Nintendo are looking to police Wi-Fi Connection users more stringently, starting by banning all Miis using a Hitler name. Up until this point, Hitlers have been rife, causing possible offense to many.
Apparently it's still ok to have a Mii bearing the resemblance, but using the name is a no-no. This does raise the question, what if your name genuinely is Hitler?
Schnell ya later.
Is it about time Nintendo did this? Are they taking censorship too far? Ye be the judge.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii Freak said:
I am Jewish and that's offensive to me and my people.
monkeylemur said:
They should ban the name Bartholomew, jk. I dunno, first, nobody names their offspring Hitler anymore, second, this is just absurd.
Lastlook said:
This seems a bit far if you ask me. Nintendo gives the warning that game experience may change during online play, so it should not come as a surprise to see offensive names. There were some pretty weird names in all the past Wi-fi games so I don't see what is so bad now. Banning just a name doesn't make much sense.
Jonny said:
Lol. I can see the reaction some people had. OHMAHGAWDZ I KENT RAES ES HETLER?
lt11 said:
That's good, Hitler was one of The WORST.
willandhiswii said:
I think they're doing the right thing. Heck I was playing with a person that had the name UF***EDNOW and kids play online. I agree with this banning of names.
LOZfan said:
Wow this is strange for Nintendo to do?
Master Foot said:
I knew it all along! Hitler is still alive and is playing Mario Kart Wii in some underground bunker. As offensive as it may be, Nintendo is violating free speech. We do have the right to use whatever screen names we want but there is a limit. Nintendo is pissing their pants (and skirts) because this is exactly what they feared.
Thundermatts said:
This seems like a little out of control censorship.
Wii Rox said:
I've seen a lot of Hitlers in the mii contest channel and was surprised they got in to be honest. Then again, I've also seen a lot of penis-faces too.
Diddy Kong said:
I think this is the right thing to do. The Jewish community has suffered enough.
cartooning said:
It's not being taken too far as Hitler was an asshole who killed millions of people.
i need a wiiew said:
Only hitler? I've seen a lot of dick head miis.
PHiRE said:
Hitler is a last name, parents don't pick and choose it for their kids, they're just stuck with it.
Wiipaw said:
Nope WW, it was getting way to annoying. I hope Nintendo also bans: Jesus, Satan, and any word referring to the male reproductive part. The reason I don't want Jesus and Satan in there is because 1) it is very disrespectful of the Christan religion (especially with Satan) and 2) people with other religions could possibly feel pressured to convert, and that is something that should not be happening while playing Nintendo. I'm Jewish myself, but I cannot stand people treating religion like a green koopa shell.
insultman911 said:
Shouldn't they ban names with swear words, not bad people's names? I don't get why bad people's names can't be used. Maybe using Hitler's name to race people you don't know might be racist to the jews that you might be playing.
Emi said:
Psssh! This is stupid. If they do this, they would have to ban EVERY offensive name. Stalin, Bush, etc. There is no way that they can police this. Just let it go, yeesh. Now, if some one files a lawsuit, they would lose anyway; therefore, it doesn't really matter. If the name pisses you off, don't play with them! Simple as that.
Zendalf said:
Anyone seen the Monty Python Skit with Mr Hilter?
Davinator said:
If you are offended by this, you are a complete tool. I bet you go to history class and just have to leave, because it says Hitler, Napoleon and Genghis Khan in your text book.
Randolph the Grey said:
Eh. The Big N seems to be trying a little bit too hard. However, this may cause offense to some. Well, if your name is Hitler, you probably could understand.
Spencer said:
Censorship. Period. Nintendo has no right.
Dcastkid said:
Great! Now the WHOLE POINT of the Mii channel is dead, except for making naruto characters. And freaks. And Billy Mays (maybe it does still have a purpose).
Quartz said:
Yes they are. Everyone talks about Hitler all the time. It's a joke a lot, and sometimes it's serious. It's part of freaking HISTORY. So they're banning part of education. GASP. LAWSUIT FOR $21 MILLION TIME.
CrimsonCerberus said:
OK with me. Using celebrities or famous (or well-known) people is ok, it may be insulting depending on circumstances, but some things should not be made light of. It'd be nice if they'd block some other vulgar words, my niece doesn't need to learn those! Such filth! And I don't care to get hit by someone named after Sukamon.
SkullHydra said:
Who the heck is going to be offended by someone using the name "Hitler" on Mario Kart?!? (What is this world coming to).
ToTaLgAmEr said:
This is a load of crap, there's much worse names than hitler out there. I versed a guy on guitar hero with the nword for a name.
insultman911 said:
For me, why the heck would I use the name and make a hitler mii? I'm not into history anyway, so I don't make historian miis. That was like 600 years ago anyway. Get with the time people. Hitler is old school anyway. Nobody cares about that racist freak anyway.
CrimsonCerberus said:
Hmm, well, 1/3 of the entire population of Jewish people were killed because of him, and he affected quite a few nations. Besides, this is a Nintendo E game, why do people need to see that and other offensive words if they go online? Brawl blocked them for everyone that wasn't a friend, at least in MKW it doesn't.
Senpai said:
There are probably still some ayrians with the name hitler, but I don't think they should start censoring everything somebody may find offensive. Nobody in their right mind likes hitler, it's just a stupid joke, let it be, censorship gets crazy, and you can't use your normal online names because there is some kind of word in it deemed offensive, for cripes sake. I can't even say hellsing on the internet any more because of the first four letters.
Plaugefiend said:
I think this is funny. They should have banned Adolf as well.
CrimsonCerberus said:
Actually, Aryans are. Oh darn it. I forgot. They originated in the area where Iran is, IIRC. Anyway, he took the name. And it's not going overboard, it could block names completely.
dave said:
I'm not a fan of censorship, but those guys deserve worse for playing as Hitler. In fact, it would be nice if it locked up their Wii as well.
Sanity said:
It's very offensive and for the most part just use your own mii. Common sense people. And if you want to use a Stalin or another dictator or whatever I don't care. Just use that thing in your head.
Wiipaw said:
What's hellsing?
Super King said:
Hitler seems like strictly a last name, so if your last name is Hitler, just use your first name. And I think I remember World of Warcraft censoring Hitler, as well as Stalin and Nazi and some other things.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Big N does too much censorship, from Mortal Kombat 'sweat' to the Wolfenstein 3D 'green blood and giant rat' replacements. Ironically enough the other Wolfensteins have Hitler and the Nazi insignia in them.
Tired said:
I agree with Wiipaw. Flame me, I don't care. I have to deal with the most racist and sexist guy at my job. He has insulted everyone but white atheist men. (Every time I tell him to stop he just says, "Or what, Your God going to strike me down?" with false fear). I don't want to come home start playing a game on Wi-fi to relax and come across some racist or sexist name. And SkullHydra, "Who the heck is going to be offended", me, most jewish people, many Russians, and most WWII veterans for a start. Davinator there is a difference between learning history and some immature person slapping a good portion of the world in the face for a joke.
Wii Rox said:
Y'know I think Nintendo has every right to do this, a swear word, or even the F word is 1 thing, but Hitler has affected many people and deeply offends many people of different races, beliefs, experiences, etc. While other words, although obscene, can't really be called offensive.
old-big-head said:
You have no right to state a surname is offensive, there's genuine Hitlers out there. Someone might have lost a child to a murderer named jack, does that mean all jacks are then banned? I find this a tad stupid, it's a genuine name. The name and a Hitler lookalike combined, now that's a possible argument. A mere name proves nothing, that isn't being offensive in itself.
sonicblast23 said:
Yeah, in europe that would probably be illegal to have that. I think that because it is illegal to have a toy with the Nazi party's symbol on it.
Wii Rox said:
The difference, old-big-head, is that if a man named jack murdered someone, it would only be one person, and not many people would hear about it. However Hitler, has killed MANY people, and is known worldwide as one of the single most insidious people in history. Mention the name Hitler to anyone and they instantly think of Adolf. I don't see what the problem is anyway, you could easily just change your name.
Wiipaw said:
OK guys, I'm coming out and saying it: why hasn't anyone made a Nazi symbol on mario kart DS?
Wii Freak said:
Next they should ban Jack tompson. He hates GTA.
i need a wiiew said:
Heh apparently during WWII in the UK, kids were given eggs, had to paint hitler on them, and whoever came up with the most creative way to crack/ crush the egg won a prize. I would love a wiiware game like that- I can see kenny being killed a lot. Wow I just thought of a pretty fun sounding game from history.
Crimson Fang said:
Old, it wasn't one child, it was millions of people. Millions. Like I just said, 1/3 of the entire Jewish population. Oh, but it's perfectly fine, it should be allowed.
Free Speech said:
Got to love the folks that think this form of censorship is a "violation of free speech". Buy yourselves a clue.
@55 said:
Screw censorship, and Hitler is a last name. I remember seeing a bakery or cafe called that not too long ago, but for some reason I don't think it did very well.
OrlandoGardener said:
There's a bit of a conflict here between what we want to be able to do for fun, and the image of ourselves we want portrayed. We want to play games that allow us to steal, murder, practice necromancy, or start wars with no consequences. But don't pretend to call yourself Hitler, that would be impolite. Hitler should be a hero in the gaming world, because he almost did what we only imagine ourselves doing - he exercised total power over the people around him. He was the demon we wish we were.
Lay-Z Boy said:
I did make a Hitler mii. But I hate Hitler and would never bring him in Wi-Fi races.
Wiipaw said:
Yes, OrlandoGardener, you made an interesting, albeit somewhat pro-nazi point, but what about Black and White, Civilization, or even Sim City Society? I just don't find it right to celebrate a REAL dictator that made millions of REAL people suffer for his own, REAL, sick desires. Actually, it's really disgusting that you even brought the idea up. No offense.
samus aran said:
People shouldn't get offended that easily, it's ONLY a mii. And some of them are quite funny.
POOT said:
Regardless of whether it's offensive or not, it doesn't change the fact that it's severely awesome.
Michael said:
All video games featuring ANY mention of Hitler, whether it's mention of his NAME or not, are subject to CONTROVERSY and CENSORSHIP, since Hitler was the WORST person EVER to have lived. He was REALLY evil; he's even worse than Genghis Khan. Does THIS answer one's question?
Wilhelm said:
Yeah, Hitler did some of the most evil deeds this world has known, but really. That is an era long gone! There are plenty of other genocides in history, some even being committed by Americans at the same time. Its now a cute game called Cowboys and Indians. Stalin, one of the 3 allied powers, killed more than Hitler. Mao Zedong killed more than Hitler and Stalin combined. To dwell on Hitler, a man long dead and out done in evil deeds throughout history, is just plain ignorant. There are more modern issues to focus on. Can anyone here tell me about Darfur? Or what about Nero's Christian burning? What if I, a Christian, were to go around ranting and raving every time I saw a Roman allusion, or something even close?
The Truth said:
To be honest, yes. Hitler did terrible things. But let's not forget about Atilla the Hunn, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, the Crusades, and many other global genocides. Hitler's incident was only a small blip to what's going on and what has went on. I am no Nazi sympathizer, and I never will be; I'm just trying to bring up some valid points to open people's eyes to the truth. Let's not forget that Adolf Hitler was a war hero during WWI. Show the dead veterans some respect. Or something like that.
Cog said:
The Truth. Putting Alexander the Great alongside Hitler in with Genocides along with Napoleon and the Crusades makes you look a complete and utter tool. And as for Hitler being a war hero? To who?
Michael said:
When I go onto Mii Contest Channel and search for a Mii using its entry number (by going onto the magnifying glass), every time I punch in '4841-3116-6360', the screen just says 'No Miis found', even when I see OTHER Hitler Miis on the same channel and go onto 'Call friends' or search for Miis under the talent of 'Speeches'. What if someone wanted to make a Hitler Mii and beat him up in boxing on Wii Sports?! Hmm? This particular Hitler Mii I can't find was a VERY GOOD one, even. Can any Wii fans who are fans of Miis help me here?
GLaDOS said:
@Wiipaw What about all the poor ol' Richards out there with a nickname of 'Dick'?
Hooly said:
I agree on banning them. What dick would make their mii Hitler then offend people online. It's just selfish.
Parvin said:
They are doing a good thing here. There are little kids playing on the Wii, and when you've got someone with the F word or something like that, well it's not going to be a great result when they blurt it out all the time. I play with my sister 2 player on Mario Kart Wii, so it's good that they are stopping this.
woogle said:
I know a Nathan Hitler, what if he wanted to use his surname? Censorship is stupid, it just hides stuff that shouldn't be forgotten, remembering is part of making sure it doesn't happen again. Even if it is about a madman who offered millions of people free bed and breakfast with on-suite shower facilities.
lollercoaster said:
They even banned the name Asuka, someone knows why? I can still play as Rei/Shinji/Mari/etc.
rjsec4ever said:
@lollercoaster:: Note Submission #'s 0987-7428-3397 and 2673-9257-3879. The Mii Artisan names, anyway. Asuka, for sure. As for me, I'm using the name "As?kaLaSoh".
dylan said:
What if I was German and happened to have the last name of Hitler? I would have the right taken away from me to name the mii after me.
Meh said:
Is Hitler worse than Saddam or Laden?
1 post
RapidTNT said:
I have the game Mario Kart Wii and I didn't see his name when I am playing over Nintendo WFC but I am scared to see him and if I see "Hi my name is... John." then I will log out of Nintendo WFC because this is the not good part of WFC and I hate bad guys and burglary and robbery.
1 decade ago