Meowth will be one of the Pokemon flying out of the pokeballs in Super Smash Bros Brawl, as confirmed today by Sakurai.
Once he appears, he unleashes a slow barrage of... coins. Whaddya know.
Prepare for trouble.
Coins up the wazoo.
Where's Team Rocket when you need them.
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User comments
RisingPhoenix said:
Meowth is famous enough to become a playable character but for some reason (maybe lack of moves) he never is.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I'm not a fan of Pokemon but I like Meowth. I'm a cat person.
Bang Em Banks said:
This is getting crazier and crazier by the minute. Every time we get a new character, I'm like really? Everyone is sure this game will be a smash hit, I wish it would come out already. None the less February isn't that far away, who knows what the game will be like by the time it's all said and done. A character I would like to see in this game is Knuckles. I know everyone is like Sonic vs Mario, but I personally think knuckles Vs Sonic would be be cooler and funner to do.
KOOL-AID said:
Notice that none of the Pokemon from the pokeballs show any expressions or anything.
Scooby Jew said:
I'd prefer somebody that doesn't suck as bad as Meowth.
insultman911 said:
People thought he would be a character. I wonder if you can suck up assist trophies with Kirby.
pichu fan said:
I don't remember meowth in the first ssb but if he was in he wasn't using pay day.
Nintendoof said:
Talk about a cat fight! I'm sorry. I had to say it.
Elebot said:
Oh god, stop the Team Rocket references. But I love the fact the Meowth's back. Another bit of nostalgia.
Super King said:
We can only hope that Team Rocket will be an assist trophy. All they would do is blast-off; it would be classic.
insultman911 said:
Does he talk? If he does, whack him away.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Didn't miss him in Melee.
Gonzo said:
He's wack. I'm never going to use him.
Epsilon said:
Weird, he used to shoot out coins in all directions like Weezing, except that it did insane amounts of damage if you were touching him when he started.
RisingPhoenix said:
Notice that he's aiming the direction he's shooting.
FireKing said:
Wow I never thought that Meowth would show in the game, cool.
BrothaZ said:
Oooh coins how useful (clears throat).
Nintendoof said:
Gonzo, it's not like you can pick. And insultman, Meowth, y'know is a POKEMON! He doesn't come out of an Assist Trophy.
Doc-Yoshi said:
At least he's in 3D now (yes I reckon Meowth's a he!).
itachi said:
So he's not a charater.
Jac said:
Yeah he's a pokeball character again. He was in SSB for the 64 too. Hey, anyone ever notice that a new ssb only comes out with a new system?