News tidbits for March 3rd

News tidbits for March 3rd

Goro and pals for sale

It turns out that struggling publishers Midway may be moving towards selling their hit franchise Mortal Kombat.

This comes after offloading "The Wheelman" (a game featuring Vin Diesel) onto Ubisoft.

No Classic Pro for the US

American folk interested in the previously mentioned Classic Controller Pro may be in for disappointment, a Nintendo spokesperson commented:

"At this time, we do not have any plans to launch the Classic Controller Pro in the United States".

Sonic Werehog back again?

According to Tetsu Katano the director of Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic could make an unwelcome return in his "werehog" form, but only if a sequel to Sonic Unleashed is made.

"In principle I think that the users are always right. They're the ones paying the money and playing the games. If they don't enjoy it, they're not going to buy it. I don't think that producing the Werehog was a mistake per se, but there were a lot of things we could have done better if we had more time and resources".

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Rob Jones

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Captain Jamesman said:

I never had a problem with Sonic's werehog form. The gameplay itself was a disappointment, but the concept did have some potential. Poor Mortal Kombat though, here I thought MK VS DCU would help to bring some good pay to Midway. Oh well.


MediumBlueMetallic said:

If Midway wants to make more money they need to release a true SF Rush remake. Wii is in need of some good online racers (Mario Kart is great, but it really doesn't count). Online play and large, detailed maps full of shortcuts and tricks like the old Rush games had in the N64 era would really be a sales winner, I think.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Agh! I hated that dumb Werehog, why can't SEGA just make a Sonic Adventure 2 without those gem hunting stages, that would be the perfect 3D Sonic! Classic Controller pro isn't really classic until it looks like an Atari controller it's just old. I just hope Midway doesn't give it to THQ or Atari.

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