Here's a new assist trophy in Super Smash Bros Brawl, it's Lyn from the Fire Emblem franchise.
Lyn comes packing a classic Japanese sword, and she knows how to use it. Grabbing your enemies will make it easier for her to slice them up.
I'll cut you open like a tin o' beans.
Damn, I keep stepping on this thing.
1) Vanish. 2) Flash. 3) ????. 4) PROFIT!
Squeal piggy!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Super King said:
I kind of wish Ike and Lyn would switch places in Brawl (the gameboy fire emblems are way better than the gamecube one).
Nintendeth said:
I would have liked to see her as a playable character, but this will have to do, I guess.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
She should be a main character.
dragoon3646 said:
I believe they made her an assist because it would make everyone too happy to see her do a double jump in that dress. And this is Nintendo even though ssbm got a teen rating.
pichu fan said:
She would be great for a character but marth, roy and ike is enough.
Sonic Phantom said:
Lyn is so awesome. As much as I would like to see her playable, I think an assist is fine. But this is a cool update. You're doing great Lyn.
Pez said:
Nice south park quote on the 3rd pic. Definitely one of my favorite episodes.
BrothaZ said:
We don't know that roy is in yet. It's kind of funny, this morning I was like "please no pokemon today" and it's an assist trophy. This lyn is the one from The Sacred Stones, right?
insultman911 said:
We need another fire emblem dude.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Dragoon has a point; you know how many people, myself included, paused the game just right to see up Peach's dress last time? At least she's right at the top of the "best Assist Tropy" list for me.
Wii decimates all said:
Ike with "Ragnell" would totally pwn her.
Chaos said:
I loved the Fire Emblem games on the Game Boy Advance. I'd have love to have Lyn as a playable character too, but I guess I'm just glad to even see her in the game.
RisingPhoenix said:
I don't know anything of Fire Emblem, but there needs to be a female sword user.
Fire Emblem Fan 15 said:
Super King, I believe it should be the other way around, nah she was ok in Fire Emblem unless you gave her power ups.
SSB4LIFE said:
I don't care what reasons there are against her, I still want to play as her. Characters with swords are my favorite. Plus, she's damn hot.
Never enough said:
Marth, Roy and Ike isn't enough. They should have the main characters of all of the newer Fire Emblems.
YoshLee said:
I thought she would be an actual character but it's all right if lyn's an assist trophy.
tam uchiha said:
Could there be more fire emblem characters?
wiigator said:
Damn funny captions.
Lezaed Valeth said:
She should have been a playable character. The whole thing is FOLLY.
Captain Jamesman said:
Ouch, their goes the pink nosed beast.
Elebot said:
Yeah, I think this is another nice assist trophy. I wasn't too crazy about that dude from Sim City or Samurai, but I do like Lyn. We'll see where this goes, I suppose.
N00bhunter0 said:
It would be cool if she was a character, but oh well she is just as good as an item.
ganon man 62 said:
I agree with risingphoenix, we have yet to have a female sword fighter. Personally I'd like to see the girl who rides the dragon (Jill I think). If Nintendo's smart she'll be a character.
Sonic Phantom said:
BrothaZ, she is from the original Fire Emblem. Not from Sacred Stones.
my self said:
Yoshlee if there is any more fire emblem charters what's the point in the game? It would just be "Fire Emblem Brawl".
The Doc said:
I like what they're doing! I hope if Dixie Kong doesn't make it as a character she'll be an assist trophy, but then I'll be disappointed she's not playable. Woe is me.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I was hoping to play as her. She looks like she's going to kick some major booty.
mfair4d said:
Lyn is probably my favorite character in FE. It would be great if she was a playable character. Well this means I will have to get an action replay.
davyt 0247 said:
OUCH! I would hate to be on the wrong end of that sword! I would have liked it if she was playable, (since we don't have a female sword user yet). But it look like she packs a heck of a punch.
LYndis LOVer said:
I love lyn, I was so disappointed when I found out she was in the game, but not a playable character. She is one of the strongest characters in fire emblem (the "original" to all you Americans). Anyway, I really hope they put her in ssb4 if they make one, I guess I'll have to settle for ZSS in brawl, ugh. And yes, fear her sword.
Lyn Lover said:
If she was playable it wouldn't really be a fight, it would be her drawing a her sword and then the other person would just fall over dead ~level 20 bladelords pwn~.
YoshLee said:
@Myself: There are two fire Emblem characters in brawl when there are 4 Mario characters (6 if you count Yoshi and Wario) and 4 LOZ characters. Trust me it wouldn't hurt to have more FE characters. And I take back what I said, Lyn should have been in brawl PERIOD! It would have been especially awesome if the game had the war tactician commanding Lyn, Eliwood and Hector.
Rhyden said:
It'd be coolio if it was like, Lyn and Valter instead of Ike. I mean, I hated Ike. I like Roy much moar.
YoshLee said:
Rhyden: Why Valter? He was the typical, generic, insane, dragon riding nutcase from FE8 (Sacred Stones) that you see in EVERY Fire Emblem game. I'd pick Ike over him ANY day. I also REALLY wish people would get over Roy not appearing in brawl. I like Roy, in fact I like him enough to have played the translated version of his game on an emulator, but Ike is not, I repeat IS NOT the cause for Roy's absence on the roster. I'm assuming the commonly believed theory that Ike is Roy's replacement for Brawl is why Rhyden doesn't, pardon the pun 'like Ike'. The only problem is the theory IS WRONG! Roy was only in melee to advertise Fire Emblem Fuin No Tsurugi in Japan (SmashWiki it), after the game was released Nintendo saw no reason to have him be in the roster of the next game AKA SSBB. Even if Ike wasn't in brawl, Roy wouldn't have made it in either so people quit blaming Ike, and quit referring to him as Roy's 'replacement'. Referring to Ike as that follows no true logic.