Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune spoke recently in a Q+A session on the Bionic Commando podcast. He revealed that he hasn't yet been approached about including Mega Man in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
"Well, I really do love Super Smash Brothers. It's a great series. But Nintendo hasn't asked me if they can use Mega Man in their game. I'm still waiting. We have a little bit of time left, it's not coming out for another few months. They might get around to asking us. Maybe if anybody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they'll give me a call".
Of course he could just be fooling around, keeping everyone guessing.
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User comments
Juan said:
That would be awesome.
Ian C said:
Oh "sniff". That would be a revelation to all.
insultman911 said:
Uh Megaman was getting too old anyway. If this is true, there would be no Megaman in brawl. Characters would have to make a Wii game appearance before going on brawl.
Nintendoof said:
He would be a Kirby/Samus character.
Frogman said:
No. It wouldn't be awesome. Megaman is a copy of Samus. Seriously, he's got the gun arm and the suit, why don't they just give him the morphball while they're at it. The two are so similar that it's almost like Keiji Inafune started playing Metroid one night and suddenly had the amazing ORIGINAL idea about a NEW video game hero who blasted his enemies with a gun on his arm. That's a run-on sentence by the way. The point is that Nintendo hasn't approached Keiji about Megaman because they know he's a dirty copy.
Itachi said:
pichu fan said:
I hope he's in somehow.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Rayman would be cooler.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
Wow that would be awesome if he was in it.
Senpai said:
Too bad, unlike sonic, mega man deserves to be a third party character.
Sonic Phantom said:
I'm going to be honest here, I seriously am a Megaman hater. I hate Mega Man so much! I surely hope that he isn't Brawl. For starters, he's too much like Samus. We don't need another character that's like Samus. I would rather see Prince of Persia in Brawl, because he has a lot of different moves that could prove useful. And I have an idea on what his Final Smash may be.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I'd love to see all the outfits Mega Man would have. I would love to have him in.
shindrA said:
I was expecting megaman and megaman x.
Yoshi-1up said:
If Mega Man is in SSBB, the game would be perfect.
Wii Freak said:
That would be cool if he was in brawl.
Meatray42 said:
Zero would be cool.
Aeth said:
Okay, everyone, let's step into reality for a moment. Yes we have a whole batch of characters we want for Super Smash Bros Brawl, some being Third-Party. Now we got Sonic in, and it was said that their could be a third party character added, but we now have one thing working against us: time. Since Keiji made that announcment recently, then it's most likely too late. IT takes weeks to program a character and Super Smash Bros is right now in it's final production stage. To add Mega Man would mean once again stalling it once again to just add one character. They didn't do that for a Third-Party in Melee (Snake was supposed to be added but it was too far in production so they waited until Brawl), they aren't going to do that for Brawl.
Scooby Jew said:
That's the most likely final 3rd-party character in Brawl. I hope Sakurai rings him up and says "Hey. Mega Man, Brawl, now".
Miiiikkee said:
Although he would not be a copy of Samus, I won't be sad if he is or isn't in the game.
Nickhead said:
I agree with Diddy Kong lover, Rayman is better.
Juan said:
No wait, instead, why doesn't Capcom let Ryu go in Brawl! That would be AWESOMER.
ganon man 62 said:
I hate when people say megaman is a samus copy. You people know nothing of megaman. He has sleep pills and so much stuff that samus doesn't have. Also this interview says there's a few months until brawl. That means that this is old news. Mega man may have been negotiated by now.
SuperMatt said:
Bomberman would be cooler.
jskrdude said:
I never really liked the megaman games too much. But it would be cool, the more the merrier, right? I'm hoping Keiji is confused about the SSBB release date. Or I'm hoping that this is old news. Because I can't wait another few months.
WiiNinja said:
Rayman WOULD be cooler.
YoshLee said:
What the heck, Nintendo should ask them to include mega man (preferably star force, or battle network) and also ask square enix for geno.
BrothaZ said:
People could ask for someone better than megaman, you guys. It'd be cool but a bit unusual for him to be in brawl.
ganon man 62 said:
Insultman: Did snake make a Wii appearance? Also, why do people say he's too much like Samus. Those are usually the people who haven't played a game with Megaman.
sidkid004 said:
Only if they put in the original Mega Man or Mega Man X, otherwise it would probably suck.
benny said:
Insultman says that third party characters have to appear in a Wii game first. Solid Snake has not, and maybe he never will.
GamingGuy84 said:
Okay, for those of you who don't want Megaman in Brawl: It is not up to you if he gets in or not. I would like to see the blue bomber in the game (don't flame me for this). If he does get in, I'm sure they will alter his moveset so that Megaman would not appear such a clone to Samus or Kirby.
Go Wii said:
He maybe like samus, but they could make it work, lessen his attacks but boost the speed. I think he would be a decent alternative and I think they should get as many characters as possible without making "fillers" like cliffairy in SSBM. Hell, throw in RayMan, that series is doing Nintendo a world of good. Notice the Rabbit->
Captain Jamesman said:
He really should be in Brawl. He'd make a great character.
Mr KickAss said:
Cmon people, having megaman would be awesome! And he isn't a copy of Samus. Sure, he has a gun on his arm and the suit, but the resemblance ends there. How does Samus get her weapons? Pick-ups from killing bosses and getting to special rooms, and those weapons from the bosses have absolutely NO RESEMBLANCE to the boss! Megaman? He gets his weapons by COPYING his bosses favorite move, then kills him, downloads data, and then he can use the weapon. He doesn't have bombs, missiles, visors, or any of that. I would definitely love to see Megaman and X in this game, then we'd see who has the better guns, Mega or Samus.
Mr KickAss said:
Sonic does deserve to be in, he HAS to be in, have you SEEN how many Mario vs Sonic movies Newgrounds has gotten? 4 pages full! Everyone wants the answer to this undying question: Who would kick who's ass? Sonic or Mario?
LegatoSkyheart said:
If Megaman gets in Brawl; It'll have to be "X".
YoshLee said:
Any mega man in the game would be awesome. Oh and I say if Mario had access to his power-up items it would be a tie between Mario and Sonic.
Aeth said:
The "This Character Doesn't Belong In Brawl" thing also annoys me. Okay, now I have said it about a few characters but that's only if the character they said were ridiculous (example: Master Chief from Halo), but characters like MegaMan, Sora, Cloud etc have appeared on Nintendo's consoles and therefore qualify to be in Brawl. Does Megaman still have his ability to copy his foes power? Now for those who don't know about Megaman, this isn't like Kirby's Inhale. When Megaman copies his opponent's power, he's just simply powering his cannon. Here's an idea, when he uses absorb on an opponent he actually takes away damage from them. After doing this several times he then fires his cannon and transfer all the damage he absorbed to the character hit by the cannon (Of course Megaman won't take damage doing this, all damage absorbed will be stored in his cannon). Also here's an idea hwo to settle the Mario VS Sonic debate, have a Sega representative and Nintendo representative play as Sonic and Brawl and verse each other with 99 Lives, on Battlefield, no items nor Smash Orbs.
Dark Star said:
Ganon man 62, yes Snake had an appearance on the NES. Insultman911, it was they had to appear on any Nintendo console not just the Wii.
shaun said:
Mega man should be in brawl because sonic and snake are the only two 3rd party characters.
Step said:
I so want Megaman to be in SSBB, that would clinch a sale for me.
johnnystormass said:
So what everyone is saying is megaman is a clone? You'd have to figure they would include 4 different move sets. First the gun would be close to samus' but nobody complained about mewtwo's move. Then they'd probably give him different guns from the series like the scissor gun or platform gun.
Master Foot said:
Maybe he's a secret character along with a few others. So far, it seems that Nintendo has already given away most of the characters although, I don't expect them to release any more before February.
Wapeach said:
Just thought I should point out this does nothing to Megaman's chances. Mr Inafune actually owns no rights to Megaman, only Capcom does. Perhaps, seeing as Inafune seems to be a Smash fan, Sakurai and Capcom are giving him a special surprise by putting Megaman in Brawl?
schallabahe said:
Still, the rabbids would be cooler than Rayman.
Hey said:
Mr KickAss, the answer to that question is Mario. Mario would school Sonic.
DevonS said:
Megaman, a copy of Samus? Get real. Their only similarity is the arm cannon. Megaman can't shoot missiles, do the screw attack, or drop bombs in morph ball form. The similarities end at the arm cannon (and that isn't saying much). Megaman has so many different moves that it's just pain unfair to call him a clone of Samus. And no it won't have to be X. Classic Megaman came first. Putting X or zero or anyone other than him would pretty much be a giant middle finger to the entire Megaman fanbase. Also, Rayman doesn't have a chance to be in Brawl.
Morphman said:
Anyone who says that megaman is a copy of Samus is a freakin' idiot. They must have not played any of his games as well. And Keji Inafune does not own Megaman so he might not have heard. Just passing knowledge.
wiiman said:
I guess he would be ok but doesn't really make a difference. I agree with frogman in he is too much alike with Samus to be in the same game.
wiiman said:
Ya "X" is cool character. He has that "X" factor about him.
smashman5242 said:
Megaman is nothing, and I say nothing, like Samus. And Megaman doesn't absorb like Kirby, he absorbs their energy, Kirby eats them.
noneyaBswax said:
Megaman needs to be in this game or I may not buy it.
Master Foot said:
This is the home stretch for Brawl. All characters, secret and confirmed, should already be in the final build. BigN probably wanted 3rd party characters to at least have a 10-15 year franchise, so I highly doubt that Sora and Cloud are even going to make it. If that's the case, then SquarEnix should remake Ehrgeiz. I would like to see Geno or Jagger from Mario RPG, but that may be a stretch. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Sonic Phantom said:
Mr Kickass, Sonic was announced to be in Brawl a long time ago. And Sonic would pound Mario. No offense to the plumber, but I like Sonic more.
Aeth said:
Well there is only one way to decide the Mario VS. Sonic argument: Computer Mario and Sonic, give them 99 lives, turn off items and Final Smashes, Battlefield, and music from a non-Mario and Sonic game. Let 'em loose and see who wins.
YoshLee said:
I agree with morph man really, Samus can't turn her arm cannon into a sword.
YoshLee said:
Master Foot yes it is a bit of a stretch, but at least square enix and Nintendo are on good terms. Plus Geno is like the third most recommended character or something.
Sonic Phantom said:
Actually, I heard rumors that Cloud Strife was going to be the final third party character for Brawl.
Plaugefiend said:
Mega Man would be a good choice, but what will his moves be though? I would rather have Zero in it then Mega Man, but beggars can't be choosers. Maybe Lucario could be in brawl. That Pokemon is getting quite famous. More famous than Pichachu, or what ever it's called. Besides, I really think that yellow rodent is getting a little annoying sometimes. I'm no Pokemon hater. "And thus, let the Chaos begin! For Father Nurgel!".
elmo said:
For Mega Man his attacks could be his different forms (ice, rock scissors) and of course his charger.
Ash Ketchum said:
Ok so besides the arm cannon and the suit, how else are MegaMan and Samus the same? None, only those two. So they could make Megaman a special set of moves seperate from Samus.
that one dude said:
Megaman X needs to be in brawl! Samus is a cheap version of X who is stealing his spotlight. X will most definitely be one of the best guys in the game if he's included, which I think he should. Think about how many people would love to see X beating anybody's ass, especially Samus.
Plaugefiend said:
Sonic Phantom, please don't say anything about Cloud Strife. He should stay for the PS2 games. He wouldn't really fit in Brawl. Mega Man at least fits in the picture. Or cake, or pie, or whatever.
Aeth said:
Yay, Lucario is quite popular due to its movie appearance. So it's possible it'll be a playable Pokemon character along with Pikachu and Pokemon Trainer (I doubt that Pichu and Mewtwo will return, and also having doubts that Jigglypuff might not be returning either). Cloud is a bit of stretch as the only Nintendo game he appeared in was Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories or we already have a controversy with that about Sora. BUT maybe, if Square-Enix wanted to, they could add in a Moogle Assist Trophy. It could float around the field throwing out items. Also, to appease both fans and haters, maybe they could add a few pieces of Kingdom Hearts music (since they already have the Kingdom Hearts composer, Yoko Shimomura, on the list of composers). This way Kingdom Hearts haters don't have to deal with Sora and fans will get to fight to their favorite Kingdom Hearts music (few of my choices: "Rowdy Rumble" and "Let Them Struggle"). Also, since there will be Kingdom Hearts music, I also think it should be fair to have a Sora trophy in order to inform people that there is Kingdom Hearts material in the game if they do add Kingdom Hearts music.
Lt11 said:
If Storm is in it then there will be an overrated character in Brawl. If Megaman is in, it could be Star Force or Classic.
mega fan said:
The canons aren't really alike. Mega Man has two hands and one of those hands goes into a canon, Samus just has a canon.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Mega Man was a Big N original so it would be logical to add him. NiGHTs, Rayman, Bomberman and Tails would be excellent third party. First party would be Blaziken, Lucario, Dixie Kong and Bowser Jr.
Mr Wii said:
If they do add Megaman, maybe his final smash could be G Crush from x2.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
Don't say that! Sora definitely belongs in Brawl and Cloud could be a powerful Assist Trophy. Then everyone would be happy!
Plaugefiend said:
Mega fan, you're right, Mega Man does have two hands, and he "might" have some of Zero's moves. At least that's what the rumor said. Still hoping for another character to show up though.
Toady said:
That would be awesome if colonal and zero were on brawl.
Meteor said:
That sucks, Megaman is 50 times the video game icon Samus could ever be.
Lin said:
Here's a thought, if megaman were to be in the game, each of his skins could be from a different megaman series. His normal skin could be the classic megaman blue, alternate 1 could be classic megaman red (rush style), alternate 2 could be megaman X, and alternate 3 could be megaman NT. Anyways, I think he would be right at home in brawl considering the ssb series has lots of classic characters (Game & Watch for example). Just my 2 cents.
Davinator said:
Ok, why should Sora be in a Nintendo game? Cloud and Sora are from Playstation games. That one gameboy game with them is a joke if you want to consider it reason for him to be in. Snake barely belongs there, he's cool, yes, but he doesn't scream Nintendo. I probably will like him, but I would hate Sora, and if you think him and cloud would be a better choice over Mega Man, then you are, and I'm sorry to say, ignorant. One game on a Nintendo system, whoop dee doo, for that matter, include Master Chief, he was on an in-development DS game, that really does exist in beta copies, again, I'd hate Chief in Brawl. Hearts and FF are great games, but they are from a playstation. That dumb gameboy game was only out because psp didn't exist yet. Mega Man has strayed from Nintendo at times, like many characters did. But if a choice like Sonic (A SEGA CHARACTER!) got in, Mega Man, a character that had a majority of his games on a Nintendo system, he pwns Sora in his chances. Again, I'm not bashing Sora as a character, I'm just saying you have to be real. At least sonic could pass off as a Nintendo character.
TruBlu said:
If it's true that Nintendo hasn't asked the creator of Megaman about the matter, then the chances of Megaman being included in Brawl are slim to none. They would have to rush Mega's programming and everything, thus creating a cruddy, rushed Smash Brother.
Sonic Phantom said:
Actually Davinator, Sora did appear on a Kingdom Hearts game for the Game Boy advance I believe, and Cloud did make a cameo appearance in that as well. That would increase their chances of getting in Brawl, but just slightly. Square Enix are close to Nintendo, so Cloud might have a chance because he might be an unlockable third party character.
megafan said:
Correction, mega man is a lot different than samus. He can't do morph ball, he can't use grapple beam, he can't do a screw attack, and he copies other players abilities. My idea is that he is like kirby but you can copy more than one attack, and press down be to switch each attacks you have copied. You press side be to steal their side be moves. Finally mega man's final smash would be wild fire. Mega man would fire a beam of energy while he fires the copied powers simultaneously rapidly. If you want to make Nintendo put mega man in ssbb, why don't you ask Nintendo. It's worth a shot.
TruBlu said:
The Kindom Hearts GBA game is called "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories". A good game, I might add. I didn't really want Megaman in anyway, no offense anyone.
TruBlu said:
Sonic Phantom's opinions are the best.
Captain Jamesman said:
Sonic Phantom, I am utterly shocked at one of your earlier posts about Megaman. But yeah, Cloud would make a good character, too bad he won't be in Brawl though.
Aeth said:
Cloud made more than a cameo appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, he was a boss and then a summon. Davinator, the last time I checked, Nintendo's requirements said the character had to be in at least one Nintendo game, and Gameboy Advance games count as a Nintendo game, therefore they have a possibility being added in. The main problem is not if Sora and Cloud were in a Nintendo games (they were), the problem is with who they need to ask to get them in. Square-Enix owns Cloud and half of Sora, and since Nintendo is in good relation with Square-Enix an understanding can be reached. The problem is with Sora's other owners, Disney. Disney likes to keep a tight hold on their characters and might not be as willing as Square-Enix is to let Sora be the only character in his franchise against a gathering or Nintendo characters. Now for Mega Man, he's been in plenty of Nintendo games and his creator even wanted him in, but most likely due to time they couldn't add him in. But Mega Man did have a high chance of getting in and there are rumors about being able to buy Brawl "add-ons" off the WiiWare service. So if this is true and playable characters are up for download, then the door is still open to many characters to be playable along with more Assist Trophies, Stages, Music and possibly Subspace Emmisary Mini-Storylines. However the facts rest that Sora, Cloud and Mega Man had a chance in being in Brawl.
Googolmario said:
I just want to say, Sonic would kill Mario. Also, did someone just call SAMUS a clone of Megaman? Sorry, but uh.. Samus has been around more.
yoman said:
Mario will so kill sonic.
MetroidFan said:
Look guys, Brawl is out, megaman did not appear. There are rumors for DLC on the Wii though, in April sometime, on Wiiware. Ten bucks can get you four new characters. Don't know how true that is.
Nova Toast said:
Most of you people who say he's a clone are way off, do you even know what he looks like? The arm canon barely looks like Samus's, it works a "little" differently and the way his costume is looks nothing at all like Samus. I would love to see X or Classic in brawl but the game has been out for a good while now and there are no chances for him in it. Hopefully next Super smash bros.
ihastheory said:
The Wii has the ability to update, meaning they can always add stuff to games, just like the xbox 360. There's no point arguing and complaining what they have and don't have in brawl. Enjoy it as it is, and who knows, they may add more characters in future updates.
js16 said:
Too bad samus is a copy of bomberman. Ehh, wouldn't really want megaman. He's overdone in his own games, let's get someone new in please.
YoshLee said:
Js16: How is Samus a copy of bomberman? They're as different as day and night. The only bombs samus actually has are the ones she lays in her morph ball form. Any other time she shoots missiles and beams, and are you seriously saying megaman shouldn't be in brawl cause he's in too many games? The classic megaman (The one most want) has only been in 9 games compare that with Mario he's been in more titles than someone can count.
Mr G&W said:
Listen, it's been two years, and it wouldn't be fair to people who don't have wifi.
robert kenny said:
That one dude meteor, samus is way better than megaman and megaman x, also what's this about samus stealing megaman x's spot light? Megaman's a capcom character and samus is a Nintendo character so the spotlight was hers to begin with. Also megamans been in enough fighting games already, example: marvel vs capcom.
robert kenny said:
Oh and meteor what's this about megaman being 50 times the icon that Samus Aran could be? For your information megaman is nowhere near the icon that Samus Aran is any more. Also I don't like third party characters, the smash brothers series should be dedicated to Nintendo characters and like I said megaman has been in enough fighting games already.
robert kenny said:
Megaman is the most overrated rippoff of Samus Aran ever and also megaman sucks today. Metroid is 100 times better.
robert kenny said:
If anything the Megaman X is a ripoff of Samus Aran, and Samus Aran would totally own both Megaman and Megaman X.
robert kenny said:
Meteor, that one dude you assholes Metroid is my all time favorite franchise, and Samus Aran is my favorite character. How dare you say that she's stealing megaman x's spotlight when the spotlight was hers to begin with, because Samus Aran is a Nintendo character, and megaman and megaman x are capcom characters, who are so overrated and not nearly as good as Samus Aran anymore.
robert kenny said:
Samus Aran could beat the shit out of megaman and megaman x anyday.
Snipe said:
Rayman 4 brawl.
me said:
Mega man is a robot, samus is a girl. Mega man throws bombs, samus craps bombs. Lol. Anyway. What? This just in, samus was made before mega man? Meh whatever the game play is totally different anyway. O and I think mega mans 'b' attack would would be more like the super scope than samus' cannon.
robert kenny said:
Megaman has been in practally every capcom crossover fighing game, why do we need him in brawl.
robert kenny said:
Samus Aran is a highly trained bounty hunter with a power suit that transforms into a ball that leaves bombs, and Samus Aran could beat the crap out of Megaman or Megaman x any day.