New character announced for Super Smash Bros Brawl! He's the Pokemon trainer (why didn't they just use Ash?).
He doesn't fight directly, but instead lets his pokemon do it for him. He comes equipped with three pokemon, they are:
He can swap them in and out at will, they switch in this order:
The down side is that they all share the same damage meter. There is another stat called stamina though, if you rely too heavily on one pokemon he'll start to tire. Conversely if you swap them in and out too much they'll also start flagging.
Catch 'em all? I've only got 3.
Mario has a good track record against turtles.
This will end in tears.
Quit it, we'll have to pay for the damage.
Kirby needs the bathroom... again.
Flowerboy doesn't look so tough.
Where'd he go?
Don't feed your pokemon with beans.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Amazon Kevin said:
This may just be the weirdest character yet.
Fishmon said:
Lol at Charizard's captions. How would Ivysaur grab? Vines?
man with cap said:
Awesome! Looks like I might give him an advantage.
world wide wii said:
Cool, this is what brawl needs - pokemon. Would have been cool with more pokemon though.
bbbrrr said:
Best. Captions. Ever.
Tman said:
They did not use Ash because if you watch the anime he has Pikachu and Pikachu is already a seperate character.
dragoon3646 said:
OH MY GOD! I would of never though of ash aka pokemon trainer being a player. Mr X never told us that one. I already knew he was a liar.
smashfreak said:
Three characters in one, awesome. I can't wait to play charizard so I can kick some ass.
Crimson Hawk said:
DUDE, SHUT UP! I can't believe he's an ACTUAL character! But I wonder what his final smash is?
mr guy said:
I LOLed at the bottom caption.
Elebot said:
This may be the most original and interesting characters ever. I can't wait to try him out.
Wiiman said:
At Fishmon: Ivysaur can stand up, but they have difficulty doing so, according to Pokemon Blue.
The Dude man said:
I wish they used one of the cooler trainers from the games. Like Wes from Colosseum. He's so much cooler than the Fire/Leaf trainer.
Name123 said:
Bet you that final smash is either they all evolve to final and use super amped up versions of themselves, or about two million pokeballs come out at random and attack.
pichu fan said:
Does this guy do anything at all except for using pokemon? Can't they just stop showing off new characters, because I don't really want to know them yet, they won't be secret any more.
Sonicfan12 said:
His final smash is probably all 3 pokemon doing their attacks. Who knows?
Master Foot said:
Interesting addition. Brawl shouldn't feel too much like Melee now. Why couldn't he have a cool Pokemon like Blaziken.
wiiiiiguy said:
Ok so this is awesome. I can't wait to use charizard BOO YEAH.
jskrdude said:
Dude, this is going to be weird. It's kind of like shiek/zelda, but there's 3 different transformations. Cool.
Kamehameha X said:
I like it! This really adds a sense of variety to the fighting styles, if you ask me. I think that it adds a chance to try something new, without creating a character who is wildly overpowered or unbalanced. Hats off to you, Sakurai.
Scooby Jew said:
Man, my jaw literally dropped when I saw how this dude fought. I just wasn't expecting it, and I think this is a really different idea that looks like it'd be fun to master. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Sakurai sure hasn't let us down, I can already tell. He's already given me more than I could ask for, and the game's not even out or close to being completed.
master hand said:
How will kirby's suction power come into this, and what about sidescrolling levels and trainers A attacks and up special?
banjo and chewwy said:
His final smash should be like he calls out 1 super ultra rare legendary pokemon like raquaza or pokemon like the three tree dogs or a swarm of a whole bunch of pokemon.
TheSuperMario said:
I think they will have a Final Smash each. Charizard: Blast Burn, Squirtle: Hydro Cannon, and Ivysaur: Frenzy Plant. I LOVE that I can FINALLY play as squirtle. I just wonder what their subside story will be.
smash fan x said:
Cool, squirtle is my favorite pokemon, now I can play as him along with evolved forms of the starters. Sweet.
shadow said:
The pokemon here are very detailed. Something they should have done for battle revolution.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Okay, THIS is a cool character. Aint my favorite, but it's a cool character.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
Awesome character but Ike is more awesomer.
Garth said:
I guess this means there's going to be another pokemon stadium level.
Fishmon said:
I REALLY hope that the Trainer doesn't say anything during a battle. He would be VERY annoying. Please Sakurai. Just make the Pokemon make sounds. I wouldn't mind if he talked when the match started and during his victory pose, but NO MORE THAN THAT.
jp-fan said:
Maybe all the pokemon that he uses have a final smash, like charizard has blast burn. I always like the firered trainer the best. I mean the ruby and sapphire trainers look like hippies. Maybe this trainer moves with the changes of the stage like defino plaza, Rumble falls and castle siege.
KOOL-AID said:
This pissed me off so much I almost threw my computer. This is the DUMBEST character idea yet and I hope that they don't make any more mistakes.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
His final smash is sending out all three pokemon at once, plus one legendary pokemon.
Captain Jamesman said:
I don't get it. Do you play as the Pokemon, or do the Pokemon control themselves?
cmk said:
1. Yay! This is awesome! 2. Last caption rules. 3. Doesn't pkmn trainer look like a stalker perv in all the screens?
Jarin said:
Well this is unexpected. Pretty cool though.
Guitardude said:
Stupid. Why didn't they just add the pokemon themselves?
DragonFoxCoon said:
This has to be the best character reveal yet, and definitely the first character you don't actually control. Now, to go into more of my Smash Logic: I think his Final Smash will be either one of two things: all three Pokemon will attack at once, in one huge elemental blast; or there will be three separate Smashes, one for each Pokemon. I wonder which it is.
pinoslayer1019 said:
Maybe the most unusual new character announced in the game. But I can dig it. Can't wait to play a 3in1 character.
smash girl said:
I love this idea! I can't wait to play as ivysaur and kick link's ass.
SSB4LIFE said:
Crimson Hawk, maybe for the final smash, he'll bring out all pokemon at once and use a water, grass, and fire superattack, or send one after every character. Or, he might bring out some special pokemon to destroy everyone. Just a thought. Anyway, the characters are becoming more and more creative.
Wiipaw said:
His final smash is Pokefart. Duh.
Wiimaster said:
Sweet, brawl just gets better and better.
DXSA said:
Way to pull off the unexpected Nintendo! Last thing I could have ever saw coming.
Captain Jamesman said:
I wonder how the Pokemon will be played in the Subspace Emissary.
RisingPhoenix said:
That's a good question. Who is he going to summon for a final smash? The legendary birds? Mew? A random Dragonite? Or are they going to cut out Mewtwo from the game just so they can make him the trainers final smash. Other than the trainers potentially awesome final, I think this is a waste of an addition. That means Lucario can't play a part either because there's already too many in there.
MFO said:
lman07 said:
If you look at the last three pictures you can tell that the level the pokemon level in melee is back.
Pescador Gama said:
Too much to comment about. I think it could be possible for a secret character to be the female trainer of gold/silver with its respective starters. That would be cool. Don't think his final smash is calling all 3 pokemons, that's cheating! Hopefully every pokemon will have his own final smash. HE IS ASH, aka RED, as seen in Gold/silver when you fight him. He even uses the same poketmonsters. But he is dressed like in green leaf/red fire. This character is very cool. BUT a way of showing us they can't put that much of pokemons as we want, they are just too many, for this game. Sadly.
Blaze said:
I bet the final smash will depend on the pokemon you are. Charizard = Blasburn, Ivysaur = Frenzyplant and Squirtle = hydrocannon (TURTLES RULE).
xMr1337x said:
Well, this might really screw up the game, since he can easily take away his pokemon when someone performs their final smash and piss people off.
EDD said:
If someone chooses him on the rumble falls stage won't he be dead if the stage keeps moving?
KOOL-AID said:
I cannot believe that more deserving characters like Wolf, Diddy, Bowser Jr., King Dedede, and many many more were beaten to the game by this guy. If they were going to do this why couldn't they have done them as individual pokemons without trainers (not Ivysaur though).
Ridley FTB said:
I can't believe this, now ridley isn't a problem to animate. For ALL THESE NOOBS who think ridley will be too hard to animate because of his wings, tail etc - look charizard has them.
Gonzo said:
I think they should have used Ash! He's like the freaking main guy. Anyways, at least we have some pokemon in this game.
kilface said:
Where did they get this dumb idea from?
kilface said:
I guess this means Mr X was lying, but then again, this could be just a last minute addition.
Broles said:
They should make another one, have it be the D/P Girl.
Nintendoof said:
I drew possible characters for Brawl tell me what's best people. King Dedede from kirby series, Bubbles from Cluclu Land, Waluigi from Mario games etc, Orbulon from Warioware series, Rayman, Lucario from Pokemon D&P, Captain Olimar from Pikmin series, and De Blob from De Blob (future Wii game - really cool!).
itstimetoplaydawii said:
Ugh. Pokemon.
RaveN said:
Too many pokemon, this is going to be pokemon battle revolution 2 soon enough! But 100x cooler.
BrothaZ said:
Wow. A lot of newcomers for Brawl look SO fun to play with! Pit, Metaknight, Snake, Ike, and this guy! (not Wario or ZSS).
Fishmon said:
Hey Crimson Hawk, I think they'd each get their own Final Smash. Squirtle would get Hydro Cannon, Ivysaur would get Frenzy Plant, and Charizard would get Blast Burn. This would obviously mean you couldn't do all 3 in one match. Or maybe they could do all 3 in a combined attack.
SSonic22 said:
Yeah me too! Don't feed your Pokemon with beans lol, and Mario was good too. I can't wait to play as him. I bet his final smash will be all three pokemons doing a combined attack all over the stage.
girt said:
This character redefines animal abuse.
Punch-Out Freak said:
When are they going to put in Lil Mac from Punch-Out!? I've been petitioning for him for months now.
magic hand said:
Story: an up and coming pokemon champion is about to finish off his opponent when he is turned into a cheap trophy line for kids, which makes it so misunderstood! But is thankfully teleported to one of the best games of all time. PS pokemon isn't just for little kids.
BrothaZ said:
To Scooby Jew, yes it is finished. Now what they need to do is manufacturing, store planning, price planning, shipping, the cover, the price for every country it's going to (kinda like price planning), and stall. Sakurai-san clearly wants this game to be a part of the holiday rush. All in all, the game IS complete.
Splintercell4ever said:
You know, I think it is sad that he forces his pokemon to fight for him. That's just sick. He is like Michael Vick. Forcing creatures to fight for him.
Amazon Kevin said:
I think that his alternate costumes would make him a girl or boy, and it would switch what pokemon they had. Hoping to play as Feraligator.
smashfanboyXX said:
What I really hope for is that the secret characters get their storyline too. And I really hope that if we still have the trophy system, we can see what assist characters do, show people's taunts, etc. But all I need to know is that this game is going to be THE BEST GAME EVER.
KOOL-AID said:
You know I actually like Squirtle a lot, he is very unique. I mean no character in the game has a water based moveset, but the other 2 make me weep. Charizard is cool but he'll be too much like Bowser. I mean they're not going to let him fly and we already know he is going to breathe fire. Ivysaur is just plain lame, I mean what is he going to do? I'll tell you he will ram into you and maybe throw a leaf, amazing. I think that Squirtle is the only one of these 3 Pokemon that deserves a spot in the game and I bet Nintendo could change this anytime they want.
smash fan x said:
Well they couldn't use Ash because he's never been in a Nintendo game. And you know how you can change the color of your character in melee. Well what if the pokemon change. You know into different sessions.
El Moss said:
To anyone who's confused, you control the pokemon not the actual trainer.
Pescador Gama said:
Speaking of late additions, hope they think again the idea of putting ice climbers and mr game & watch. I would be missing them.
Googolmario said:
Pretty cool! You know what this means, none of these pokemon are going to make it into the pokeball item.
Nintendoof said:
Wouldn't it be crazy if everyone picked Pokemon Trainer and the same Pokemon?
SSBB Obsession said:
You know, I just figured out how they could make 4 different trainers for this one. It would depend on which pokemon they have. 1) Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard. 2) Totodile, Bayleef and Quilava. 3) Mudkip, Grovile and Blaziken. 4) Piplup, Grotle and Infernape. You have the 1st form of the starter water type pokemon, the 2nd form of the starter grass type pokemon, and the final starter fire type pokemon. It all works out.
HEY said:
That'd be cool if the alternate costumes were different pokemon! Like instead of charzard, ivysaur and sguirtle, it would be typhlosion, bayleaf and todititle.
link said:
This idea is the bomb. I have liked all the new characters.
Sonic Phantom said:
Charizard is still my favorite Pokemon. Ever since I've seen the show, Charizard is always and forever my favorite.
Nickhead said:
Three characters in one, now that's worth unlocking.
divinity boy said:
I think that he is an awesome character, and is sure to mix it up with the normal characters. I think they should all combine into an exclusive pokemon and do a superblast or something. That would be cool.
Dayless Night said:
This is ironic with my name, but this update should be the fiat lux to Mr X's rumor darkness (the words "Fiat lux" are Latin).
Captain Jamesman said:
Charizard in the anime was kind of dumb at first, because most of the time he was being ignorant to Ash.
aRBee said:
If HE can get in, this just goes to show Tom Nook'll probably be playable. Love the captions too.
KOOL-AID said:
You know the idea of the different Pokemon for each costume isn't bad, but if there are just more Pokemon trainers I am going to snap.
It would be cool if they let you name this character like in the pokemon games.
insultman911 said:
I have to wait for christmas for my Wii, but in the meantime three pokemon will kick ass to all those cruddy characters (except my favorites).
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
A few people thought this character was Ash!
insultman911 said:
It would be better if all three pokemon were in their final stages man, I'm too lazy to unlock him.
insultman911 said:
If there were alternate costumes, like if the trainer could turn blue, maybe the pokemon could turn a related color, like Squirtle could be light blue or something.
insultman911 said:
Weird dude, but cool.
insultman911 said:
Actually you can name the trainer, but only with four letters.
insultman911 said:
I think that when Charizard does his third jump, he flies for a short time. Ivysar might use vines ans Squirtle might do something related to Bowser's third jump.
insultman911 said:
Charizard's third or second jump is flying. It has to be. Or they would take out the wings. I think he flies just like jigglypuff or bubblegum, er, I mean kirby.
dhcuhna said:
Dude, why didn't they just make the Pokemon in their fully evolved forms? I don't get it.
zaulster said:
Geez people don't expect many other pokemon characters. I mean they only introduced two from melee, I think the only other one (and I'm hoping) will be lucario my opinion. The moves given for the pokemon trainer aren't so good, I mean come on, charizard with rock smash! That's just lame; they won't make alternate pokemon choices or new trainers, I'm sure of it.
Toad said:
Charizard is actually able to fly! Ivysaur is quite fast and has some cool moves. Squirtle is just awesome.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I think that for the costume changes, that it will be like in the first Pokemon movie where mewtwo copied the Pokemon but they had like marks on there body so you knew who was fighting who.
BonbonJoe said:
Charizard is forever my kid favorite, but I think I might use Squirtle a lot.
Super King said:
They couldn't make the pokemon change for each color costume, because then you won't have a flying fire type guy. Can't have one color be THAT completely different. Of course. All those fire types you guys mentioned MIGHT be able to fly, I don't know. I only know my pokemans up to the original 150 (plus 1). Oh and also, they aren't all in the highest evolved form because that would be boring: they would all be big, slow, and powerful.
zaulster said:
So the ice climbers are back, along with newbies like diddy kong, metaknight, and pkmn trainers. I'm expecting to see lucario, and sonic since the maker stated that he'll be putting non-nintendos, and snake's abilities still have to be revealed; deoxys and munchlax can't be playable now because they're in pokeballs, and I doubt blaziken will come since they put charizard squirtle and ivysaur; the only two options now is plusle-minun combo and lucario; I'm going for lucario; and still I'm looking forward to seeing some tight new characters, like a new person from zelda and F-zero, hopefully krystal or james mccloud from star fox that would be nice; they *may* add another kirby fellow; and maybe even another mario character, like paper mario, maybe birdo as the female yoshi. But we'll have to wait for more updates.
zaulster said:
I don't like the whole pokemon trainer idea, I mean come on, the moves are terrible. Rock smash for charizard. Makes no sense.
Wii decimates all said:
Anyone remember the pokemon rap? Old school.
gdhfgh said:
Squirtle man.
zaulster said:
I'm still looking forward to seeing lucario, and it shocked me to see piplup as a pokeball character. That means they'll probably have combusken/blaziken, grovyle/sceptile, swampert, and maybe chimchar/monferno/infernape and grotle/torterra, it's hard to predict. The pokemon trainer isn't very impressive to me, but we have yet to see his final smash- probably bringing out an extremely strong pokemon (just don't make lucario the final smash).
insultman911 said:
Wooooo! They just revealed the final smashes.
Mickey P said:
This sounds a bit weird to me.
Wii Freak said:
They didn't use ash because he's only in the show and maybe people wouldn't know who he is.
raymand said:
Aw I thought ash and pikachu were better.
Pokemaniac Freak said:
Too bad the Pokemon trainer just stands there doing nothing. I wish he would fight instead of his Pokemon. Professor Oak would be a good replacement for the Pokemon trainer. He would pwn lucario, pikachu, and jigglypuff with a bazooka.