Another assist trophy has been announced for Super Smash Bros Brawl. It's Mr Resetti of the Animal Crossing franchise, and he looks angry.
He comes equipped with a hard hat and pickax, but his favorite thing to do is bust out a lecture. Something tells me he's not going to be well liked.
STOP! Lecture time.
Assist trophies have feelings too.
You tell em Resetti.
Oh cool.
Yea but sometimes it's a lecturing mole.
Can we do this another time Resetti?
We're in the middle of a brawl right now.
Resetti, this is dragging on.
We're out of time.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
#1 Peach Fan said:
Kind of a neat update today. This makes me look forward to having an AC person to play as after seeing the AT, Stage & Item hopefully there will be one.
Sonic Phantom said:
Man, this guy is real annoying! He's worse than the devil.
Gerardo said:
I bet this is an annoyance, but interesting nevertheless. I wonder if they are going to cut/reduce the pokeball's pokemon rooster with this whole assistant trophy thing. Not that I'm a pokemon fan anyway. I just wonder.
Super King said:
I wonder if he would say anything funny if he popped out on one of the collapsible stages and fell off the stage! HELL'S BELLS.
RisingPhoenix said:
I don't see the benefits from this. At all.
Captain Jamesman said:
I'd say this is proably the worst update yet. Who'd want to listen to lectures? This is Super Smash Bros Brawl, not Super Smash Bros Lectures.
cmk said:
I love him. My new favorite thing in brawl. Oh my god.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Super Smash Bros Lectures, that's funny.
Elebot said:
I love Resetti. As much of a nuisance he can be, I still love him. It's good to see Animal Crossing being represented in Brawl. Now if we could get some Pikmin stuff in.
Epsilon said:
I wonder if you'll be able to turn him off on some menu or something.
Maximillian said:
Oh my god what a power.
dec3issofaraway said:
That would be really weird. I just realized that if someone was stuck in a pitfall and then the floor collapsed (like in SkyWorld), what would happen to the person? Plus, in the jungle stage, Mr Resetti would be falling at the bottom of the stage. This is kind of of like a annoying togepi that talks. When togepi makes you fall asleep?
bbbrrr said:
Hey! It's the assist trophy form of Goldeen.
- - said:
I think he comes with ear plugs so everyone but the guy who used him falls asleep at the end of the lecture.
i need a wiieww said:
The people he speaks to fall asleep, like in real life.
Keranu said:
Ha, that's rad.
BrothaZ said:
This is pretty funny. Something that's there to piss you off. I wish that when he first appears when he's pissed he swings his pickax around a bit, or throws it at someone.
True Hitoare said:
From the looks of that last panel, either they did that to be funny, or he puts people to sleep.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
This update has the most screenshots yet.
jskrdude said:
It looks like he puts your opponents to sleep. Look at the last pic.
YoshLee said:
No offense to Nintendo but that's the dumbest asist trophy I've seen so far.
Nintendoof said:
I knew it. Great! I knew something AC would come by. Now next is Olimar from Pikmin! (not an assist trophy).
WiiNinja said:
That's awesome.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Even more distracting than the puppy. Anyone up for some multitasking? Hopefully he says something different each time he pops up, like in AC. To be honest, I stopped resetting my game after he threatened to erase my town. That mole's a scary guy.
KOOL-AID said:
You know it'd be better if Nintendo would give him legs and make him a playable fighter. Then as his smash attack he could lecture and make people fall asleep, then just throw the others off the edge.
insultman911 said:
He'd probably get annoying. I hope the text bubbles just pop up, not him actually talking.
NinjaRygar said:
This is an extremely cool update. This is the kind of creativity that is going to make Brawl a memorable game. It looks like his lectures and rants can be character specific. So look forward to having your characters insulted during matches.
pichu fan said:
I'd rather have tom nook.
megaman X said:
The point is he puts anyone near him to sleep. How can you say that isn't useful? FREE BEATINGS.
ghostrider brawler said:
This update is rubbish, it's just like in super smash bros melee where fox or falco call the star fox team, all they do is talk.
Dablackluigi said:
This is a pretty bad update. This guy will be the first Assist Trophy I take off the list.
Wii decimates all said:
I wonder if you can just smack him back in his hole like "whack a mole".
anon said:
But he puts anyone close to him to sleep. Can you say FREE BEATINGS?
WiiNinja said:
Wow, the zoom's going to be hecka annoying, but I LOVE the extra humor put in. Mr Resetti, you're my favorite Assist Trophy so far.
Googolmario said:
I love this. He's an assist trophy, but doesn't assist you at all. He's just meant to be an annoyance-he's constantly jabbering, and he makes another obstacle to hop over. AND if you look closely at the last pic, he put kirby and picachu to sleep with pure boredom.
DKX900 said:
Well, I love Resetti, he's really cool. This is just boring though; he could at least start attacking people with his pick and shout at them.
Wherewulf1 said:
In animal crossing, he was your worst nightmare.
The Doc said:
He's like what Cranky Kong used to be.
Nickhead said:
The thing I like about him is that he makes funny lectures in animal crossing.
ChickenGrease said:
He's supposed to be like goldeen or something but he also puts people close by to sleep.
Mr Game N Watch said:
Heh- I spent about an hour in practice mode just opening assist trophies to hear what he has to say. I wish I had the DS or GameCube game of Animal Crossing, he's awesome.
wolflink said:
I ran into him and boy was that weird.