March NPD sales figures

March NPD sales figures

Last month's hardware sales figures for the US have been published by the happy folk at NPD Group.

    March 2010 (US)
  1. Nintendo DS - 700,800
  2. Nintendo Wii - 557,500
  3. Xbox 360 - 338,400
  4. PlayStation 3 - 313,900
  5. PSP - 119,900

Nintendo cruisin' as always.

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Rob Jones

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WiiNinja said:

PSP's a joke right now. It's always in last place.


wiiboy101 said:

Ps3 last place for consoles as it has been for 3.5 years but it's in fact shortages, can sony and her fans stop making mythology on the internet, it's getting very sad and pathetic. Shortages is the new year of the ps3 or the new wait for game X to ship every single excuse is exhausted and now a new mythology it's all a mythical shortage to blame for ps3 poor sales. Who do they think they're kidding.


Jordan said:

Wiiboy101, why do you only comment on these NPD results? It is as if you wait just to moan about the PS3, if you don't like it, why do you think anyone else cares? I have a Wii, PS3, DS and PSP and I play them all just as much. I personally don't care which console is selling best, I care about my enjoyment.

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Nova said:

Apparently 360 is last in worldwide sales. I mean just look at how it's been doing in Japan.


wiiboy101 said:

Where have I moaned. I stated a fact of life, how is that moaning. The moaners isn't that the forum dwellers trying it on with fabricated stories of ps3 shortages. I only post on ndp's I think you will find. I'm most consistent poster on this little blog I've supported it since it came to be out of respect for it, I only post on ndps YOU BLATANTLY MADE THAT UP. The only people you need to take attitude with are those making up myths like there's ps3 shortages, it's a lie.

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