Well, Manhunt 2 in its current form won't be appearing on Nintendo or Sony consoles. Both companies have stated they won't allow any AO titles to run on their machines.
This means publishers Rockstar will probably rework the game to get a lower rating. The cynic in me says they planned this from the start, just for publicity.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Let's face it, this game will never see the light of day in any country. Looks like you pushed it too far this time rockstar! Was really looking forward to this game as well.
Omega Red said:
That truly sucks. I was going to get this game from EBAY dang it. Oh well at least Sony said they weren't allowing it either. Or that would have looked bad for Nintendo.
stinky12694 said:
Sadness was going to get AO, nooo! Don't dull down what I have heard of sadness.
Koen van Beeck said:
Aw, c'mon. Give the Wii its violent game! Plez, man. I hope the rating will be reconsidered.
DragonFoxCoon said:
That wouldn't surprise me, but I don't think so. Why would they do something so foolish, then not release the game, disappointing millions of gamers out there? At least when the game actually comes out, Scooby Jew might actually be able to buy it for himself.
sinn421 said:
Nintendo and Sony are businesses. They make money. Bans make them none. Although I agree with esrb on this one, however it's a shame that AO games are going to brushed aside by publishers (face it, M$ would do it too). It's all about the chedda.
Unknown said:
What did Microsoft say?
Quartz said:
I see. Well, hmm. I'd suspect that Sony would be desperate for games and would accept that.
Scooby Jew said:
Yeah, way to blow things all out of proportion, Nintendo. Oh wow, an AO rated game. Get over it and let people have choices.
fish play wii said:
Yay I hate ao's, they bring a bad name to video gaming.
licwid said:
Good call. Could you imagine the angry moms when they catch lil Johnny playing an AO game?
Splintercell4ever said:
Well, I used to be a fan of violent video games. But since the Virginia Tech massacre, it's just not cool any more. Violence happens in our world today, and it's not cool for it to appeal to the general public. The school will never be the same now that the shootings happened. As for the rating done to gain publicity, I don't think that is the case. By the way, I really hope Nintendo stays with the family friendly image. Sony and Microsoft have already sold their integrity with violence, so I hope Nintendo keeps theirs.
wiiman said:
An AO game is worthless for Nintendo to allow on their system. The game shouldn't be that violent or retarded to make it AO.
Epsilon said:
Meh, didn't appeal to me anyway.
Gonzo said:
I don't want this game anyway.
matrixsurround said:
I don't see what the big deal is. So you got to be one year older to buy an AO game. Mature games are on Wii already. Godfather, splinter cell, scarface, farcry. Nintendo is so stupid. They beg for take-two support and when they give it to them they turn their backs on them.
Master Foot said:
I don't really see what makes an AO game that different from an M rated game. Trust me, Rockstar purposefully made the content AO in order to garner attention for the game. Now it would be a snap to edit the game to M and sell 10 million copies. Bingo.
Nova said:
When I was in the UK, I rode around the subway trying to get around. I noticed that someone was reading a newspaper called Metro. On the cover was in big words, "Violent Video Game Banned" or something like that. I was curious. I hunted down one of the newspapers. It said many harsh things like "slaughtering for slaughtering sake". I don't know, but until anyone here actually plays the game I don't see any reason in not believing this ruckus they're making. In fact, without seeing anything other than screens and commercial videos, how can we not assume that the game is pure death. Of course some of you like that, I can think that some don't. But that's just my opinion. I'm not about to stop anyone from thinking whatever they want. Because I have a high chance of being wrong.
jonathan kent said:
No one will buy a cut down version of manhunt. Come on surely there's a way. Holland will release it uncut! You must be able to somewhere in the world buy the uncut version otherwise how come reviewers get a copy?
Nova said:
If you buy one of those, it will be region protected. They've been doing that ever since the N64. Each region's games won't work on another region's system.
Splintercell4ever said:
Very true Nova. I remember when my friend tried to play a Japanese version of dragon ball z on his ps1. Guess what. It didn't work and my friend made a very bad trade.
TruBlu said:
An AO rated game wouldn't even fare well sales wise. Especially for the Wii. AO is equivalent to an 'X' rating, I don't want to see such a thing besmirch my game retailer's shelves. Eeek.