There's another Pokemon hitting Super Smash Bros Brawl, it's Piplup.
Piplup appears in the Diamond & Pearl games, you receive it from Professor Rowan. Throw down a Poke Ball and this little guy might just wash away your cares, and your opponents.
Poppin' fresh.
Sorry, but I really had to go.
Men overboard.
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User comments
Captain Jamesman said:
There goes Diddy's Piplup.
Elebot said:
Always happy to see a new Pokemon in Smash Bros! Cool move. I'm excited to see the little guy in action. Hopefully more Diamond and Pearl Pokes will be in Brawl. I was a little worried about them being left out. Bring on the Abomasnow.
Technically, it would be "man and woman overboard" since one of the ice climbers is a girl. However, I am really excited to see this, piplup was my choice in diamond, and Empoleon OWNS! I hope empoleon is in brawl too, but I doubt it.
Epsilon said:
Looks kind of like it'll be the replacement for Marril.
wiiluvver said:
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
Lucario now has better chance now than ever to get in. GO LUCARIO.
Sonic Phantom said:
It's just like Marill, (which I thought she was annoying) but I think this little guy will be better.
insultman911 said:
They had to put sinnoh pokemon because sinnoh was made before brawl was thought up. I bet next will be grotle and finally infernape. Too bad now. You can't play as piplup if you switch an alternate color with pokemon trainer.
ganon man 62 said:
Piplup is an advanced marill really.
BrothaZ said:
As much as I like piplup, I wish they'd cut it out with all of the pokemon and assist trophies for a little bit.
Maximi11ian said:
I don't like him but he's better than munchlax.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I'm guessing that Piplup replaces Marill. But, seeing a Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl gives me more hope for a Lucario appearance.
Master Yoshi said:
This is cool and the captions are funny.
pichu fan said:
Piplup, a fourth generation. Now for pichu, mewto and jigglypuff to come back and a new pokemon character from the new generation.
Wii decimates all said:
What piplup, I haven't seen him in ages, since I put down pearl.
Nintendoof said:
Not any men at all Piplup. Sorry Popo.
The Joe said:
What kind of new pokemon (if any) will they put in Brawl as playable characters? I was thinking of Raichu but that seems to be taking a step backwards. What about more legendaries? Manaphy, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf?
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I love this guy.
smashdodo said:
Lucario as a playable character and not any more. I don't want any more pokemon playable characters, it's annoying.
Crimson Hawk said:
The Joe, you make a very good point, we need more legendaries in the Pokeball.
insultman911 said:
Heck with a piplup, bring on the Rampardos.
David said:
Manaphy is a pokeball character.
Danielbelford2 said:
Yes you go! I LOVE piplup.
Pippy the Empoleon said:
My Pippy is Level 100 in diamond.
Mypokefan said:
This is totally cool, I mean I've always loved pokemon and even though pokemon trainer sucks in Brawl I'm happy that piplup is coming up.
poke dude said:
Put in my luxray, he's so cute.
AquaThePiplup said:
Ooooh YAY! Maybe I'll get put in SSBB.