The peaches are in bloom for Princess Peach's final smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
It's called Peach Blossom, and seems to make everyone else fall asleep. During this time, Princess can either choose to eat peaches and replenish her health, or launch her foes with a golf swing.
You forgot our kidnap anniversary.
Time for a makeover.
All we need are some squirrels.
She's a peach eater, make you spend hard.
Who snores bubbles?
Keep the left arm straight!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
YoshLee said:
This is a nice update to end the week but I was hoping for them to show Luigi back in the brawl.
Super King said:
I saw her final smash in a video recently, but for some reason I never made the connection between the pink things that she was eating and.. peaches! It just didn't hit me. Also, apparently everyone in Japan snores bubbles.
Peach is #1 said:
I think this is awesome, everybody is asleep and there are peaches everywhere, so you can heal and attack the sleeping foes.
Gonzo said:
SSBB has some nice fighting stages.
insultman911 said:
That's weird. It doesn't even hurt anybody! If mario and wario had low percentage, peach wouldn't sent them flying! She would be better off having her final smash called the blossom tornado. Sends blossoms and peaches out and hurts people.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I've been waiting for this update for a while, I like it. I think it's cool that she can heal herself, makes me think of Super Mario RPG. I agree with Yoshilee, I'm hoping to see Luigi next week.
Master Foot said:
Peach casts Sleepga.
Zumwan said:
Looks like peach's singing is boring. Just as her final smash.
Elebot said:
Interesting. Not fantastic, but it's interesting.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I can see the good points here, but only against human players; the cheating computer will wake up too fast for any real attacks.
RisingPhoenix said:
Luigi ain't going to be shown because he's an unlockable character. Peach's final fits her character. It's good seeing as she's a defensive player.
TidalSpiral said:
This is totally awesome. Being male and not a huge fan of Peach I rarely use her, but I like her Final Smash. Most of the others are huge death ringers, hers is more tactical and sophisticated. And to those who think the sleeping doesn't help, imagine if she did this while a homerun bat was nearby. Or god forbid, a golden hammer.
Scooby Jew said:
Horrible final smash. I can barely see any practical uses for it, except for recovering a bit of strength. Final smashes are supposed to be used for massive damage.
#1 Fan of Peach said:
I love Peach! This Final Smash is perfect.
Nintendoof said:
They wouldn't reveal hidden characters and of course Luigi is back. They wouldn't just put an X on him. By the way, Peach's Final Smash should've been her vibes from Super Princess Peach. Happy = Dance inducing sleep. Calm = Plants on victims' heads. Angry = Mad Rampage, and Sad = Drowns the screen with tears.
watchman said:
This attack could really work well on moving stages. I mean, it puts your opponents to sleep so that they can't move, which on my watch is a instant ko on a moving stage.
BonbonJoe said:
In my opinion, this looks like the worst Final Smash. Or, at least the least exciting.
Keranu said:
Her name is PRINCESS! None of this "Peach" crap.
Chiisaru said:
I hate this final smash. They could use peach's feelings from super princess peach and use perry not that umbrella.
BrothaZ said:
Hmmm so I guess they release UPDATE OF THE YEAR one week, then give off crap the next? Huh.
smashdodo said:
It's a pretty good final smash because you can heal yourself or attack.
Jinchuuriki 88 said:
Her final smash doesn't fit in my opinion. If Jigglypuff is confirmed to be in the game, this final smash fits perfectly for him.
Doc-Yoshi said:
I don't get the picture/gag thing.
insultman911 said:
That's right. Who snores bubbles?
Ultigonio said:
What a fruity final smash! *SLAP'D*. I actually kinda like it though.
Crazy Hand said:
That has got to be the most potentially irritating final smash seen so far.
feb10isfartheraway said:
Ugg. I wanted to see flaming angry peach!
insultman911 said:
The only characters we know that are going to be secret characters in brawl are Luigi and jigglypuff. They've been secret characters from the last 2 games.
Dark Star said:
No one else asked this so I will, why in the world is the Wii's World picture for this update a haunted mirror?
icyblizzard said:
This is so awesome, it's tight. It's the best final smash. I've been waiting for weeks, I love Princess Peach.
Princess Fan said:
I'm a huge peach fan. Personally I just wanted major damage. Though I guess you just have to see how it works once the game is released and in our own hands. It could be surprisingly strong.
insultman911 said:
I think I get the gag thing. The boy's staring in the mirror and sees someone behind him in the mirror. This is like a reference to peach hitting people while they're sleeping.
ChristoCracker said:
By the way this final smash DOES cause damage, about 30% per opponent. It's like a fully charged shot of Samus's bomb per person. That is quite reasonable.
Mario & Sonic said:
Mario: Why does Peach hate me? Oh yeah! It's-a just a fight.
Orange said:
I think her final smash should have been her angry move from super princess peach.
David said:
If an enemy is close to an edge, it is possible for a KO when they have low damage. They can't recover.
davyt 0247 said:
Don't forget about a little item called the home-run bat.
TruBlu said:
Peach should go super saiyan as a final smash. This would be Tails' final smash *mauled*.
No 1 Peach Fan said:
She is just the best.