Professor Layton to star in movies

Professor Layton to star in movies

Information from a conference held by Factor 5 states that popular character (in Japan at least) Professor Layton is to feature in two movies. One of these will be a live-action film, and the other an animation.

I've a feeling the animated one will be better. I mean the in-game cutscenes are pretty enjoyable. If you're unfamiliar, Professor Layton stars in a trilogy of puzzle games on the DS.

  1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village
  2. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box
  3. Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel

At the time of writing though, only the first game has made it to the US.

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Rob Jones

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YoshLee said:

I've heard good things about this game, too bad I've never played it. I also have a feeling the anime one will be better but I'm going to play the game before I see the movie (hopefully) so I won't know until then.


Nintendoof said:

Oh ok. I was weirded out by all the Professor layton games.


Darunia said:

This game is so awesome.

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