Meta Knight steps into the spotlight again today for the official Super Smash Bros Brawl update.
First things first, here's his tune Kirby: Meta Knight's Revenge. This is a jazz reworking of some music from Kirby Super Star. Nice.
Time for some special moves. MK's standard special move is called the Mach Tornado, where he spins around at high velocities much like a blender. If you tap the button you can also rise off the ground a little.
You spin me right round, like a record.
Side Special Move: Drill Rush.
To infinity and beyond.
This time the baby's kicking you.
Pull up!
Up Special Move: Shuttle Loop.
Time to get stabby.
A hero's work is never done.
Down Special Move: Dimensional Cape. Meta Knight has the ability to teleport himself. You control where he reappears with the control stick.
Now you see me.
Now you don't.
Pop in the eye.
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User comments
RisingPhoenix said:
Meta-Knight rules! The captions were funny, especially the comment before: "spins much like a blender". I could see myself OWNING with this guy already, I can't wait.
wiicloud9 said:
The music rocks! So does Meta Knight.
Elebot said:
Didn't we already know about this? Is it just me, or are the updates getting worse and worse?
Thunderbird said:
Music is cool. I expected they'd use an arrangement of that mini-boss battle music for the Halberd stage music (you guys know what I'm talkin' bout, the soundtrack for that mini-boss tower in Nightmare in Dreamland). Still, this sounds really good. Glad we got an official explanation of his moveset. I still wasn't sure how Dimensional Cape works, and a nice tutorial on how I can use Drill Rush and Shuttle Loop to knock my friends around was a plus. Meta's going to be my character for sure, seeing as how I love Kirby, Meta Knight has a lot of character depth, and he's got a totally awesome array of moves. Meta Knight rules.
Zumwan said:
Nice moves.
feb10isfartheraway said:
Already knew his moves, but the music sounds pretty nice.
SSB4LIFE said:
I love Meta Knight. The music was so good. I love the remake. His moves are so cool and useful. The dimensional cape is going to own.
theykilledkenny said:
Ha, this time the baby's kickin' you, that's hilarious! And the music rules, meta knight's moves rule, and saxo-mo-phone is funny but I don't remember what it was from. Can anyone tell me?
doglover said:
Isn't the Mach Tornado like Link's tornado spin attack?
Aeth said:
The music definitely fits Meta Knight's fighting style. Originally I didn't think it did, but I watched an E for All demo with Meta Knight and the music does go along with his slashes and magic.
wiistorm13 said:
Best music update yet! Moves look cool. How does his up B work?
Gerardo said:
I KNEW they had to put this in the game! It's one of the finest themes in Kirby Super Star, along with the flute melody when you finish the "Revenge of Meta Knight" game, and the one from Milky Way Wishes finale. I expected a more Metal-like version of this one though, but I guess that this will work for me.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I wanted a character update but I'm not upset by this. I like Meta knight's moves. The captions are funny today. Saxo-mo-phooone.
Nintendoof said:
I just have to ask. Does Metaknight have legs? Not FEET! LEGS.
Quartz said:
Wow, nice moves.
GamingGuy84 said:
I want to see who will appear in Brawl next! Is that too much to ask Sakurai?
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I love the music.
Aeth said:
GamingGuy84, well it has been kind of confirmed Krystal is in Brawl, so it would be nice if he informed us whether she is playable or an assist.
Aeth said:
Nintendoof, Meta Knight is the same as species Kirby is. If you took off Meta Knight's mask it'll look like Kirby's but with cartoonish half-oval eyes and be blue. So he has no legs, neck, nor hands. Yes, he doesn't have hands, those gloves he wears are most likely mechanical in the fingers.
RisingPhoenix said:
Mach Tornado is exactly like Mario's Tornado. His Drill-Rush is so freakin' useful, it's intimidating. His Dimension Cape just plain OWNS. And I don't see how Meta-Knight will EVER DIE if his Shuttle Loop is like the best Up+B move in the game (to me). META-KNIGHT is my #1 character and I can't wait to use him. I bet he's extremely light-weight, but I could work around that. Oh by the way, 11 more weeks until Brawl (originally 2 weeks).
insultman911 said:
Who would appear next? Probably bowser jr, krystal, or even shadow.
frogman said:
Not like we haven't seen these before. When will Sakurai pull out something new and awesome? Ever since the new release date of the game, we've been getting cruddy no-brainer updates. We need to see Ridley and Luigi (although I have no doubt that the latter will certainly be appearing). Where is Captain Falcon? I don't usually use him but he still pretty good.
GamingGuy84 said:
Aeth, I meant to say that I wanted to see the next new playable character in Brawl. It has been far too long since King Dedede was confirmed that another new contender has not shown up yet.
David said:
It has been proven that Meta Knight has the best recovery hands down! He's not the fastest character, but he possesses the fastest attacks (including the most powerful form of attack: the renowned smash attacks) with virtually no lag in between. His lightning fast attacks are key when in the heat of battle. Almost all his attacks are combo attacks and lead into other combo attacks. Meta Knight is a fierce brawler that can rapidly and easily overwhelm his opponents with a barrage of attacks?racking up damage with ease. Meta Knight is the ultimate pressure fighter. He also presents one of the smallest targets in the roster meaning it'll be more difficult to land hits on him. On top of that, Meta Knight can fly? A move which can be used both defensively and offensively! With a little practice, players will find themselves soaring underneath arenas from one side to the other with ease. Not only does it look and feel awesome, but it's a great way to avoid taking damage and completely disorienting your opponents. Meta Knight can use his gliding ability to quickly chase his opponents down as well. It's no surprise that Meta Knight is the character who has won the most tournaments world-wide. In the hands of a seasoned player, Meta Knight is unstoppable.