Another Pokemon has been revealed for Super Smash Bros Brawl. This one isn't a playable character though, it just comes out of Pokeballs.
Munchlax is fat, green and hungry. He's the pre-evolved form of Snorlax.
I don't need your cheers.
I'm not one for salad, but here goes.
The townsfolk looked on in horror.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
insultman911 said:
Wonder if you can hit him away. What a fat ass.
Nintendoof said:
Hah hah. Great captions. This is actually 2 updates because it shows Munchlax and that the Lip's Stick is comin' back. Hurrah.
EDD said:
He might not be useful but he's pretty cool.
Gerardo said:
I don't like it. I don't like most Pokemons' 3d versions anyway. By the way, I've never liked the Lip's Stick item either, it's kind of pointless.
BrothaZ said:
That Pokemon looks a bit goofy, no lie. That is funny, but I hardly used items in Melee so we'll see whether or not I get him often.
All about canada said:
Boo, where is the sheik update? You better be in ssbb sheik.
Nintendeth said:
Nice. I've always liked the little guy.
DragonFoxCoon said:
This guy could prove to be as useless as Goldeen.
Elebot said:
Oh Munchlax. He's adorable. Who wouldn't want to be a little plump, uh, thing that did nothing but eat all day? Yep, looking forward to seeing him in Brawl. Now if only I could get him on Pearl. Stupid Honey Trees.
RisingPhoenix said:
This is actually cool. It's an item destroyer. It's cool for those who use items (I don't). And the lip stick item kicks ass, it's one of my favorites so if you don't like it, then you don't know how to play. Cool update, but still waiting patiently for veteran characters (Sheik).
KOOL-AID said:
I don't like items at all.
Delta038 said:
I don't know about that one Dragon, I could use him to take away the items and kick the others asses.
cat said:
This officially confirms 4th gen, even though snover and drifloon might have been seen in pokemon stadium 2.
Wiimaster said:
Nice update.
Meh Yoyo said:
Couldn't they at least put in a 4th generation pokemon in the mix.
Namebbb said:
Oh my god he's going to eat the stage.
master1 said:
That was almost cool.
Freespace said:
Maybe he eats the items laying around?
BonbonJoe said:
I think this will be like the new goldeen. -Throws pokeball- "MUNCHLAX!? Oh Cmon!".
insultman911 said:
I want the luigi update.
EDD said:
Munchlax actually does something but goldeen doesn't. He just flaps around.
Dew said:
I feel that Munchlax won't be fat enough or be close enough to beat a character to an item. But maybe if he is really fast, then Munchlax would actually make the game very interesting.
Super King said:
What's he supposed to be doing in that last picture? From that angle it looks like he's about to eat that small child, but then there's also those tiny balls that it looks like he's spitting out. Does he eat an item and then attack?
dragoon3646 said:
I really hope you get to hit this one.
Captain Jamesman said:
I like Munchlax, it's funny.
pichu fan said:
That also means no snorlax does it.
dragoon3646 said:
Why would you want a snorlax to come eat stuff? He'll eat a player.
Nintendoof said:
You know what would be unfortunate? If Munchlax ate a CD. Ughh.
Shadow rules said:
Stupid fat ass.
hypersonic65 said:
Does he eat pokeballs?
cat said:
Does munchlax have a final smash if he eats a smash ball? He could puke all over everybody.
N00bhunter0 said:
I like pie too.
123 said:
It would be so discouraging if it ate a smash ball.
WiiNinja said:
He took up a whole update. What a pig.
goldseer said:
Kill the fat little glutton.
kyle said:
Munchlax is so cute, I love that little guy. I wish he was real!
davyt 0247 said:
Lip's stick item increases the damage meter right? The bigger the flower the more damage is caused. I think.
Munchie bear rules, I have a pet munchie and I wish he was real. He's such a cute and cuddly mischievous monkey, I love him. Munchlax. Munchlax. Munchlax. He's all that.
charlotte said:
Munchlax is the best pokemon ever.
Kevin-Bear said:
Yeah, what's with the Munchlax hate above? Sure, Muchlax isn't the kind of guy you'd battle with, but as a companion he rocks. As long as you can keep him fed. Good way to get him off the food is to get him drunk and he'll go to sleep. I've seen it happen.
I love munchie, he is so cute, he looks so cool when he shakes his boot munch munch munch he's never full. If he was real, life would never be dull.
Colin said:
Oh my god. Munchlax is so awesome. He's everything you want in a pokemon. He's cute, cuddly, and he's also a bad ass. I love munchlax. MUNCHIE RULEZ.