Shaun Blob Man

Shaun Blob Man

Time to look at some more box arts, two of them are from Japan. First up is De Blob.

Shaun White Snowboarding.

And for something a little different, the official soundtrack to Mega Man 9.

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Rob Jones

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Nintendoof said:

Finally! De Blob. They said it would come out Spring of 2008. So it's TBA again.

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Nova said:

Does MM9 actually have a decent soundtrack? I can't imagine an 8bit game would have good enough music for an official soundtrack. Without remixes of course.


Iron Maiden said:

I have my eye on De Blob.


thetrvth said:

Oh wow, de Blob has fierce, angry eyes on his Western boxart, but not the Japanese version. It's like Kirbygate all over again.

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