Meta Knight's final smash is on the agenda today, in the Super Smash Bros Brawl update. It's called Galaxia Darkness.
With a swoosh of his cape, Meta Knight engulfs his opponent, and the rest of the field in darkness. Once it's dark, MK starts slicing his way around fiercely.
Be aware though, if you miss with the first swing of the cape, nothing happens and you've wasted a smash ball.
Monkey see, monkey dodge.
Ahh, camping out under the stars.
I'm gonna turn in for the night.
What's all the commotion?
I think the tent's on fire.
Disco fever.
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User comments
Yoshi-1up said:
Come into the cape of wonder.
Day man. Uhahhh. Fighter of the night man. Uhahh. Champion of the sun. Uhahh. You are a master of karate and friendship. For everyone. Oh and meta knight's final smash is neat.
Smash Champion said:
Peach is #1 said:
His sucks, because if you miss it doesn't do anything. At least Peach's Finale Smash hits everything and everybody.
Aeth said:
For Meta Knight's Final Smash, this is kind of bland. He simply throws his cloak, darkens the screens, and slashes whoever is caught or runs into it. I expected it to be a bit more forceful but sly at the same time.
insultman911 said:
It's stupid how his cape has to hit someone, but it's a pretty awesome smash.
N00bhunter0 said:
Cool smash but kind of boring at the same time.
RisingPhoenix said:
It's possibly the worst one yet, but that's most likely because he's too good without the Smash Ball. But either way I was expecting more but this will probably do.
Nintendoof said:
I wish it was awesome-er, but still okay.
SSB4LIFE said:
This is my favorite final smash so far. It's awesome. Oh, and if you see the E 4 All videos, you can easily make a 1 hit KO with this attack.
Elebot said:
Yeah, not much special about this one. Cool looking, but kind of impractical.
On the 4th picture you guys could have used a funnier caption thingy, like a quote from family guy: Stewie "Shhh. Shhh. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not going to hurt you".
pichu fan said:
Meta knight's smash was cool but still doesn't beat a good old returning character.
Smash Champion said:
Well think about it, everyone's going to be after the Smash Ball, so if Meta Knight gets it, there'll be plenty of close targets.
Dark Star said:
Any ideas or theories on Meta knight being a villain or hero? (I know I have similar post on the other Meta knight updates. The reason I put one on this one is it's going to have more people check it than month old ones).
DragonFoxCoon said:
No, not stupid. Adds some strategy.
feb10isfartheraway said:
The sword effects look pretty neat, especially since the background is dark and when Meta Knight strikes, light EXPLODES! Plus, no one can fight back since the damage just goes back to them.
ganon man 62 said:
I already knew this, it was in the efa demos. Sakurai please I want a new update.
Master Foot said:
It's stupid that the cape has to hit someone first. Maybe the cape has a wide range or the slashes do some serious damage. I'm beginning to think that they should have left out final smashes altogether.
Shadowmario64 said:
I expected his final smash to be that giant cyclone he throws like in squeak squad.
Gonzo said:
Not as good as the other final smashes I've seen.
#1 Peach Fan said:
His FS is ok, but I agree Peach's final smash is better.
YoshLee said:
This is a very good final smash. I know you have to make a hit on an opponent for it to work but think about it, when you go for a smash ball a ton of people will be near you because they'll have tried to get it too so the chances of meta knight scoring a hit is pretty good.
Aeth said:
Dark Star, at this time we do not know where Meta Knight stands with the Sub Space emissary. Personally I think the Sub Space emissary took the ship and imprisoned Meta Knight somewhere in it. Then Wario later comes on board and puts the trophified princess (Either Zelda or Peach) and leaves to talk with Ancient Minister (how much do you want to bet Wario was hired by the Sub Space emissary?). Anyway I think Meta Knight will escape (it is his ship after all), un-trophify the princess, and both of them go through the Halbird until they can escape. But this is just my opinion.
EDD said:
I would have thought he would use his ship because it's so massive and powerful.
RisingPhoenix said:
Meta-Knight is one of the fastest characters, he's obviously going to have a sucky final because he'll be getting the ball more often than others. That's why Bowser's smash is so cool. Though I can't think of why Fox's is so overpowering while the slower DK is pathetic.
Aeth said:
I don't think Final Smashes depends on the characters stats, I think it more depends on what part of that characters franchise they could add in. It also depends what the character could do and how they can present it.
Dark Star said:
Thanks Aeth, that makes three (those that responded and myself) that think Meta Kight is going to be a good guy. And also I am almost 100% sure that Wario is with the Sub Space army because of the gun he had. It looked like nothing I had ever seen in a Wario game and it looked similar technology-wise to the SubSpace bomb.
RisingPhoenix said:
I hope Meta-Knight is introduced as an anti-hero who is hell bent to get back his ship from the SubSpace army no matter what or WHO stands in his way. That would be AWESOME.
goldseer said:
I expected his giant energy pillar technique that he's used many times before. Well this will have to do I suppose.
Thunderbird said:
I think Meta's good. Either his ship was stolen or he's got a plan to turn on the Minister (because he's just awesome like that). Meta Knight has NEVER been a villain, only a rival or a mentor, for years! Why would Sakurai, his creator, make him a total bad guy, something he has never been in Kirby history. Sakurai even said on the early Brawl site that Meta Knight was gifted with chivalry, not exactly a villainous quality. Also, if you look at the post "What is the Subspace Emissary?", it shows Meta Knight dealing some hurt on some Subspace critters. If he was with them, why would he be fighting them? Make it another one who thinks Meta's a good guy.
pandapat said:
Dang, Meta-Knight is by far one of the coolest characters in the game. I'll be doing some major pwnage with him online!
shadowwalker said:
It should have been like in Kirby's dream land (1) he jumps to the top of the stage and disappears (2) he summons the swordmans.
David said:
In a video I saw yesterday Samus and Pikachu were running inside a ship together. I wonder if they were looking for the other Princess and Meta-Knight. Maybe?
Anonymous84 said:
I was fairly disappointed with his Final Smash. Summoning the Meta-Knights (his soldiers), or some kind of Halberd firing from the background would've been better, but it's alright. As long as it hits.
Marine said:
That Final Smash is very useful if your opponent has over 50%. And Peach is #1, you obviously think that Peach's Super Smash is unavoidable? COME ON. All smashes have flaws. All you have to do is stay away from Peach in mid-air. Easy.
Meta Knight said:
Meta Knight is my best character. When I play as him or Wario on Wi-Fi I never lose. Also, try getting the opponent's damage to around 50 or so, then go near them and use your up special attack (and don't fly off and die!). Try to use regular attacks to get damage meters up. Oh, and another thing, Meta Knight is good in the air, so go for aerial combat.
SnipeHeart said:
Meta Knight lost his ship to the Sub-Space armies, in one of the chapters he is in the cockpit with cloned Mr Game & Watches made of shadow bugs. Peach's Final smash sucks because it's easy to avoid on any stage and you can't even aim it. It has no knockback and what good attacks (except peach bomber) does Peach have? Meta Knight has the fastest attacks in the game and 3 good KO attacks (excluding galaxia darkness). All FSs have flaws in them. MK can fly and glide so he has the ultimate recovery.
Cora said:
I was thinking that he'd call Sword and Blade and the three of them would run around slashing characters and then POWN them with a combined Sword Beam. But I guess not? Oh and in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra, Meta Knight was evil on Revenge of Meta Knight. But was good on Meta Nightmare Ultra. If you guys were wondering Knuckle Joe's father's name is (it's a fan name), Jecra. Hoped that helped you guys any!
meta knight roolz said:
Meta knight's fs is so cool. And he is definitely a good guy. Wario, bowser, ganondorf, master hand, taboo and co. obviously boarded and took the Halberd. Meta doesn't betray friends.