New Pork City is the 14th stage revealed for Super Smash Bros Brawl. It originates from Mother 3, so it's effectively Lucas' home level.
Sakurai claims it to be one of the biggest stages around so far, comparable in scale to Temple. There's also a beast that roams around known as the Ultimate Chimera.
New Pork, New Pork!
Billboards are ok, but where's the bathroom?
Crime in New Pork hits a new high.
Did you just call me Piggy?
Piggy 1 - You 0
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Looks kewl, I'll probably play on it quite a bit.
Dablackluigi said:
This stage looks so amazing. Brawl is going to take gaming to the next level.
Super King said:
That Ultimate Chimera is hilarious. I like the little ducky. Also, Hyrule Temple was one of my favorite stages so this one should be awesome. I wonder which past stages they will bring back for Brawl.
Chris Bajor said:
I absolutely love the ducky on top of the chimera. Without the duck the chimera is powerless. All worship the duck. Oh yea and the stage looks neat too.
Nintendoof said:
insultman911 said:
Now all they need is a sonic stage and a mario stage. Great stage though.
peter said:
This is awesome! I like big stages, and this one looks interesting. I just hope the computer isn't stupid enough to always kill itself from the ultimate chimera.
Secret said:
Cool, looks like we have a stage with a proper enemy instead of wimps like birdo from SSBM.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I am going to love this stage.
BrothaZ said:
That seems pretty cool. The Temple in Melee was actually from Adventure of Link on NES and was also my favorite stage.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I have to say this is one of the neatest boards I have ever seen, it's beautiful.
DragonFoxCoon said:
So LARGE! I like it.
ganon man 62 said:
Why does the chimera have a duck on its head?
RisingPhoenix said:
My favorite stage so far.
r3y-r3y said:
Cool stage.
Scooby Jew said:
Pretty cool, but nothing worth being really surprised about.
SSB4LFE said:
Awesome stage! It looks way more interactive than Temple. This is going to be sweet.
feb10isfartheraway said:
That Ultimate Chimera scares me.
Elebot said:
I love that last caption. I love this stage. I'm a fan of the bigger ones anyway.
Epsilon said:
Whoa, big stage. Maybe even bigger than Temple. Wonder if it will have screen scrolls or not. The Ultimate Chimera thing looks kind of weird though. Kind of REALLY weird.
the wii master said:
That's a nice parody of new york city, plus an awesome stage.
divinity boy said:
In the third pic, what was it that hit bowser? Looks like a pokemon. This looks like an awesome stage. It's huge.
SuperMatt said:
So we call it the big Pig instead of apple. Amazing.
YoshLee said:
It's a cool stage but why's it called new pork?
Name said:
WiiNinja said:
Ridley FTB said:
This level looks good for aerial combat. Say having meta knight, pit, ridley (let's hope) and even the super charizard. Another thing imagine if the chimera takes a disliking to the pokemon trainer and goes for him!
Zelda Dude said:
Keranu said:
Sorry, I don't like roast pork.
Stinky12694 said:
Goomba, take that hat off right now! Sorry that was the Met fan side of me yelling, anyway, this stage looks pretty sweet, sakurai said that it's bigger than hyrule temple from melee.
SuperMatt said:
Why is it floating?
KOOL-AID said:
I loved the temple stage so this is gonna be good.
sexystf said:
It's the stage of who? From what game?
Doc-Yoshi said:
It's from Lucas's games Earthbound/Mother.
leila the crow said:
The chimera's pink! I love pink.
Aeth said:
Music for this Stage: "Porky's Theme", "Unfounded Revenge/ Smashing Song of Praise", "Humoresque of a Little Dog".
Random person said:
For the ones wondering, this is from Mother 3 (AKA Earthbound II, never released stateside). The "Ultimate Chimera" is not really an enemy from the game, just a big creature in the city that, outside of battle, will chase you around the city and, if it touches you, kill you instantly. And that button on its back is its off-switch, but that's what the little birdie thing is for. Turn the chimera off and the birdie gets pissed and turns it back on.
wawa said:
Do you have to get that duck on ultimate chimera?