It seems like some lucky people in Japan are getting Super Smash Bros Brawl early, the Interwebs are awash with fresh pictures confirming several characters. Check out the roster screenshot below.
Here we can see a number of brawlers, like:
Stay back. I er, know karate?
*weepz*, pattern baldness sux.
The skies aren't safe these days.
Starboard? Where's that?
Protect & Serve.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
DKX900 said:
Hmmmm. Is this one of those Japanese fakes? For example, where's Jigglypuff? If the pictures on the stickers were correct then she should be in the roster. Otherwise woohoo.
Charlie said:
Glad they still have Mr G&W.
ganon man 62 said:
*tear* it's beautiful.
wii rox said:
G&W doesn't look right.
jUiCeE-jUiCe said:
What a disappointment. I was hoping for bowser jr. And a good closing cast for brawl, but well nothing special.
Wii Freak said:
I can't see ROB as a character.
Miiikkkeee said:
This is awesome. But it can't be all the characters?
doglover said:
Stop telling us EVERYTHING.
EDD said:
Yay luigi and captain falcon is back also! If jigglypuff is in then the 12 original characters are in! Woooooo.
Seth said:
Yet I crave more characters.
blab355 said:
Lame. ROB.
hbh said:
Gannondorf and cell-shaded Link look awesome, most people knew about Capt. Falcon and I was pretty sure that luigi could find his way back.
hbh said:
I love the Internet. As soon as someone slips up, the entire world knows.
shadowwalker said:
I knew Game&Watch was back.
LOZfan said:
That is interesting that you can play as the R.O.B Robots.
GamingGuy84 said:
I can't believe all these veterans are coming back in Brawl!
smash fan x said:
You are the only site that has this GO WII'S WORLD (I'm going to be windwaker link).
Smash Brothers X said:
I just made a gag reflex I'm so excited (cries softly). WHY oh WHY does it have to be delayed in America. WHY. Rob will R.O.B MY HEART. Falco is back, HEART ATTACK. Captain Falco will punch you AND HAVE LUNCH WITH YOU. Luigi will jump high, YOU WILL HEAR CHORUSES OF ANGELS FROM THE SKY. Mr Game and Watch will fling a pan at you, THEN WILL BATHE IN THE SAND WITH YOU. Ganondorf will be evil, NOT MIDEVIL. Excuse my lame rhymes. I hope I touched your heart with this bit of poetry. Nintendo, I CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER MONTH. HEAR MY PLEA. LET ME HAVE SSBB FOR THE Wii.
Jared said:
Yay ganondorf I have been waiting so long for him to be confirmed. I want brawl now.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Okay, wind waker link, R.O.B, game and watch, ice climbers, marth, ness should not be in. Is that lucario beside dedede? And where in the hell is jigglypuff?
Brawlin4Life said:
Wait there is no Jiggly on there but he/she was accidently released.
wiistorm13 said:
Plaugefiend said:
I kind of don't believe this. It doesn't seem complete. R.O.B, Wind Waker Link, and Mr Game and Watch don't seem like real characters to play as. It could be a fake.
theykilledkenny said:
There's not a character in the roster I don't like, but I hope all non-returning characters get assist-trophied so they at least appear. One more thing. WHERE'S MEWTWO!?
BrothaZ said:
Wow. I'm really glad to see this but I hope that's not all of them.
wookie888 said:
What? R.O.B? how is that a good idea?
Nuclear Milk said:
Awesome! R.O.B RoCKs.
wiistorm13 said:
Who is the character selected in the first pic? Ww link?
wiistorm13 said:
33 characters not bad.
S0NICGunman said:
An awesome update! I can't wait to play as R.O.B and Mr Game and Watch, Although I'm annoyed there are no more Sonic characters.
wiistorm13 said:
Fake or incomplete characters, where is jigglypuff?
Wii Freak said:
Mr x was right about Cel shaded Link.
smashfan said:
Who is the character in the middle of dedede and ness?
YoshLee said:
You've got to be kidding me. Geno, bowser jr, mega man and ridley aren't in, oh great(sarcasm). This is going to be the last smash bros game ever, after I beat this I'm going to have to beg to Nintendo and HAL to make another one and possibly cry.
YoshLee said:
Awesome that rob's in, he probably is a good Nintendo made version that ends up helping and pwns all those subspace noobs.
Juan said:
Won't be much space for unlockables.
Maximi11ian said:
Wut bout krystal and jigglypuff.
Senpai said:
You better get gannys sword. Also, link looks awesome.
Rozz said:
Awesome ROSTER. I would have prefered about 40 characters, but 36 charecters are still awesome. Luige, Gannondorf, Falco, and are. O. Be. All look amazing.
Randolph the Grey said:
TWILIGHT GANONDORF. That's all I needed to wet myself. It's the best Ganondorf design ever.
The Crimson Artist said:
Wait, where's Jigglypuff? And why is everyone mixed up? I thought everyone would be grouped, but Bowser is just floating out there! I'm suspicious of the first screen .(and hoping it's either incomplete or fake). And weren't all the blurred-out character menu pics white (and the other menus) and the demo ones dark? O_o I'm confused.
Miiikkkeee said:
Why is there japanese AND english on here if this is real?
TruBlu said:
ROB? Another one of those wacky/random characters like Mr. Game&Watch was in Melee. I love Falco.
wii addict said:
No mewtwo.
wii addict said:
Well let's hope ganon isn't another clone captain falcon.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This looks awesome oh man I don't want Mr Game & Watch in but Luigi I'm waiting for.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
They forgot Jigglypuff and Captain Falcon, those are long time veterans that can't just be X-ed out. Not to mention Mewtwo is missing. R.O.B doesn't need to be a character.
Nova said:
wii fan 14263 said:
Wow that is soo cool.
Finally. Johnny 5 as a character. Yes.
jskrdude said:
Heh, I heard there's going to be a shortage of SSBB game discs in Japan. Maybe that's why the US date was postponed. Nintendo wanted to focus on getting out Japanese versions first.
insultman911 said:
ssbbssbbssbb said:
Juan said:
Another link?
smashbro said:
Lucario will be the best but I'm glad Falco's back.
Fizzlo said:
Oh my god. Ness, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Wind Waker Link, Robot, Gannondorf, Luigi, Falco, Mr. G&W AND Captain Falcon are in Brawl?.? W00T. This is AWESOME.
cat said:
This is either fake or the person didn't unlock all the chars because jiggs is't there and sonic and snake are.
Jamie said:
Is that cel shaded link I see?
Orez said:
Hey Jigglypuff on there, so that's not all the characters. Hmmm.
Davinator said:
Uh oh. I really hope that that isn't all the characters.
bowling4bear said:
I'm all for new characters, but seriously, R.O.B!?! Why? I'd rather that spot go to someone more deserving. And is the roster really this limited? I was thinking 40-45 characters.
Davinator said:
Oh my god it's not the complete roster, jigglypuff isn't in there, I still got hope for Mega Man.
XxYoshixX said:
One last space from all I heard its Wolf from the fox series.
Andrew Rudloff said:
Awesome! Now I really can't wait for SSB Brawl to hit stores. Luigi is my boy.
BrothaZ said:
Now I'm disappointed. I saw a video of some of Ganondorf's moves and they are appalling. Still a lot like CF (and he runs really gay-ish). Why does he not have the sages sword from twilight princess?
wiistorm13 said:
There is room for two characters, one being Jigglypuff, but the other?
Quartz said:
Good stuff. There are going to be a LOT of characters in Brawl.
Luigikillsmario said:
Oh my god. Is this real? I want to see a video at least.
Mike said:
Yey yey yey! The best news ever! Besides Falco.
Cinderblock Man said:
Alright. I can live with this. The already-sorta-confirmed Jigglypuff isn't there so that's not EVERYONE. Thank god. If they really cut Mewtwo I'm going to be ticked, though it's nice to see Ganondorf and Mr Game & Watch back! Falco too.
Megaman said:
Aww nuts Megaman is not in it.
bang em banks said:
NIckhead said:
This must be very exciting and thrilling for brawl fans.
Keranu said:
YES! Mr Game & Watch.
Captain Jamesman said:
Awesome! I was hoping Luigi would make a comeback! Gannon looks cool. I wasn't expecting R.O.B though. And cel shaded Link looks really cool. Oh, and yes, Luigi does know karate.
Kraz said:
And Wind Waker Link.
Zendalf said:
Party! Bonus.
J a m II E said:
If anyone remembers, I'm Ja-Mez. DAMMIT where's Mewtwo? That can't be the proper roster because there was proof of Jigglypuff returning in a bad screenshot (not to mention it looks a bit plain) unless we were mistaken thinking it was Kirby. But hey on the official website it said Ness wouldn't be reappearing, it didn't say it directly but in what tense you read it in you'll figure it out. Let's hope that Ness, Luigi, Falco and Ganondorf (or) C Falcon have new fighting styles. Let's hope the rumor of Bomberman is true, even though everyone hates her, let's get Jigglypuff back! And please Nintendo, Rundas from MP3 Corruption.
Sariku said:
We also have Wolf.
Metaray42 said:
I love the fact that R.O.B is a character, but how can you make him fight? Does this mean that other subspace army characters will be playable?
pichu fan said:
What the hell, where's Jigglypuff? She was already confirmed. Mewtwo the strongest Pokemon. Pichu, how did Mr Sakurai think of taking that poor little mouse out? He is so cute. Let Young Link and Dr Mario be a clothing of Mario and WW Link. They confirmed Dr Mario's music. This should be a fake because the selection wasn't dark and Jigglypuff was the main 12, bet it was just some Pokemon hater that decided to put the characters he wanted. I hope this is false because R.O.B, that's crappier than the idea of Pokemon Trainer.
Davinator said:
Guys, 33 should be the tops, as I saw another screen shot out and it was the file select. One was 59% complete and had 19 characters. This means 100% is 33. Damn you HAL, where is my Mega Man?
TurtleGuy said:
Hell no! This can't be the whole roster!? R.O.B as a playable character? I would rather have Wolf O'Donnel. Actually, I'm really disappointed.
David said:
I don't know what to think, I'm not saying that it is fake, but it could be a possibility. I don't see ROB as a character also.
i need a wiieww said:
Hmm not sure. Those pics certainly don't look fake, but even if the game was given early, how can they unlock all the characters so fast?
wii rox said:
This doesn't make sense if ROB is part of the SS army how can he be playable. This is probably fake.
wii galaxy said:
Jigglypuff and another 3rd party character has to be there but they're not. And since when can R.O.B fight huh?
DKX900 said:
More good news about the authenticity of this update. The character arrangement is exactly that of the one released on the DOJO site. Sorry, Megaman fans but it looks like this is our lot.
DKX900 said:
Oh and also they called Bowser "Koopa" and R.O.B "Robot" so it looks like this is the genuine one from Japan.
Crimson said:
Why is this the only screen in the game to be dark like this? Like I said earlier, aren't all of the menus white so far? And some other things. We KNOW jigglypuff is in there. Everyone saw the sticker update, so don't worry. And besides, he had original moves. He has to be there. If you were skilled enough, you could probably unlock some characters, but remember how you unlock mewtwo? Don't you think that some characters would be unlocked similarly? If you look at the 1st pic, you see a difficulty selector next to ww link. You can also see a lives meter. Below these are a score meter, and total score meter. It shouldn't be target smash, multi-man, or home-run contest, and you don't pick your character in subspace. This means its maybe something like all-star mode, if its real. Also, there still looks to be at LEAST 2 slots open still. But if every row moved over, there's room for 6 characters (jiggly, krytal, ai, a ds character, wolf, and sothe! Maybe) if not more! Just stay hopeful.
B Darius said:
AWESOME! Lucario & Wind Waker Link are appearing as well.
Aeth said:
Hmm, Since Jigglypuff is missing then maybe there are a few characters yet to be found. But I saw several Brawl Subspace Army gameplay videos and it looks very interesting and confusing. Captain Falcon is teamed up with Olimar, there are multiple Game & Watch piloting the Halberd, Wario turns DK into a Trophy, Wario then turns Ness into a trophy which causes Lucas to run away, Lucas then bumps into Pokemon Trainer who then battles a batch of Primids with Squirtle, King Dedede turns Luigi into a Trophy by distracting him with Waddle Dees and then steals warios vehicle carrying a Trophy Peach and Ness. There's a whole batch of other stuff too (including Peach giving Fox tea and another picture showing Sheik drinking tea o_0?). Though no one is putting things in order OR is going through the actual storyline so we have no idea what is fully going on.
Aeth said:
More bad news everyone, but we have confirmed clones. Ganandorf is once again a clone of Captain Falcon and Toon Link is just Young Link with a new body. Also they don't have Jigglypuff there so that might not be all the characters, so there is still a chance Krystal is still unlockable.
BestAtBrawl said:
It might be fake. Wind Waker Link (Toon Link, as he is really known)IS in it, so is all the characters on that roster. If you look at the Japanese opening movie (if you can find it) you will see a VERY short section showing Ness standing in front of Lucas, so Ness is in it, and also it shows Marth in a couple of parts. It still could be fake, and I highly doubt that the roster shown is the full roster (and yes, Jigglypuff is in it). Whoops, sorry, I missed something. I now think that this is fake. If it weren't, it would show the name Zelda/Sheik in the name, not just Zelda (if you look at the Smash Dojo Website, you'll know what I mean). And I also don't see how R.O.B could fight. Unless he used various Nintendo hardware to beat his foes.
Epsilon said:
I hope this isn't the final roster. I'll be holding out for Roy and Mewtwo as unlockables.
EDD said:
Diddy kong lover, captain falcon is between lucas and captain olimar. Look closely before you post something stupid like that.
Wii Rox said:
Don't even see how they can give ww link a name without breaking the fourth wall.
Aeth said:
More news. Apparently a more fuller roster has been revealed with two more new characters. Along with Jigglypuff, Wolf has been added! But yet we still have no signs of Krystal.
S0NICGunman said:
THIS PICTURE IS A FAKE. First of all, they showed the character selection screen today. 1/30/08, and this looks nothing like it. Second, why is it Japanese AND english? Third and finally, the top and backround of the 1st screen shot are completely different from the official one. ALTHOUGH Marth is in(You can see in the Japanese Intro).
The Jakk Munkey said:
Why does the japanese version have ENGLISH all over it? Has it always been like this or is this just fake?
Nintendoof said:
WHAAA? WW Link? So many questions.
Coryd10 said:
The selection screen looks darker than the white one on Smash Bros Dojo.
Dark Star said:
Put me in the skeptics for this one. The roster picture seems odd. Not so much the Toon Link as the lack of Jigglypuff and the background being so different from the starting roster. That background being different could be because it might be for classic or SE. I'm not saying it's not real, just I'm not sure if it is.
Wii Freak said:
I found out Wolf from StarFox is in the game. Also JigglyPuff.
Frogman said:
Guys, there's a good chance that this person didn't unlock all characters. I reallly hope that Ridley's in.
Plaugefiend said:
. Were's the last third party character? I think someones is screwing we us. It might seem real, but I don't buy it.
Hyrule said:
This is real, and very cool. Also, that's not the whole roster, Jigglypuff and Wolf are playable characters. There's videos up on Youtube now showing every character so this is 100% real.. Yep, including ROB. *sigh* no Ridley/Megaman/K Rool.
YoshLee said:
Man good question it would be hard to unlock so many characters so fast even though I may not no how they got the characters so fast but those pics are 100% REAL let's hope there's a few more characters comin up that everyones been begging for.
insultman911 said:
All Nintendo has to do is to put EVERY character from the N64 and melee into brawl and it will be fine.
shadow said:
Rob was the only one to see the evil the army was doing and decided to fight for good. He was the only one with a heart *sob* should be an interesting character, about time we get some sort of robot.
goldseer said:
Wait. Now starwolf is confirmed. Where's krystal? Oh please let her be in. Oh also ridley's a boss let's hope krystal makes the character cut. ROB? What a waste of a character, it's final smash should be "be removed from brawl" in which it leaves the game for good and is replaced with a worthy character.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I hope it's real. Falco AND Lucario? But I need to stay neutral here. It is possible for ROB to be an enemy in the game, and a playable character; remember his role in Star Fox? But, with the video recently posted here showing carelessness on Nintendo's part, accidentally revealing Jigglypuff as a character, seeing her absent from the screen above is disconcerting. So I turned to the Japanese text on the screen: the text on the top right is "back"; and the closest I got for what's next to it is "shinpuru", which could mean "simple". Simple? The screen is obviously from "Classic" mode; could thay call it "simple" in Japan? This is either a very elaborate hoax, or the real deal. I'd be very disappointed to find it's real. Cel Shade Link as a character? Doesn't fly with me.
2 more said:
Wolf and Jigglypuff is in it. 35 characters so far.
Anonymous said:
I come from the website it was leaked on, I assure you it is not fake, but that rooster is missing Wolf and Jigglypuff who are in.
rayman rabbit123 said:
Ugh. Can't it be March 9th already.
Wii Rox said:
Even if that is real, that can't be all of them, that is too limited in my opinion.
BestAtBrawl said:
I think the reason that the screen is dark is because the character has been selected (if you watch one of the gameplay demo videos, you will see that the screen turns dark when the character is selected, it would be white otherwise). I also hope that this isn't the full roster (even with Wolf and Jigglypuff), and if it isn't, I hope that Tails is in it (I'm positive he won't be). Every other character I wanted in Brawl is in it: Lucario, Wind Waker Link, Marth. I'm happy (and if Wind Waker Link is just like young link from melee, I won't mind: I was better with him than adult link). If Ganondorf is a clone, BOOOO! It would better if he used sword based moves, like the following: up-b: Dark Slash (slashes upwards with the sword to recover, spins in the air, points the sword downwards and plunges swiftly), side-b: Swift slash (jumps up, disappears from the screen, returns and slashes), b: Charging blow (charges forth at the nearest opponent and slashes with a powerful blow, can be charged up), down b: parry (similar to Marth and Ike's counter, but does not do a return strike: if held down, will repeatedly parry 5-10 times. Hopefully Aeth is wrong about Ganondorf and Wind Waker Link being clones (I thought they were supposed to get rid of the clones and give the characters new movesets!).
Plaugefiend said:
I heard Lucario and Meta Knight is working together.
wii fanatic said:
We're going to see all of them as the Japanesers (XD) unlock more and more of the game's characters, so these aren't the only pictures we'll be seeing.
davyt 0247 said:
Just one complaint. Still 90% males, where are the female characters (aka Krystal)?
BestAtBrawl said:
I personally don't think that this roster (even with Jigglypuff and Wolf) is the final roster. The one who unlocked all of these characters probably played through the subspace emissary mode. He may or may not have completed it, but either way I don't think it is possible to unlock all of the characters that fast: playing through the adventure mode probably doesn't unlock all of the characters. So keep your fingers crossed; there just might be a few more characters that haven't been revealed anywhere yet.
Plaugefiend said:
I agree BestAtBrawl, this can't be all the characters. They said they would have more female characters in brawl, but so far I HIGHLY doubt it. Nintendo, Jigglypuff doesn't count.
Peach is #1 said:
Were's Jigglypuff and Wolf? There has to be more.
Carnilent said:
I wish all the veteran characters were back. But that's not happening (Mewtwo, Roy). I know why there are no Miis playable though. Can you imagine how much memory it would take? And I don't think kids would like to see themselves getting beat upplaying brawl. Plus there would also be controversy (Michael Jackson, Jesus miis that are all over check mii out.) But I thought of a character they should have that I think no one else in the world thought about. Guitar Hero! They'd have be move be play a part of a song, the more notes you play right the more damage, down be pyrotechinics burst from the sides, up be throw a guitar string as tether recovery, side be joust with guitar, final smash star power simalar to be move, but with a lot more power! (Note it would have to be either Metalhead or Lou, cause Nintendo would have to pay a real celebrity for the image, and grim ripper and god of rock are not on the Wii version. And I don't know about the Elvis guy.
Lucario said:
It's a real picture but not all the characters are unlocked yet.
joe mama said:
I love that game! It's FUN.