Popular magazine Nintendo Power has reviewed Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and awarded it a score of 10/10. In summary they thought:
Think they might be biased? Who knows! Regardless, it's definitely one to look forward to. MP3 is released in one week, on August 27th.
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User comments
Epsilon said:
Well, it IS NP, there's going to be a slight bias, but we'll see for ourselves when it comes out. In the meantime, I need to finish the first two.
Zendalf said:
Congrats samus.
Jarin said:
Wait this issue is out? I haven't gotten it yet.
i need a wiieww said:
Wow. That's made me want this even more.
BrothaZ said:
I didn't see this review in the magazine! Was it on issue 219?
Nintendoof said:
Can't wait.
eric ♥ wii said:
AWESOME! I wasn't going to get it at first, but seeing this I'm going to consider it.
wii player said:
This game sounded good, and it is, but if it did that good then super smash bros brawl and super mario galaxy should do great too.
Pescador Gama said:
Amen! I hope my father can buy it, as long as he is in USA right now.
Gonzo said:
Dang, this game a 10. I would think Zelda's a 10. I don't think this Metriod game would score a 10. Maybe a 9 to 9. 5! This game is going to be fun anyways.
Master Foot said:
As much as I am a Metroid fanboy, it may not score a perfect 10. I will give it a 9.9999. Minus 0.0001 for being delayed for so long.
jr said:
Good thing I pre-ordered this game.
metroid lover said:
Hell yes.
Gonzo said:
I can't wait to see the graphics for this game. Are they really that great?
wii rox said:
We might have a Halo killer on our hands. Or maybe at least a Bioshock killer.
Scooby Jew said:
Biased or not, this game gives me something to look forward to when school starts.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
I must review this. I must judge for myself. Nintendo Power is just some poofy magazine; they are stupid. I must judge with my own reviewers eyes.
Stupidgenius said:
Holy crap that's awesome.
Crimson Hawk said:
Of course, why wouldn't it?
DragonFoxCoon said:
I've noticed Nintendo Power being a bit generous to games a while back, when they still used the Star rating system. I know that this game is as good as they say, but I'm not too sure if it's worthy of a perfect score as of yet. Unfortunately, I won't know until December, or sometime thereafter.
BrothaZ said:
Hey, JosephTheSquirrel? No, Nintendo Power is NOT stupid. I'd know. From what I've seen, they know what they're talking about. I've seen all I can on this game and it DOES look like a 10. Twilight Princess probably would've been a 10 if it was only for Wii. They are not poofy. Many of us resent your words.
Thunda Hop said:
Does anyone know anything about the next zelda. Not phantom hourglass but the one that's being made.
Rock said:
Nintendo Power only rated The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess a 9.5, so they obviously think that Metroid Prime 3 is better.
juan said:
Released on august 27!? I didn't know that.
white mog said:
I think NP is less bias now that they are independent of the company. Hope it's as good as they say.
divinity boy said:
I'm definitely buying this.
A Yoshi Fan said:
At first I didn't want it. But now, if I have enough money, I'm buying it first day of its release.
Space Pirate # 69 said:
Because it was reviewed by those so called "metroid fanboys". We are sending troops there right this second. My claws hurt from typing on earth keyboard.
Silver Claws said:
This is one of the Nintendo "big three" and I would not be surprised if many of independent ratings are 10/10 (unless it is rated by the same guy that gave Super Smash Bros Melee an 8.3) because Nintendo has been polishing this game until it put my claws to shame.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Sorry Brotha Z, but Nintendo Power is just too lenient. I've seen lots of bad games, and they just give them a 7. I can understand that this game probably DOES deserve a 10, but NP is just not the best judge. I'll see myself how good the game is, and I will review it.
Doghouse WHAAAT said:
It was biased. It is a cool game so far, but there is virtually no action. I am wondering why this game became a FPS, it is all exploring and ball rolling. It's fun, but the hide and seek stuff gets boring to me quickly and I lose patience. The controls are great. FPS all the way. The battles are fun but they are way too few to really get into it. I think a little more action and a little less puzzles and it would be a definite 10.
davyt 0247 said:
If you like the other Metroid games, you should definitely get this, an excellent game and a worthy finish to the Metroid Prime trilogy. I doubt that Nintendo will ever stop making Metroid games though.