November 2009 consoles sales

November 2009 consoles sales

The latest batch of NPD console sales figures are in, covering last month. No surprise that the Wii continues to dominate in the run up to xmas.

    November 2009 (US)
  1. Nintendo DS - 1,700,000
  2. Nintendo Wii - 1,260,000
  3. Xbox 360 - 819,500
  4. Sony PS3 - 710,400
  5. PSP - 293,900
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Rob Jones

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wiiboy101 said:

Look at psp vs DS, now look at ps3 vs Wii. Sony are a spent force, their dead poor sales and operating at huge multi-billion loss, psp-go also super flopped. Ps3 slim and price drop was predicted by fanboys and game industry biased journalists and super analysts to dominate from here on, it lasted 1 month. In a matter of two months ps3 went from 3rd to 1st back to 3rd, that is nothing but a flop and to try calling it anything else is BLIND FANBOYING. PSP sales are dead.


shizzlemiinizzle said:

With such domination for DS globally and Wii being so small and cube having a handle it all looks like the two will become one hybrid console/handheld 2011 2012 make it so Nintendo.


Jordan said:

Wiiboy101, you are sounding rather like a fanboy yourself.


wiiboy101 said:

Jordon I'm a Nintendo fanboy AND damn proud of it. The fact is the facts I post are true regardless of being a fanboy or not. If I said water was wet and I was a water fanboy it doesn't change what I'm saying is a FACT. If I'm a fanboy or not is not of any issue, there's an issue if I lie or troll but telling the truthful facts is neither! Telling the truth is HONORABLE. I'm getting vibs you're a sony fan simply upset with my factual posts rather than mii. psp 293k DS 1.7 MILLION, right psp is dead and DS is flying high. Is that an observation of the above article or is that fanboying? Have a word with yourself jordon, you only posted that because the truth of my post and the above article hurts your black Sony heart. That's not my issue, that's yours, don't have a meltdown like EA games and IGN and IGN's matt. I like how the anti-Nintendo meltdowns happen just as November numbers are in and new Mario sells big. The meltdown is an industry in total fear of Nintendo ganging up to try and stop Wii, go join them in there schizophrenia rolls-eyes at the anti-gamer industry slave.


GQ said:

It doesn't seem like sony even cares to make games for the psp. I go to gamestop and they have one small rack of games (20 new) and maybe 100 used games). meanwhile ds has half a wall (200 new games) and close to 500 used games. It just doesn't seem that sony or 3rd parties even care to make games and when sony does make a game it's a port of a ps3 game (with the exception of disidea). Meanwhile 3rd parties are making sweet rpgs (my favorite genre) as well as other games that are innovative and addictive. I honestly don't see how the playstation brand even stays in existence with their two or three great games a year they make (which most end up on xbox too).


wiiboy101 said:

Why are sony fans in such denial and the industry itself. I'm fed up with this childish crap, if I had a button which read press sony and microsoft disappear Nintendo wins (I'd press it) and all companies compete with software on the Nintendo format (think dvd player) then all this crap ends, AND WE GAMERS BENEFIT. Why oh why can sony and Microsoft drones not see that. And I say Nintendo format not out of blind fanboying, I say it because only Nintendo leads gaming and innovation. If sony and mr sony fan had their way we would be bashing dualshocks until doomsday. Get out of gaming sony, you're destroying it.


Jordan said:

Just to let you know wiiboy101, I have a Wii and PS3. I am not a 'fanboy' just because I was defending a console that I have and enjoy. Playstation is a HUGE brand and will NEVER go away. And how can you say Sony is destroying gaming? That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

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