While everywhere else is busy banning or pruning Manhunt 2, the real land of the free, Holland, will be able to sell the game as it was originally intended. In fact, it would be illegal for the Dutch Ministry to interfere. Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin wrote:
"The current law is based on the principle that every adult is considered capable of deciding for himself which games he wants to play, unless it contains illegal material".
So if you're in the PAL region and want an uncut version, maybe importing from Holland is the way to go.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Vive la Oui said:
W00t finally some good news from the lowlands.
wiiboy101 said:
Love holland, I've worked there. Liberal and open minded.
wiiguy said:
But murdering people is illegal (however it's been done in many games, and they never say it's illegal), so I don't get it.
Master Foot said:
That statement just negated the perceived freedom of choice in American society. This is why I cannot stand the lobbyists, activists and politicians because I feel like these retards are in fact encroaching on the so called "freedom of speech" by censoring Rockstar's creations. What Rockstar should do to that version is have English subtitles or VO, and make it region free.
david K said:
I'm importing hell yeah, but would it have english capabilities.
Koen van Beeck said:
I live in the Netherlands! Awesome.
Dutch Sebas said:
I'm Dutch! So, we ROCK.
Nova said:
Not that I live in Europe, but I don't even know if there is a Holland Amazon.
Jack Glasgow said:
Hmm, guess it's youtube for me if I want to see what content is in the Holland version.
Scooby Jew said:
United we stand. In Holland. There's going to be a lot of exports from there, I bet.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I'm jealous. Now I want to go to Holland, just to play Manhunt 2 in its original gory. Why doesn't the US adopt that same way of thinking? Isn't that what the Three Freedoms are all about? I hope Hillary Clinton doesn't get voted as president; this problem will get so much bigger if that happens.
flamic said:
Importing as I type this.
Amer said:
Awesome, I live in Holland, I'm so getting it.
jonathan kent said:
Manhunt 2 uncut and rated '16'. God bless you Holland, but I wouldn't get my hopes up, Rockstar themselves have NOT confirmed they will release it uncut in Holland. It just says they COULD if they want to. Let's hope Rockstar do! But there is a part of me that thinks they will release the modified version for all countries just for a quiet life.
A Yoshi Fan said:
We need Wii Freeloader. HURRY DATEL! Assuming it's in English.
cmk said:
The real land of the free, heehee. It's actually kind of true. I'm not a big fan of censorship.
Nintendoof said:
Nice shoes Goomba.
Koen van Beeck said:
Master Foot and David K: We almost NEVER have Dutch games over here, in the Netherlands. I'm assuming that while this version of the game seems to be unique to our country, the text and voice acting will still be entirely English, as always.
Splintercell4ever said:
You guys make me sick. Instead of hoping for more rights to violate, how about you actually concentrate on a better life. Liberals are one of the evilest groups in the universe. They actually allow the option of giving deaths to infants. Is that what you want? You really think abortion should be allowed? What about gay marriage? It clearly says in the bible, "one man, and one woman". Instead of whining about some video game being curtained, how about actually utilizing your life to the maximum, and make a difference.
cavera said:
Splintercell4ever, go play sonic. You don't belong here.
flamic said:
Splinter keep your beliefs to yourself. Not everyone here believes in the bible and jesus. While I do believe I find it wrong to try to force your beliefs on other people.
Nova said:
Flamic, I totally agree with you. I am christian but I am also a liberal democrat who believes that people have the right to gay marriage. But I still don't think much of abortions. But enough of this. No more political statements. This is a video game site.
Splintercell4ever said:
I never forced my beliefs on anyone. I just said to everyone they should live their life to the maximum. If you're conservative, that's fine; and if you're liberal, that's fine too. But hey, instead of protesting against some malignant thing, how about doing to a beneficial one.
TruBlu said:
Splintercell4ever, watch your mouth, please. I'm fine with gay marriage AND abortion. Anyways, Goomba can now chop people's balls off since it's uncensored,.
bob said:
Where from holland can I import from.
Alex said:
Can't you get manhunt 2 uncensored for the Wii anyways? On the back it says ED TV so you should be able to do that online for Wii right?