Yesterday's video about the Subspace Army in Super Smash Bros Brawl showed off a fierce looking Petey Piranha.
Despite his huge size some were speculating he could be a playable character (as if). Well forget it, he's a boss. The first boss.
Wielding a cage in each hand, he'll do his best to slam you with them. Inside the cages are Princess Peach and Princess Zelda, you can only save one.
You can call me Pacman.
What do you mean I'm ugly?
Society made me this way.
She's all shook up, oh-oh-oh.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
This looks so exciting.
The Doc said:
Petey Piranha was my favorite boss from Super Mario Sunshine. I reckon Petey will fly off when you rescue one of the princesses (Peach will be like 'not again').
Amazon Kevin said:
My goodness. The moral choices of the situation in which you must decide who to save alters the very game itself! Baffling! I'm saving Zelda.
EDD said:
GO KIRBY! Kick his ass.
YoshLee said:
Looks like his site is finally revealing good info, all the posts this week were at the least pretty good.
Name123 said:
I'm saving zelda, I use her a lot.
Nintendoof said:
BOSSES: Ridley, Ganon (Pig thing), King Boo, Zant, King Dedede, Andross, King K Rool, Bowser Jr., Mouse (from Warioware), Lucario, Master Form, Ancient Minister and Polygon Master.
pichu fan said:
We already knew about this but if there's going to be bosses on this one I hope to see king boo.
pichu fan said:
Is ridley going to be a boss? I hope not because I want him as a character.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I love what this hints at: possible multiple stories for replay value. Probably won't happen like that, instead having just a simple change of in-movie characters depending on which princess you save. But still, with a decision like that up front, I'm already liking the single player mode.
Sonic Phantom said:
This is kind of awkward. In Marvel Ultimate Alliance, you had to choose either NightCrawler or Jean Grey to save from dying in Mephisto's Realm. And either way you can't get a perfect ending. Well at least in Brawl that can't happen.
Jonny B said:
Dang the first real choice we would have to make. Cool.
Elebot said:
Brawl continues to blow me away. That last part about only being able to save one sounds rather haunting. I don't know what else to say. Incredible.
Wii decimates all said:
Good addition, adding him as a boss.
RisingPhoenix said:
Aw, I hope he's a playable character. He'll be the biggest. But this also makes me suspect, since they're putting past bosses as 'adventure mode' bosses then will the much wanted huge Ridley be one of those? Who knows.
Nova said:
The captions are pretty funny.
Keranu said:
Funny caps, as usual. Oh-oh, yeeeeaaaah, yeeeaaah! She's all shook up.
Scooby Jew said:
Awesome update, the adventure mode is really shaping out to be great. That's kind of strange considering I haven't played it, I've only seen about 20 screen shots of it, and all the information I've gotten about it came from 3 or 4 daily updates. Basically what I'm trying to say is: Even though I've only gotten the slightest taste of Brawl's adventure mode, I'm already convinced it's going to be marvelous.
Kitchwa said:
I think I'll be saving Peach. Poor woman has had enough of being kidnapped and I think Zelda should know how it feels to Peach's extent.
Pacman07e said:
I really hope pacman is in ssbb.
Googolmario said:
Wow. That is Freakin' Awesome. And I agree, Elebot. Only able to save one? Haunting indeed. I only hope we get to save Zero-Suit Samus, because she's hot.
YoshLee said:
It will be marvelous. I'll look forward to this mode. I think they have alternate stories, like if you rescue zelda first then you and her go to save peach or if you save peach it's the other way around.
insultman911 said:
Who would want to put a blind never watered polka-dotted fly trap with two caged woman in a brawl game? Slap that plant silly with charizard.
dec3issofaraway said:
God. Now wouldn't this be a fun game if an Action Replay for Wii came out? You could be PETEY PIRHANA using a debug menu.
BrothaZ said:
Well, I'm saving Zelda. She has about 15 legends on her belt and is hotter. Ever see The Legend of Peach as a game? Nah, neither did I.
Petey'sPal said:
Ok so Petey was my favorite boss since sunshine, so I wished he was a playable character. So here is what I hope for in a twist in the story line: Kirby defeats petey sometime, maybe now maybe later in the game, but when he does Petey falls to the ground and the purple goop (we saw in the first movie on Adventure mode that came out of the ship) comes out of petey and he shrinks so you can battle him to unlock him. A guy can dream can't he?
YoshLee said:
I wonder if you can break both cages at once.
SuperMatt said:
I'm saving peach.
N00bhunter0 said:
Comparing who gets kidnapped the most, Zelda is a noob.
Pescador Gama said:
What happens if Kirby absorbs that plant?
Wii Freak said:
I hate adventure mode in melee. It was too long.
YoshLee said:
I don't think he can absorb it, kind of like how you can't absorb any bosses in kirby games like meta knight.
Anonymous said:
Why doesn't zelda just teleport out? Idiot.
Supershiny said:
What if Wart from SMB2 was the final boss? Whoa, plot twist! He's been gone for about 20 years. Bring him back. I suppose Birdo will be a playable character. Be good if Waluigi was.
insultman911 said:
If you like mario, save peach. If you like link, save zelda. I like mario better, so I'll save peach.
insultman911 said:
Yoshlee! If you want to save them both, you have to take turns hitting each cage. If you save only one and time runs out, the other gets devoured by an overly watered underpanted fly trap! Who grew and over watered Petey anyway? Bowser? Queen of Sheeba? Lindsay Lohan?
Captain Jamesman said:
Man, Mario should be the one to kick Petey's Posterier & save the Princesses! But hey, this is Kirby's first time saving a Princess. I hope they both will remain, despite being unable to save both.
sexystf said:
The choice will be simple - have to choose your partner for the next combat. If you choose Zelda you will fight in team (kirby/zelda) to save peach. And if you choose peach it will be the same, this choice changes just this event not the entire game.
Dark Star said:
Likely that since both princesses have powerful magic, the one you couldn't rescue will have her magic (Peach has magic too where did you think the explosion in her Peach Bomber move came from?) will be taken and used to the Subspace army's advantage to create more troops, more subspace bombs, or something more sinister (I know, I read to many comic books). The picture with Pit and the glowing figure from the second update might have been just this with Zelda.
Dark Star said:
I'm sorry about the mistake in my last post after double checking the picture I noticed that the glove was wrong. The thought may still be the same.
Garth said:
Save zelda.
MAC ultima said:
Dude this is awesome! This opens so many possibilities. I mean we could have bosses like ridley, wart, dededee, and with 3rd party characters like snake and hopefully sonic and megaman (I wouldn't be devastated if someone else was in there instead of megaman though) we could have bosses like liquid as or maybe even eggman, shadow, zero, bass, silver. I mean there may only be two or three third party characters but does that include bosses too? I hope not and who knows we might even have a stage where you have to fight off like 10000 rabbids (a guy can dream can't he).
Dayless Night said:
Dark Star, take a look at the dress on the golden figure. It is Zelda or someone wearing the same dress.
Nickhead said:
I would love it if they would do that MAC ultima, but Mega Man sucks in super smash flash.
Dayless Night said:
Okay, I made a mistake on the picture. Honest mistake. Why must all the females with goddess powers wear the same dress?
bbbrrr said:
Because, Dayless Night, if they didn't, we would have nothing to complain about and be confounded by.
Zelpha said:
Ya know, if you look at the pic with zelda laying down, it seems to me that ganondorf (our favorite evil pig/human/thief) is the one behind her. This would probably be the situation if you rescue peach. I would think that rescuing zelda would make bowser appear and get peach and through some weird idea of mine, help her (because you know, he's in love with her and stuff). In the video clip, mario is knocked quite a distance away from the scene. If you play kirby does he start off with an instantaneous boss fight?
#1 Peach Fan said:
I was shocked to see Petey in this game, I thought Mario Kart: Double Dash was his last appearance. He needs his butt kicked for stealing Peach.
David said:
Don't hold your breath about Pacman everyone, There will only be about three third party characters, and two are already confirmed (Being Sonic and Snake). Also Pacman does not have a big move set, and does not have very many final smash options.
davyt0247 said:
I saved Zelda, I use her more.
NegaVision said:
Somebody prove whether or not you can break both cages! I don't care how cool you think the game is or how fun it can be. Break both cages! And where was Link? Wasn't he supposed to be protecting Zelda? How did Kirby get there?
Aeth said:
NegaVision, it is impossible to break both cages because they are too far apart. Link was retrieving the Master Sword at the time in order to compete. Kirby along with Mario, Peach, and Zelda were probably the first fighters to arrive and so decided to put on a little show before the others showed up.