Quickfire news

Teslagrad announced for Nintendo Switch. Being shown at TGS.

No More Heroes site opens

No More Heroes site opens

The official No More Heroes website had a countdown placed on it just over a week ago, now the time is up! The site is partly open, but unfortunately it's in Japanese. We have gained some small screenshots from it though.

That's gonna hurt in the morning.

Nice day for the beach.

Go Travis. It's y'birthday.

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Rob Jones

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User comments


Crimson Hawk said:

Is she okay?


Ekaj185 said:

I think she's had a little too much unowat.


Scooby Jew said:

Looks nice and violent. Love it already. The graphics kick some amount of ass too.


Wiimaster said:

Awesome once again.


BrothaZ said:

Is this game going to be rated M?


exavior66 said:

Rated M? I'm not sure, I mean you can cut people in half. Hmm YEAH it will be.


GiGANTOR said:

Cutting people in half rules.

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Nova said:

Doubt it. I've seen worst teen games. I like the name Travis. It rings a certain bell.

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