Judging by the sound options menu of Excite Truck it looks like you'll be able to load in your own music via the SD card slot. The likely format for this would be MP3, I welcome the option.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii-Worshiper said:
That is so sweet, I could put my fave songs on from my ipod.
elephant.stone said:
Sounds good!
Darunia106 said:
*Imagines playing Excite Truck with the Gorillaz, Red Hot Chili Peppers and System of a Down* oh yeah.
Master Foot said:
That's a great idea! This hints to the possibility of the Wii having a music player plugin sometime in the near future, most likely on the marketplace.
aaron said:
Sweet, that's mean. Can put my punk rock and metal onto excite truck while playing but have to wait until it comes out next year over here.
maxone23 said:
jo said:
Cool I am getting this game!
Scooby!_Jew said:
Children of Bodom while playing Excite Truck. I like the sound of that (literally).
quartzlcc said:
Awesome idea!
Ekaj185 said:
That's really cool. Just like Xbox but Wii is better. Green day!
wii-mote dude said:
I sure hope they have a destruction derby-type minigame on this I can play my metal to. That would be awesome.
Wii Monster said:
Sweet, like the radio in a car! On my really want list! *Dreaming* Just plugging in my iPod. Listening to my fav songs.
hmm said:
WOO! Now I need to buy some more CDs.
Epsilon said:
*Imagines "Can't Touch This" playing while owning everyone else*.
BrothaZ said:
What ISN'T friggin pimp about the wii so far!?
Umm... said:
That is awesome but I don't think my favourite band (Rammstein) will match the racing scene song to play.
Komisho said:
I can only imagine listening to "STOP! Hammer time" By MC Hammer while wreaking havoc. Scratching, making dents and running over people on Excite truck MWHAHA.
cmk said:
Doesn't the Wii have usb ports too?
Elementrat said:
Gnarly dude! Way cool! Now we can run over stuff while listenin to the Rockin' Eighties! Rock on!
wii name2 said:
This sounds awesome! Now I can listen to whatever I want to while playing such an awesome game.
Zelda-dude said:
Cmk, the Wii does have two 2.0 USB hubs on the back.
Owlboy said:
Now has this been confirmed or not?
Owlboy said:
I'm seriously curious as to whether this is true, the balance of me spending money on this game or on an airsoft gun is hanging in the balance.
Wiipaw said:
Yeah! Now that developers have found this out, all of a sudden I don't feel bad about the lack of a dvd player.
im typing with wii said:
I have excite truck, and it is awesome playing to your own music. (I LOVE AFI).