Ever dreamed of watching movies on your Wii? You have?! Weirdo. But now you can, supposedly. A free program called Wii Video 9 lets you simply convert DivX, Avi, MPG or MOV movies into a format understood by Wii.
The output format isn't compressed though so you'd best have a phat SD card of at least a gig or preferably 2gb.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Owlboy said:
I already put the Wii south park episode on my card using Wii Video 9 and it was a fairly easy process.
Ekaj185 said:
I make 3D movies in Avi format, so I can watch my own little robotic squirrel creations take over the world, on my Wii!
Master Foot said:
Finally! Does it play in full screen? Nintendo needs to patch it to support an external HD.
wiiboy101 said:
Great news. Did you know dvd quality movies in divx can be as small as 600mb? That's 3/4 movies on a 2gb sd card easy. Wii media just keeps getting better, they could do movie channels, divx channels, anything they want really.
sum1 said:
Wii rocks! It'd be nice if it were capable of playing DVDs straight off the disc.
Airkat said:
Wiiboy, it says that it doesn't compress it. So it seems like we won't be seeing DVD quality in 600mb form.
wiiboy101 said:
DivX compresses a dvd quality movie, plus dolby digital stereo sound to around 600/700mb. There's nothing stopping Nintendo upgrading firmware or adding a true divX movie channel, people are forgetting there's around 48 Wii channels to fill and the future holds more Wii fun than Wii have now. You can't say Wii doesn't support it as Wii has only just hit the streets, by next Christmas there could be 48 Wii channels to enjoy and one could be divx movie dedicated. Another could be itunes dedicated, Wii all know nothing yet. What do you think all those spare channels are for and the firmware upgradeable flash drive?
Zelda-dude said:
I have a 4gb sd memory card!
sparkyman said:
How do you get the files on the sd card?
fonz said:
Wii only reads 2 gb!
unclegeek said:
Well, has anyone noticed that (1) it's got wireless networking and (2) just what are those 2 usb ports for anyhow? Usb drive maybe?
pingwhen said:
The usb ports are for internet.
G said:
I have internet on my Wii without using USB ports.
mag said:
You don't need the usb ports for the internet, I would like to know what there for though.
Ekaj185 said:
Zelda-dude's memory card is going to waste, fonz is right. Or he's no telling the truth.
Mediumbluemetalic said:
In responce to wiiboy101, I feel that an itunes channel would be amazing. Call it Wiitunes perhaps. This would allow several awesome features: instant access to personal music for video game soundtracks (like Excite Truck) and the ability to watch Itunes movies/tv shows on a TV screen rather than your Ipod or PC. If Nintendo is listening. Do this and crush the PS3.
TheOne said:
The USB is for the wireless router that Nintendo made for the Wii. There's probably other things that it can be used for.
Kevin said:
One of the usb ports can be used for the internet. Nintendo has an adapter out that plugs into the usb port and connects to an ethernet cable for people who don't have wireless internet.
Wiipaw said:
Nintendo should make a DVD channel! Well, mabie they should call it WiiVD Channel.
Wiikid21 said:
How do I get videos from computer to sd card?
WiiMAN said:
You need a SD card port on your computer or a multi media card reader connected by USB to transfer info either way. If no port the card readers are cheap.
Marianjela said:
Can the USB ports be used with a jump drive? How 'bout putting the movies on a jump drive instead of a SD card?
Marioslovechild said:
I can't imagine anything more pointless then converting a movie to Video 9 for the Wii. Think about it, I want to watch a movie that's on my PC, to watch it on the Wii I would need to put it on an SD card, playing it on the Wii, taking the SD card back to my PC and swapping for the next movie. Better solution is to step-up a webserver on your PC and stream via wifi, there are plenty of Wii media centre apps out there (Orb comes to mind). Basically they all use the internet channel to stream movies, music, pictures off your hard drive. Much better than messing around with SD cards.
gunit said:
Good news, Wii movie channel is coming out September 3rd.
stupid kid said:
Great can't wait for movie channel.
WithHonor said:
You can watch youtube videos via Wii, so with that said, the question is: Anyone know how to get flash player so that if I search the web via my Wii I can watch videos/hear music? For example, if I were to go to myspace the music won't play because it needs a program in which the Wii does not contain. And I can't just download it from the Wii because it isn't supported. Riddle me that.
noah said:
Anyone know if you can plug an external hard drive into the Wii and play movies from there?
David said:
WiiVideo9 makes moves so big they won't even fit on a 2Gig SD Card, am I doing something wrong? It has to be MJPEG right?
Ablefable said:
I've tried streaming videos from the computer to Wii with Orb etc but the stream is too slow for action movies. Hope this SD card / DivX works. When will they make the Wii able to play DVDs? If it could read a DivX from a DVD you could have 4-6 movies on one disk, playable on your TV. That would be dreamy.
turpinator said:
First of all. There is no way Nintendo could add a dvd channel without an upgrade. The reader/spinner is only meant for data bursts, so about 4 sec. Continuously running the dvd would cause your dvd drive to break/burn out faster.
dragonflyy said:
Turpinator: the Wii can play DVDs. Been proven, though you have to mod because it's all homebrewed programs. But the hardware can handle playing DVDs just fine. It's the firmware that was never designed to do it. Other than that, the Wii just uses a standard DVD reader.
dancorave said:
I have so tried this. But I prefer to wait on the new release of Red Kawa. This works as a media center for your Wii. Which for you will not need to convert all of your movies.
cyko 4 said:
This way is so easy! Yay movies on the Wii.
Baggers said:
I converted movies using 'Wii Video 9' and although the Wii can find them on my card, it won't play them. It always says wrong format. Thought this program converted movie files so the Wii could play them.
Yam said:
Okay. I converted my film. The estimated size was like 1.3Gb, it turned out to be 2.3Gb and so didn't fit my SD card. Evil Wii.
Joanna said:
Can the Nintendo Wii play divx from a memory stick duo? It has usb connect at the back, can I use that?
Dave said:
Don't think the USB ports are for accessing data like video. I have a usb keyboard hooked up to one and wiimote charger in the other. Orb is good but data rate is low and the frame rate is dropped to like 15fps. The problem we all have is nobody likes burning dvds. If there is an efficient way to get divx / avi straight into the Wii on sd card or memory stick that's the winner.
zipykido said:
I'm converting now, it is highly uncompressed. If you set the quality lower you can get a 1.4 gigs movie to about 700 mb. Anyway, this is much simpler than hooking up my computer to my tv, also I can do stuff on my computer now while watching a movie. The reason the Wii doesn't play dvd is because it then Nintendo would have to pay proprietary rights for dvds and that would increase the cost of the Wii by $50-100.
Edward said:
You could just use a program called Orb. It streams any media file you have on your computer on to the Wii. You just open the Wii internet channel and go to mycast.Orb.Com and log in while you have orb running on your pc and you get instant access to any movies, pics, or music you have on your pc. But if you want to use your sd and don't have a reader you could just stick it in your digital camera and plug the cam to the pc and transfer files that way. Orb is a better solution though. No need to convert any files or waste time copying files on to an sd card. Orb is free by the way.
Payne said:
Orb sounds like a good solution. The DVD player in a Wii can play DVD's, however the drive is designed for a low duty cycle; ergo playing DVD's will shorten the life of the drive considerably. Nintendo may fix this and pay for the codecs in future models, but don't count on a DVD movie channel for units already out there. Sucks big time.
omar said:
Where exactly do you put the file on the scancard like in a folder or something.
SonOfOdin said:
Here's an idea. Why don't they make a channel that would allow you to play the AVIs straight off a CD. Then you could just have a library of CDs with all your movies on them, the Wii could act as 'seudo' DVD player that way, only better.
D Morris said:
If you own a Mac download "Wii transfer" it has a free demo but converts movies in a matter of minutes depending on the size that will play on the Wii.
wingman said:
I just put a cable between the pc and the tv, I can see what I do on pc on the monitor and on the tv, play a movie and put the tv on the channel. Forget about playing movies on Wii because that isn't really going to happen, all the converting and copying etc. With cable you can start watching in seconds.
dark elfken said:
As nice as it would be to play DivX movies on the Wii, I can't help but think that it is just much easier to press a button on my TV remote and change the channel over to my DivX compatible DVD player. Can't imagine what all the fuss is about really.
luke said:
Can't really see where the idea comes from saying it can play divx movies, as you have to convert them, which means they are no longer divx.
Russ said:
Can't really see the point in this at the moment. I already have a dvd player that has usb port to allow me to play any movie I want on any size usb stick I want. If Nintendo decide to make an on demand movie channel, I might be interested as long as the movies are not too expensive or better yet a one off subscription fee for renting as much as you like. For now though seems like a lot of effort for something I can already do. That said I am fully in favour of Nintendo utilising the sd & usb ports more.
Melanie said:
I downloaded wiivideo9 and I put the Avi files on my sd card, but they won't play on the Wii! Is there a specific folder I need to put the files in first or what? What the heck am I doing wrong? I tried two different movies.
Melanie said:
Okay I figured it out, but I still need to know how to disable the screen saver if there is a way, every five minutes or so the screen goes dim, and you have to press A to make it get bright again. Also I could not fit a whole movie on my 2 gb card, what's going on here?
chris said:
Wingman, what input are you going into from your computer? That sounds like a nifty idea.
chris said:
Wingman, what input are you going into from your computer? That sounds like a nifty idea.
derek500 said:
Melanie - How did you get them to play? I've tried with Wii Video 9, the Wii recognizes the files but says format is not supported.
KeeF said:
Chris, all you simple need is a spare VGA cable (the cable from the tower to the monitor) and a 3.5mm male jack to 3.5mm male jack audio cable. I use these and connect my laptop straight to my high def tv. No encoding needed (so no loss of quality), no discs needed, and can play all files like avi, mkv etc as long as the codecs are installed on your pc. It runs in seconds.
kmh752 said:
Looks like it's much better to go with a direct PC to TV cable like I was going to do originally. I was hoping not to have to wait for the cable if I could use my son's Wii.
knowledge001 said:
Why are my avi movies that are 700MB-800MB converting to over 2GB on Wii video9? It won't fit on my 2GB card and I have that card because most people say you can't use over 2GB cards. Was just wondering why it's making my small files so big?
knowledge001 said:
I am now streaming through orb and it's so much easier than the other one, it streams a little choppy I think and if it is worth the struggle of getting movies to format right so the Wii can read it I would rather do that. Is there anybody out there that knows and can explain how to's.
Appleguy said:
It is much easier to use an apple tv or an xbox to watch movies, also a lot cheaper to buy a used xbox on ebay. It already will play avi. For me though it is better to use apple tv as I got started with the ipod. No video converting and streaming video and audio is great. The Wii is better for games.
vejuxus said:
Orb is an ok program and my brother uses it all the time for his phone and Wii. However if you don't have a good internet connection or good pc orb will just make you more frustrated. I have a dvd player with divx capability but if the Wii can do it, I can have a divx player in each room. So I hope Nintendo gets wise and listens to the consumers.
mike said:
I notice you people keep bring up orb to stream movies and that with orb you don't have to convert anything. But what you don't realize that with orb you still have to split the movie into parts since you can only stream whatever the cache size is on the Wii opera browser.
Eli said:
I came across orb and decided to give it a try. It worked great. The only thing that bothered me was the menu bar that doesn't go away. Other than that the movie played great.
B said:
I use the usb ports for rockband.
Keven said:
Wingman is using a HDMI cable. I use it with my laptop when I'm in my dorm but my TV at home doesn't have a HDMI port.
randy said:
Yeah I'd love for Nintendo and Opera to update the Wii and its internet capabilities, whenever that happens. As for the comments on the usb ports. I made a usb splicer and a usb ethernet adapter through my vocational class at cisco networking. Tweaked around with the board, bought a chip attachment. My Wii plays hd dvd's, has a wireless key board and mouse, and I have a wired connection so I don't have to use a pathetic so called "high speed wi-fi connector".
Loong Dave said:
Fonz you are wrong. I use a Kingston 4gb HC SD on my Wii. I tried the 8gb HC SD but the Wii would not recognize it. The manual might say only 2gb but when it was written only 2gbs were available. The only way to find out is to try it. Plug it in and Wii will tell you if it works.
Munted said:
The USB ports can be used for rechargeable battery packs for the Wii remote etc. I for one would like to see the Wii play DVD's and DivX. Means one less thing I need plugged into my TV. Can get rid of the DVD player.
talalpro said:
But no sound.
Tim said:
For all the people saying it is useless why don't you just use the computer or use a divx player- Simple, I want to watch a movie at my gf's house, she has only got a Wii and a normal dvd player so my reason for using this.
Lauren said:
I am trying to play movies on my Wii with the Orb program and all seems to work fine until you get half way through the movie and then it tells you that there is not enough memory to play it? What's going on, I'm not that Wii smart.
Parvin said:
I couldn't be bothered to read through every single comment, but if anyone cares, the Wii can support up to 32gb off an sd card now. So for the dude who had a 4gb sd card, you can use it.
GeBoy96 said:
For anybody wondering, the USB ports are for Wiimote charging docks etc.
GQ said:
The usb port is for a keyboard too.
zarathustra said:
There are _plenty_ of priphs that can be attached to the Wii's USB slots. I've got one of the USB Wiimote twinset chargers. I also use my USB memstick to test backups before they go onto the external HDD (again, USB)- keyboards, mice, etc., etc. Wonder why you're always being pwned in FPss? Spect the pwnERs are using kb/mice combos for pinpoint accuracy (no?) PS@ randy. I remember making the USB ethernet adapter too.
isit420 said:
They make ethernet adapters that plug into the usb ports now and mice and keyboards.
Monsterrubber said:
I don't know why you are all talking about Wii video 9, if you are saying that Wii supports AVI and MOV, then just rip the dvd, and have it ripped into AVI format. How is that so hard?
jason said:
I can't get video9 on my Wii it won't let me.
BillyTKid said:
Stream over wifi? Are you stupid? Who uses wifi? Wired is the only way to go unless you like high pings.
Red said:
I have my file created. What folder on the SD card do I put it in? The Wii doesn't see the files?
rj24 said:
Can I use a usb hard drive to play avi files on my Wii?
Benodo said:
Just bought a Wii. Thankfully I've still got my 360. Plug in an external HD. Run the update. Play the movie. Any format I like.
mcbbcm said:
Just get the homebrew channel and use your flash drive to watch movies or play games from your sd card or usb, it's really easy, google it.
DP said:
Yea. The Xbox rocks over the Wii that way. Can access files of your computer wirelessly. No headaches.
MacPHREAK said:
The USB ports are as follows. The one at the top/right is for a keyboard or other input device. The other one I use with an External Hard Drive to play my games.
Blimp said:
Hey mcbbcm for homebrew do you have to mod your Wii in any way or is it just some files you install and a channel it adds to the Wii? Thanks.
jermane said:
Is it true that I can play DVD on my Wii? I tried it before but it didn't work. How can I make it play? Answer me.
Steve the great said:
For those of us who don't know about the USB ports on the back of the Wii, you could connect Wii speak accessory, internet, any computer keyboard and a USB microphone (it says on the Wii shop channel).
mat said:
Homebrew uses the usb as a storage device (can play vids).
tattewed1 said:
You have to use an external set up on a fat32 system. The Wii doesn't recognize files on a ntsc drive.
Gazzel said:
I use usb drive setup as a ntsc with mplayer_ce as my player and it works fine on my Wii.
Scotty said:
The VGA cable hook up is great for video but sucks for sound. I do not want to modify the Wii either. Avi's are easy. But Orb is the way to go. You will then be set up just like the Xbox to stream video.
Me said:
Why should I bother converting every one of my video files? Nintendo needs to get with the program and make streaming a native function of the Wii.
james said:
Ya I like that a stock Wii will watch youtube and some others, flash would be nice too. I also like that now I listen to shoutcast radio on the Wii just use there web player.
lucain said:
I downloaded Wii video 9 and converted my movie but it says file is not supported, why is that? I did everything right I think. Help me out guys cheers.
tired said:
I've converted files via Wii video 9, and put them onto an SD card. But when I go to the SD card icon on the main screen, nothing shows up. Do I have to put them in a certain folder?
meh said:
What a mission. All I want to do is pop some movies on my usb and plug it into my Wii. Why must they make it so difficult.
Spoon said:
I have downloaded the Wii Video 9 converter but I'm afraid the size of the converted video is too big. The original video fitted exactly. I don't want to waste the quality. Too bad the Wii sucks so hard. Nonetheless, I am still a Nintendo-fanboy.
yoshimito(Yes its) said:
Hello, I'm using the Wii to do this right now. Yes they need to improve, and Randy, Wi-Fi can be slow, unless you have Comcast - their ethernet and wireless internet have the same speed. Wii needs to upgrade flash, but they can't. I heard that Adobe won't let them go higher than seven, but if Nintendo payed them a price for the free software (free for Pc and Mac), but they would get closer 2nd place console (right now Xbox's is 1st and Playstations are 2nd and Wii is 3rd). Well I'm done. Xbox Rules! (as in the 369, Elite, Pro, and slim) the slim has a 54 while the Elite has a 76. The elite is still the best one in capabilities. Nintendo. Try to be top console. ~~Don't Question it. Just Accept it~~ that's my motto. {super-advanced-elite-pro,. OUT}.
danield1993 said:
For those who say that the Wii could have DivX or iTunes support, I hate to say it but it won't happen. The Wii is not powerful enough to decode a MPEG4 (DivX) or H. 264 (iTunes) stream because of its processor. It is powerful enough to decode MPEG2 so let's hope Nintendo eventually give it DVD playback.
ur all crazy said:
First off the Wii will recognize up to 500gb of storage in wsf and up to 4gb of fat32 so if you take your hdd and format it so it has a 4gb fat32 partition and place your converted movies there and plug it into USB PORT 1 (YES IT MATTERS) and you can watch straight off your hdd, I do it all the time.
Wii Expert said:
Hey. For those of you that think the usb ports on the back of the Wii are for Internet. You're crazy! They have games such as rock band and other games that have controllers such as drums or microphones that need to be plugged in somewhere. Hence the usb ports.
Danielle said:
Just use an external harddrive to watch movies on it! Plugs right in to the USB ports. One of the MANY things that the USB ports can be used for.
dez said:
I've got a tin of baked beans in my fridge.
Jessica said:
I've got my external hard drive filled with movies. Is there some type of mod I need to do with the Wii. I was hopeful I could just plug it in and play movies but the Wii isn't having it. Freezes up and gives me a page of error codes.
anonymous coward said:
Just a simple question for the "it's not powerful enough" comments. Why is it that the generic 40USD dvd players are 'powerful' enough to play divx, yet according to you the Wii with a 729mhz ppc processor and an ATI gpu clocked at 243mhz is not? You trying to say that the no name dvd players you can get just about anywhere for dirt cheap have more grunt than a Wii does?
fearless said:
When I convert the videos I downloaded they gain like an extra 1.5 GB which causes it not to fit on my sd card, am I doing something wrong?
danield1993 said:
You must be a real retard mate, HA not powerful enough? You don't need a 5ghz processor to encode divx, its processor is fine to decode divx, the feature is just locked because Nintendo don't want people to burn dvd games so easily.
nano said:
So, what I understand is: I need to have the dvd cd file in my computer, save it in sd card and then play it in Wii?