Well this is pretty wacky, in Super Smash Bros Brawl there will be a PictoChat stage.
DS owners will already be a little familiar with PictoChat (although who actually uses it?), it's a piece of software that allows you to draw on the screen and communicate with other DS' through Wi-Fi.
The update doesn't really mention being able to draw your own stages, so they may all be preloaded.
Shall I compare thee to a summers day.
Come in Ground Control.
This kidney is sprouting legs.
To build something great is like swimming in honey.
It's Line Rider all over again.
I'm hot tonight.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Having a whale of a time.
Wii Shop Channel music FTW.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
#1 Peach Fan said:
It's kind of a neat concept but I wasn't overly impressed by this update. Can someone tell me what FTW means?
Master Foot said:
That is some sweet 2D monochrome rendering!
insultman911 said:
Great idea for a stage. Wonder what the last one will be?
the smash master said:
What is the ds logo doing there? New character maybe?
Pezhead said:
FTW = for the win, and what do you mean the last one? Did they announce a set number of stages?
PezMan said:
Did anyone else get a chuckle out of the first screen "now entering Peach" or am I just that immature?
DragonFoxCoon said:
Seeing this stage here gets me thinking that there might not be an Animal Crossing fighter. Still hoping.
Pezhead said:
Immature! Why did you take my name. There can be only one.
Mr Friend said:
If you could draw things yourself this would be the coolest update ever. If not the level is just a poke-foats with worse graphics.
boeoz said:
I never though of it, but now you mention it, I did laugh.
DSpwner said:
Ha I get that now, I bet mario will be there.
Elebot said:
Yeah, this is weird. It doesn't ruin Smash, but it definitely makes it a little strange. Creative, yes. Practical, not really. Of course, who am I to say what is and isn't practical.
Dox said:
Weird update. Good one Pezman.
Master Foot said:
PezMan, that was dirty, but funny.
Aeth said:
This stage seems a bit similar to the Warioware Stage. From what it looks like, the pictures will move. The hand might move closer to the head, the thunder cloud might move around and give off lightning (which will cause damage most likely). The blowing face pushed our characters off stage, the cart and ramp obviously will go left and right (might cause damage when cart hits you), fire burns you, block tower might keep rising and rising (stay on it too long and you'll be bashed upwards), and the whale spurts out water (an might cause damage doing so from Pikachu's expression). Also I don't think there is any end to the pictures as they might repeat at random times. And PezMan, that is just wrong.
Splintercell4ever said:
Yeah, seriously who uses it. You can only be 100 feet away for it to work. If you're that close, you might as well just talk.
SSB4LIFE said:
Sweet stage. I wonder if you can make your own stages and if there will be more to be updated via Wi-Fi! Cool stage.
Super King said:
PezMan, you ARE just that immature.
sexystf said:
I hope I will not be pushed to buy a ds to enjoy this stage. If it's possible to build a stage I will buy a DS for sure.
feb10isfartheraway said:
That's just wrong PezMan. This is a new symbol, a picture of a Gameboy DS. Perhaps we shall see a DS character soon? Something that also goes along with the DS theme?
Zumwan said:
The last one? I mean, only one stage for most of the characters, while others have none? What about Kirby stage? Samus? Sonic? They MUST include stages fot them, especially Samus. Just because one more would fill the line doesn't mean there won't be another line.
Epsilon said:
Weird, kind of reminds me of Flat Zone from Melee.
Bobby Dazzler said:
Yes you are that immature. But who could blame you, Peach is saucy.
Nintendoof said:
It would be the first customizable stage in smash.
Jonny B said:
Did anyone notice that it says mii channel. Does that possibly mean mp3 songs?
insultman911 said:
It would be cool to draw your own things.
YoshLee said:
This is probably one of the best stages yet. Nintendo never stops surprising me.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Lemme guess, when KO'd it reads now leaving: insert character name here.
Dunks said:
How insane would it be if you could WiFi a DS to your Wii and have a fifth person literally draw the scene changes on the level as you are fighting. That would create some truly dynamic and interesting levels.
divinityboy said:
This looks like a pretty weird stage. I really hope that, since DS's and the Wii can communicate, that we can draw our own things on this stage.
insultman911 said:
I know what the last one will be. In the trailer that shows all the characters, we all saw pikachu ducking and walking through some racing shy guys. The last one is a mario kart racing stage.
Wii Freak said:
Speaking of line rider, when's it coming out?
EDD said:
Best stage I ever SEEN.
i need a wiieww said:
Hang on, there's a brain training music thingy there. Great I hated the music in that game. I hated THAT GAME. No biggy just get rid of the song chance.
insane wii man said:
Cool a picto-chat and if you can draw your own picto-chat stages I am totally getting this game.
Nintendoof said:
Just because there is a DS logo doesn't mean there is going to be a new character! I mean an Animal Crossing character is highly unlikely.
Peter said:
Well you know they STILL haven't shown Norfair, that's got to come! I was downright stupified when I saw this update, it's in Game & Watch flavor, I love its random potential. Reason why nobody uses it is because you can't talk with people outside the room. Otherwise it would be great.
Nitro wii said:
It looks win.
Darth Judicar said:
I almost peed myself when I read the first screen. Pezman, you are not alone.
i need a wiieww said:
Speaking of linerider, what the hell happened to the line rider for Wii and ds? Has it already come out or is it just not in the uk?
PezMan said:
Hey PezHead, let's not fight, we obviously both like the same things- pez and Nintendo. Now, who wants a hug?
Aeth said:
Zumwan, there are way more stages after this. Like insultman911 said, there is still the Mario Kart, and at the E For All they had the Brinstar stage.
Sexystf said:
That a sort of confirmation for the return of Mr Game and Watch?
smash 64 said:
Oh shizzle this will be the first game I buy when I get my Wii.
Aeth said:
Music for this Stage: "PictoChat", "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day", "Opening Theme (Wii Sports)", "Dr. Mario (Melee)".
caleb said:
It's true you can use your ds for super smash bro brawl picto chat stage.
Yo Mama said:
What are you guys talking about? Since when could we hear music on the DS?