Sakurai shows us the Pokemon Trainer's special moves in Super Smash Bros Brawl today. His Down Special Move allows him to switch Pokemon. Each Pokemon has 3 special moves of its own, giving him nine in total.
Grab a shell, dude!
Ivysaur and the bad seeds.
Whip-ahhhh. No, whip-shhhh.
I don't like your shoes.
Yo yo yo, give up the rock.
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User comments
wiiiiiguy said:
Yo, awesome.
Amazon Kevin said:
I guess squirtle has trouble holding it in.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
They forgot some, like squirtles B, ivysaur's side B and charizard's up B.
KillerHonke said:
The way sakurai said on his site it seems like charizard simply hits his head on the rock and doesn't throw it or anything, he just hits it with his head.
pichu fan said:
Charizard idea would be cool without the pokemon trainer, hope they still put in mewtwo, jigglipuff, lucario and pichu.
A Yoshi Fan said:
Charizard's head isn't THAT strong.
Nintendoof said:
Awesome, Pokemon Trainer.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
Funny caption on the second to last pic.
r3y-r3y said:
Funny captions and I like ivysaur's special moves.
Gonzo said:
They better have Lugia.
Master Foot said:
What's going to happen to the trainer in the Eldin Bridge stage when the bridge collapses. Maybe he will be floating on the Smash Bros platform or something similar.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I wonder what the other three moves are. And I wonder what the Final Smash is like? I recently thought that the Trainer could use a fourth Pokemon for the Final Smash.
GiantApe said:
Sweet! But I wonder if pokemon trainer himself has different B moves besides B down?
GiantApe said:
Killerhonke maybe when charizard smashes it on his head, the pieces of the rock hit the oppenent.
Elebot said:
This is just awesome. I'm generally pleased with the attacks, except Charizard's Rock Smash. I just think that there were a lot of other choices that may have been better. Don't get me wrong, I still love this character, and I can't wait to give him a try.
insultman911 said:
Can't wait to use pokemon trainer! I bet charizards second jump is flying, like meta-knight, pit and kirby, and its third jump will glide up for a short while and burn anyone it touches.
master1 said:
Charizard can't hold that rock.
insultman911 said:
The first pic, Squirtle is doing it's up special move the WATERFALL. The second pic shows Squirtle doing it's side special move WITHDRAW. Third shows Ivysaur's standard special move BULLET SEED. Fourth shows Ivysaur's up special move VINE WHIP. Fifth shows Charizard's standard special move the FLAMETHROWER. Last, Charizard is doing ROCK SMASH, using hishead to break the rock. That should give the Pokemon Trainer Red to take some Ty-Kwon-Do classes, doesn't it?
insultman911 said:
There's a rumor that an alternate color of the pokemon trainer could be the girl from firered/leafgreen, or if that doesn't happen, she might be unlockable and be a clone of the boy pokemon trainer. The Boy should be Red and the Girl should be Green.
Dox said:
A fourth would be sick.
darkvic said:
I hope they put lucario in the game.
bbbrrr said:
I wonder what would happen if you use pokemon change in midair, like when you are falling. Would you switch? If so, would you be able to use your recovery move multiple times like that? And what recovery move could Charizard have?
EDD said:
At the 2nd picture. Is squirtle's move like yoshi's move in SSBM where you turn into a egg and roll but this time it's a shell?
divinity boy said:
This is definitely a must play character.
N00bhunter0 said:
Yo, yo, yo pass the rock to Goomba.
Quartz said:
Ivysaur is one of my favorite Pokemans.
Scooby Jew said:
Pretty awesome, I can't wait to try out this character. Just seems like something that would be fun and never experienced before. Basically a model character for Brawl.
Nickhead said:
Hey there are only six moves.
Wii decimates all said:
For his final smash he should play the pokemon rap song, and you should get attacked by every one of the original 150 pokemon who started the franchise masterpiece. I know it's not likely or even real that would happen but it would be pretty cool going old school like that.
happyskills said:
I like Master Foot's idizzle for their final smash. Maybe you could play as.. Snorlax?
Pescador Gama said:
This time, I will have to say that ivisaur and squirtle are the best! Charizard was too lame for me.
smashdodo said:
Anything can happen.
cmk said:
The yo yo yo thing, was that a futurama reference? I mean, it doesn't seem like it, but zoidy said that and it reminded me of it.
Wii's World said:
Yea that was courtesy of Zoidberg.
smashking06 said:
I bet that all 3 of the pokemon will have their own special smash attack. Bulbasaur's final smash could be solar beam, squirtle's could be hydro pump and charizard's could be seismic toss.
Ultigonio said:
More like Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, and Blast Burn.
wiiluvver said:
I love the captions.
Googolmario said:
I think that Charizard's side B move is, if an enemy is close enough, he puts the rock behind their head-trapping their head between the rock and charizard. Then he smashes their head into the rock with HIS head. If that makes any sense at all. If the enemy is too far away, he hits the rock, which fragments into a bunch of little rocks that fly across the stage.
insultman911 said:
They revealed their final smashes. Ask sakurai what update you want and you'll get it. Like I wanted the final smash update and got it.
davyt 0247 said:
Lugia appears from a pokeball, just like in meele.