. But of course that would mean that to be good you actually have to be GOOD at fencing or something.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Big deal! SEGA was and Sony is too public about it, if they're too public the developers make crappy games that barely fit the accessory. Besides they know now and can use it.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Make a new game, you made thousands for N64 and GameCube, you can make a new one.

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Nova said:

Actually, looking back there weren't a whole lot on GC and N64. I mean there was Rogue Squadron and SW Episode 1 Racer and like two others on N64, and only four that I can think of on Gamecube.

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