Paper Mario on PAL VC

Paper Mario on PAL VC

Guess what. N64 classic Paper Mario is now on the Virtual Console in Europe and Australia, as of today.

It's also joined by Air Zonk. Equally exciting! Maybe not.

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Rob Jones

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Master Foot said:

Mario attacks! Goomba is immune to damage! Goomba prepares "Fist of Fury". Wait a minute.


Scooby Jew said:

I don't see why they almost always get the good VC games first. America is where the money's at.


JosephTheSquirrel said:

Why!? Why not in America, why?!? Nooo!


soulbreather said:

Well don't complain, you get lots of games before us.


BrothaZ said:

It'll come soon enough, don't worry.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

It'll come 2 America trust me. It's just I wish they add in Iggy's Reckin Balls! Now that was one of the best games.


Kitchwa said:

Awesome. Now I just need to get a Nintendo wi-fi adapter and some virtual points.


i need a wiieww said:

Probably because europe has to pay more for the VC games.


Smash Champion said:

I already have it for the N64, so I might not get it. It's a GREAT game.


DragonFoxCoon said:

Perhaps they're testing the waters, seeing how well these VC games sell elsewhere before bringing them here, "where the money's at" according to Scooby Jew.


Irish Ninty fan said:

Don't you lot already have super paper mario in the US? That still doesn't have a release day for Europe. If we do get better VC games, it's because the Wii games take much longer to get here.


Andrew said:

I live in australia w00t, we're getting good stuff lately.


mystery man said:

And so why isn't it in north america? Please give it to me.


Tsumaru said:

Hopefully it comes out soon for America. I can't wait.


Wii man said:

You can moan all you want about games not being in America first. However they're a little ungrateful those comments. Try and live in Europe.


Soul Lock said:

*Goes and cries in corner* Why not in America.

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