A listing on YesAsia suggests that Sailor Moon has a game on the way to Wii. Sailor Moon was a popular anime in the 90s, comically known in Japan as "sera mun".
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Senpai said:
Awesome? Who knows, I just hope it doesn't turn out like some other 80s-90s anime games, blech.
Master Foot said:
I'm afraid that we have seen the last of Goomba. He's in a, ahem, better place.
i need a wiieww said:
Lucky goomba.
SeAmNiNjA said:
When I was like 2 I watched this.
Scooby Jew said:
Ah, no wonder I've never heard of it; it was originated in Japan. Damn region locks.
pcamtz said:
Got to love that lucky goomba! LOL.
Hey said:
Please, no. That'll inspire all of the hentai junkies to make more Sailor Moon pornos.
BrothaZ said:
Anime cooties. Ew.
Gonzo said:
Hell no! I hate sailor moon.
Hey said:
I don't know if I would consider Goomba lucky.
OWIIO said:
Crimson Hawk said:
What a lucky Goomba! Please don't bring back Sailor Moon, we got rid of it once! I hope this doesn't look like an old anime game.
Ekaj185 said:
I bet you can spot Goomba. He's in the first place most of you look.
HAHa said:
They should totally do that, I'll buy a Wii and the game. I love her!
Elementrat said:
As far as I can remember, this show was about satanic sex-doll anime chick witches.
sssaywhat said:
I must admit I'm looking forward to this and maybe a pokemon game.
Senpai said:
I'll be the first man to admit I like pokemon games, best TBS series ever (take that FF!). After mentioning it to someone, looks like I may buy this too. Listen up shoujo ai/yuri fans! Apparently SM has taken a turn from when we were kids, and ALL THE SCOUTS ARE LESBIANS! Fun.
Gonzo said:
Goomba's getting some! Hehe!
Crimson Hawk said:
Are you SERIOUS Senpai! That is hilarious, it HAS taken a big change since we were kids.
Aaron said:
Wow you guys are gullible as hell. Sailor Moon does include a lesbian couple in the original Japanese series, but in America Sailor Uranus and Neptune were referred to as "cousins". As for it being about "satanic sex-doll anime chick witches", all I can ask is what the hell are you talking about? If you're going to make a post of a subject, whether good or bad, make sure your information is correct.
Tyshawn Hoggard said:
Hey, this is tyshawn and I was wondering if there is any way that sailor moon can come back on tv because I would love to watch the show again. I know a lot of people would love to watch it also.
jjay said:
Kewl that's great. When is it coming out?
Mika said:
They're not witches your probably thinking of that crappy show called witch on jetix. A new sailor moon game would be great because she hasn't been around in anything new recently.
Senshi said:
I haven't watched that in so long. Cool. I would buy something like that.
saturn no senshi said:
Senpai: "and ALL THE SCOUTS ARE LESBIANS! Fun". Um no, they are not, only 2 of them were. And the anime is still the same. Watch the original seasons and not the 2 that were aired on channel 11 at 6am in the 90's for those were missing episodes and there were important dialogue parts lost in translation. I cannot wait for the Wii game. I hope it comes out soon and lives up to the anime (no censoring it).
camila said:
I love sailor moon, I can't wait for the game! I didn't watch it for a long time, I miss it so much. I'm so going to buy the game. They should put the show back on tv and make more episodes.
Sailor Moon 4 EVER said:
I'm so happy that it is re-released. And as for the region, I'm gonna buy a Japanese wii just for playing Sailor Moon. BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILORMOON RULES!
kris said:
Please have a sailor moon game! I hope I get the Wii.
Sakura Haruka said:
Yei, I am happy! Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon for Nintendo Wii. I will Wait for more news.
The Negaverse Man said:
Er. A Sailor Moon game for Wii? I think I'll hide in Bangalore or something before it comes to Spain. Argh!
Hotaru said:
I hope it comes to America though. From what I've read it's only being released in japan in december.
Grace said:
Yes please! That would be awesome. Like the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 game, but in sailor moon world. And you could design and create your own characters and everything. That would be awesome! You have to make it Nintendo, I would buy it straight out. And so would so many other people I know. Or at least make a fantasy-anime-girl game. Because all the video games around are directed at boys! What about marketing for us girl gamers for a change?
bianca passion said:
Hey if it gets released in Japan, that means it's only going to be playable on the Japanese Wii right?
UsagiWright said:
I have been waiting for a good sailor moon game to come out on one of these consoles for the longest time. I am a huge sailor moon fan. I know one thing, the game better be good. I really hope that it is a cool rpg, or a cool fighting game. That includes all of the sailor senshi and all their powers. I don't want anything lacking in the game. I really hope whoever is making this game takes their time and pleases the fans.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Anyone know if it's coming to Europe?
Random Person said:
It'll be fascinating to see what they can do with the CG technology in this day and age. And for those of you who have nothing better to say that "eeeeew" and "I hate sailor moon" - GET A LIFE! Nobody's forcing you to play it, nor watch the anime.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Agreed. If someone has any info about the game please post it here.
sailor moon fan said:
Bring back sailor moon.
Usagi chan lover said:
I think making a Sailor moon game would be AWESOME! And I think a lot of people would agree with me. I hope it comes out in America not just in Japan.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Indeed. And I hope it comes out in Europe, that would be nice.
Sailor Moon said:
Oh my god yay, sailor moon rules! It is the best anime ever. Now it's going to be a Wii game? That's so cool.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Yea the anime is very good!
Eleni said:
Yes I loved sailor moon! I just hope that it will come out in Europe. It was great.
Jel said:
Oh god. I hope so. I would be buy a Wii just for that. Moon tiera power. Using all those. And the hand movements. My dream.
faaaan said:
It's about time that Nintendo makes a sailor moon game again. I love sailor moon! I hope they make a sailor moon game for Nintendo ds too.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Agreed with Jel, would be nice to do all those attacks. And again if you have any info about the game please post it here.
Name123 said:
I don't care for sailor moon but since the sailor moon creator married the yuyu hakusho creator they might make yuyu hakusho for the Wii. I won't get the sailor moon but I'm hoping for yuyu hakusho.
1 fan said:
I like watching sailor moon but it doesn't come out any more so I watch it on youtube in english. Will it come out here in the us?
repoed2 said:
Crimsion hawk, what do you mean we got rid of it once, how did you or anyone purposely get rid of it? That makes no sense.
crystal star power said:
Wow yes you should make sailor moon on Wii. I love the sailor scouts and I love all anime, even french, spanish and all the others.
North America Fan said:
I used to love this show when I was little, but they canceled it over here. My favourite character was Mars (Rei) and Serena (Usagi). When this Wii game comes out, I'm buying it.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Nice to see some positive peoples. If anyone have some info about the game please post it here.
yey said:
I am so buying a Nintendo Wii for the sailormoon game.
rm88 said:
Yay, it'll most likely be a fighter or a RPG.
Rachel said:
So cool! I love sailor moon, I would buy this for sure, down with all the haters.
LilFuller88 said:
This would be so cool if it's true. I've loved Sailor Moon for years.
Sailor Moon fan said:
Think the game will be rpg and fighting. Just finished with the anime, the ending was good.
Sailor Moon Freak said:
"saturn no senshi" is actually wrong. Not only two senshi were lesbians. In fact, there were three lesbians in the anime. There are Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Star Fighter. Sailor Star Fighter fell in love with Sailor Moon, and she also had feelings for Princess Kakyuu.
Crimson Hawk said:
That's kind of awkward SMF, but I used to watch the show when I was little (I loved it!).
Tuxedomask said:
This will be awesome. I'm a guy and I like sailor moon, I hope there will be guy characters.
starlt ruby moon said:
I absolutely love sailor moont, it's my favorite anime. Also wouldn't you be doing the moves they use when they attack or transform since you use the motion controllers? This would be hard but fun.
Someone said:
Bring it to America! If you bring Sailor Moon back, I think it's a great idea. It's just a game. If you think that the producers of the game might lose money that's highly unlikely. Anyone who has heard of it, or hasn't seen anything of it in a long time is going to buy it.
sailor moon maniac said:
If this ended up being true. I will just have to buy a Wii. Big sailor moon fan, can not wait to see how it turns out. Love the show.
Usagi Rocks said:
It will be an awesome game! I hope.
sailor v said:
I can't wait! Sailor moon is the best show ever.
astridchan said:
Well it's coming out in dec 31 2007 in japan. We should make a petition to bring it to the US.
sm#1fan said:
YES, they should come out with the game. I loved the show! And have all the seasons on dvd. When it comes out, I bet you it will be a best seller.
Aimee said:
Hello, I love Sailor Moon. Does anyone know when it's coming out in the uk? Or if it is coming to the uk? I think it will be really fun for the Wii. Has anyone also known that there is a Live Action Show of Sailor Moon but it's all in Japanese?
becca said:
I love sailor moon! I think they should make a game of it.
Ryoga said:
So far, there hasn't been any info other than YesAsia saying it's going to be released for the Wii. Chances are it'll be Japanese only, unless some US/UK company decides to have it out in English.
Sailor Moon lover said:
I really hope it comes out in Europe! Because sailor moon is the best anime ever! I think I'll buy Wii.
Aimee said:
I hope so Ryoga.
SNL said:
When is it coming out in the us? I have to have it! No matter what.
SailorMoonGal11 said:
I really love sailor moon, my mum ordered me a sailor moon dvd! And I think they should make a game of it and put the tv series back on.
Rush Hardroc said:
Isn't it supposedly a fighting-style game called Galaxia's revenge or something? That's just the rumour I heard.
Oscar said:
I've been waiting for sailor moon game. I hope it's an rpg or platform with a story and awesome graphics when they attack. There are so many possibilities with the Wii.
Moon Tiara Power said:
As soon as it comes out I'm getting it! I practically grew up on Sailor Moon. And I agree with sm#1fan. The series should go back on, old or new.
RodryCroft said:
Can't wait.
tink 89 said:
I would definitely buy the sailor moon Wii game. I miss her show on tv. I love her because she reminds me of, well, me. I think it would be awesome.
*djgirl* said:
I love sailor moon, please bring it to America. Hopefully they have it for Nintendo ds too because I will so buy it. I haven't watched sailor moon since I was 5 years old. And I'm 12.
Tuxedo Mini Mask said:
Okay, I would buy this game and I don't even have a Wii! I would probably buy the Wii if they came out with this game in america. Hell I'd buy it if it came out in Japan, I'll read subtitles. That's How much I love Sailor Moon. I really can't wait. Please god, have this in America, I'm not a fast reader.
Caitie said:
I'm getting a Wii. This would be great. I can just imagine throwing Sailor Moon's tiara. Hopefully it will take place in/after Stars, or at least SuperS.
Edel said:
I'm getting a Wii too, I seriously want to play the sailor moon video game.
Catherine said:
Oh my god, that game would be cool, sailor moon fans everywhere would buy it!
wiicloud9 said:
Nice. I'm willing to try it before reviews come.
Vanilla Spice said:
*Squeels* Yay, a sailor moon game! Maybe they might resurrect this show. Now, I hope that a new Buffy the Vampire Slayer game will be made for the Wii.
Zendalf said:
Dude. Goomba is a perv man!
Saturn senshi said:
I have to get this for Wii. I just played another story and I'm sad that it ended because I still haven't seen sailor moon s or ss or stars. I hope this game will come out in the uk because I miss the series.
OMG YAY said:
So I literally squealed when I read this. I have the entire series and three movies in the original Japanese uncut/unedited on DVD. I'm OBSESSED. I can't WAIT! Though the graphics had better be amazing or I will kill somebody.
Super Sailor Moon said:
I have all the seasons and it rocks my socks! It better come to Australia or I'll get steamed! I am a super obsessed moonie.
ChibiSailorB said:
I love sailor moon, where do I sign up for the obsession of SM fan site.
VetBoi87 said:
I love SAILOR MOON. I will pay top dollar, only for the English version with the original English voices.
Magicusergirl said:
Yay, I really hope this comes out! I don't have a Wii but I'll buy one and get the game. I'm excited.
SWEET said:
My brother's getting Wii for Christmas, so PLEASE make this game! I LOVE sailor moon.
Kikia said:
Okay I think it'd be awesome. Sailor moon's what got me through my childhood. I'd love to see a new game, and as for all you people who disagree on it - NOT YOUR PROBLEM. If you don't want the game then don't buy it. I mean what's the point with this hate. There's thousands of people who love it, just because you don't it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. As for Uranus and Neptune, I didn't see the last arc so I don't know about that.
Ukiyo said:
If this comes out I will buy a Wii. Hell, I will buy 5 Wiis. Just to get this game out.
Mirah said:
Omgosh! I am so getting this. I have been watching this when I was little and now they don't play it any more.
Nicole Peltier said:
Want it! Where can I buy it!?
Rina said:
Oh my god. Yay. I'm a sailor moon fan since I was little. It will be awesome to have a sailor moon game for Wii. Hopefully they sell it soon.
Kayla said:
Ahhhhhh! I just peed a little. This game would be absolutely amazing if it gets made.
Grace said:
I'm super excited. A sailor moon game would be simply amazing! Do you think they will do a game for the Nintendo DS?
Sailor Jupiter said:
I've been a moonie for years, and I would buy a Wii just for this game! Hopefully this will bring the show back on dvd or tv (or both). Sailor Jupiter is the best.
SM Fan said:
If this game comes out, I'll go buy a Wii just for that. Can you imagine Sailor Moon on Wii? Amazing. It's about time Sailor Moon began to show up again, there are tons of people who miss her and we want her back.
britanny h said:
I'm getting a Wii for my birthday which is this month. If the sailor moon game comes on Wii and the ds I'm buying them both. I love sailor moon.
Rei Hino said:
Pweeee! I really hope this game does come out. I'd go out and buy a Japanese Wii if I had to, just so I could play this game.
Serena Show Choir said:
I would love to play this game too. It is a must have.
Rueni-tono said:
I've loved sailormoon since the time I first saw her on the tv, I think I was 4 or maybe 3 years old. Until now she's my favorite character. I wish that this news is really true and that they have it in English. I can't wait to play it on my Wii.
chibiusa said:
Hi I'm from Sweden and I love sailor moon! I really hope that it will come out in Europe.
Mya said:
*Fingers crossed for UK release*.
Raul said:
It's wonderful that you thought about making a game of Sailor Moon. Hope it's going to be in the US.
Lee-Anne said:
Yeah I would really really love it if there was a Sailor Moon game but if those rumors aren't true there's going to be a lot of Sailor Moon hearts that will get broken.
chrissy said:
I would love it so much.
SailorMoonAwesome said:
Yeyy. Sailor Moon, can't wait. I really hope they'll release it in the UK. And I agree with everyone who says they should make it RPG/Fighter. I'm a guy and hope to see guy characters to play (Tuxedo Mask etc) and all the Senshi. Especially Venus, she's awesome.
BSSM FAN said:
I can't wait! I have all of the DVDs in my collection! I hope it will come to Australia as well. I love it, even the 5th story arc that didn't come out of Japan: Sailor Moon Stars. I hope they have Sailor Pluto in it, she's my favorite.
little lady said:
This is great! I'm a huge fan of Sailor Moon since I was 5 now I'm 20, but my favorite character is Chibiusa and Usagi too. Hope they release the game to the US. I don't have a Wii but I would definitely get it to play this game. Hope to get it back on tv as well.
Sailor Scouts said:
Wow, this would be so great, they sure have expanded the video games for girls! I would so totally buy this game~ in a heartbeat. I watch sailor moon on my laptop on you tube now (english dubbed) and I was the biggest fan when I was a kid. I still wear pigtails.
Omega Maximum said:
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but unfortunately the Sailor Moon game is just a rumor, nothing has been confirmed.
Amber said:
Oh my god! That sounds like such an awesome idea! I give full approval for a game with sailor moon.
Wiipaw said:
Hah! I remember when I was 7, I saw it on Toonami at a friend's house. Because, y'know, my parents didn't let me watch Toonami.
Sailor Mew said:
COOL A Wii Sailor Moon Game. I remember watching it when I was 5. Good times, good times. Man I hope it comes out in America, that would be great. I don't think you can ever get rid of Sailor Moon. In the name of the Moon I will punish you.
val said:
I really love this game. Absulotely I will buy it. I think this will be a profitable thing. When it will be released?
Emmanuel Maldocena said:
Sailor Moon is the best anime! I'm so happy with that project that I cannot wait. Kisses from Argentina.
Norika said:
I think the Sailor Moon game is only out in Asia. It'll never come to Europe or America, like loadsa japanese games. If you have a japanese Nintendo Wii and buy the sailor moon Wii game online it'll definitely work otherwise you have region lock. And plus Sailor Moon is NOT hentai, I'm japanese so I know. Some of you people take anime the wrong way. Idiots.
Angel said:
This would be the best thing they ever did, at least someone has sense.
sailor moon said:
The sailor moon tv show is coming back to cartoonetwork June 13 at 4:00.
Dee-Dee-Dee said:
I'm just wondering one thing. Is it going to be based on the english version or japanese version?
Tomoe said:
I have a feeling there will be an uproar if it doesn't come to Canada. Even if it doesn't I'm sure someone will hack the game and make an English patch and sell it via bootleg. Oh well I'd still buy it only if the patch contains the original Japanese story.
Usagi said:
I love Sailor Moon! I did some research and it has been said the rumor was true. They said that it will be released in Japan during winter. And will be released in the US maybe next year (meaning 2009)!
Sailor Jess said:
Screw every sailor moon haters, Sailor Moon should come into Wii. Why can DBZ come in and not Sailor Moon? Both shows were not aired for a while, why bring back a game that probably not everyone will have? When with Sailor Moon I bet it will beat the selling score of DBZ. Why? Because MOST girls play Nintendo Wii a lot more than the guys.
r@c43 said:
That would be so awesome! I just wish they hadn't made a "Japanese" Wii and an "American" Wii. It would be SO much easier if every Wii created were the same, you'd just switch the language settings.
cloud1315 said:
It would be so cool if they made sailor moon into a game because so many people used to love that show and still do. Sailor moon is such a great show and would be a awesome game with everyones' favorite anime characters, and if there is anyone who doesn't like sailor moon, please stay out of this debate because this game won't affect you at all and plus this game will make many people very happy. This game would be a dream come true if it comes out. Plus this game would make lots of money for the people making it because it will sell like hotcakes.
Ai-Chan said:
Well, I certainly think they should make one. I LOVE BLEACH but I wish it wasn't all fighting so I hope they don't do one like that.
Saillor Moon Lover said:
I loved Sailor Moon when I was little. I want it so bad!
Mikey said:
I LOVE sailor moon- they should definitely bring it to Wii or even Nintendo DS! I'm a guy and I love it.
Cama said:
Ooooh PLEASE. I hope there'll be a game, and I'm sure it will work worldwide (I want to shout: "MOON PRISM POWAAAA MAKE UP" XD).
Sailor Moon said:
I have been waiting for this. Oh my god. It's about dang time. I have been watching Sailor Moon forever. I'm 25 now and I still watch it online. I let my daughter watch it and she loves it too. Runs around playing it. Plus I think Sailor Moon is a great role model for girls. Most girls shows these days SUCK. But that's just my opinion.
Emi said:
Yet another good reason for me to buy a Wii. Sweet. I've always wanted to play a Sailor Moon game. I'm going to drive my family crazy yelling the attacks while frantically waving around the Wiimote which would be the wand on the game. As for all of those who don't like Sailor Moon, don't buy it. It's that simple. Don't ruin all the fun for those who do like Sailor Moon.
Chris said:
Yay. That would be really cool. A sailor moon game would mean back to childhood for me, and many of my friends. I really do hope they come out with one. I know exactly what I'd buy for that Christmas. Umm I really hope they do it RPG style though. Because a simple Hack and Slash game would, I've got to say, simply SUCK! I also hope if they start with a game that they don't shove all the series in one game. They should make at least a game for each season or a game for the 2 first ones. But they need to put all the good stuff and maybe add some stuff to make it more intense! Well hopefully they will make one.
Mamo-chan said:
When will it be released?
SailorMoonRocks said:
God I hope they make a Sailor Moon Sailor Star DS Game! I am the biggest fan of Sailor Moon.
Son Ninja said:
If it does have a release coming, hope it's an RPG and not a fighting game. Sailor Moon Story: Another World for Super Famicom was an awesome RPG, if a Wii release is possible then also a release of Sailor Moon Story: Another World via Virtual Console could be as well.
Aluminium Siren said:
That would be the best. I hope Galaxia-sama's going to be in it WOOOO!
Darkgamerxp64 said:
I hope it is in 3D graphics. And intense. Go Sailor Moon. I also hope Wii get Battle Assault 4 if they make one.
Sailor Kim said:
Cool a sailor moon game on Wii! I can't wait to buy it and I'll tell my moonie friends about it in my moonie club. I love sailor moon.
sailorneptunium said:
They should make a sailor moon game that is similar to super smash brothers brawl, and let the sailor scouts have a final move. They should have a story mode with all the monsters from the past stories, similar to that of the subspace emissary.
Draconia said:
I would buy every Bishoujo Senshi Game for Wii! (Price doesn't matter).
Glam girl said:
I love sailor moon, it would be so cool for a Wii game to come out.
cool said:
What, when was this posted. I am like the biggest SM fan and want them to air it again. They shouldn't have stopped making it. I would so buy it.
Pingu said:
I love you sailormoon! Can't wait. It would be so cool for a Wii game to come out. Hope the graphics are nice. They also should do more new episodes.
Shannon said:
Wow. Excited. Elated. I hope so. I'm a huge fan and would love to see this game on the Wii system. It would get great reviews and lots of buyers here in Florida. There are definitely Sailormoon fans here.
Pooka said:
This makes 152 posts so far. Why can't they make a game out of Robot Chicken?
Usagi said:
YAY! That's all I have to say. I LOVE sailor moon, it's about time.
Sailorcrisp said:
If they make a sailor moon game for the Wii or DS or both, that would be awesome. And if it is released in Australia that would be superb. Sailor Moon hasn't been aired for years and maybe releasing a game might help bring the show back. (I know Japan is already re-airing the series though:D)Hopefully it's a more interactive game. Maybe like an advanced version of "Another Story" or something. Anyway. Yay to Sailor Moon.
CircaSurvive said:
I would buy that game in a heartbeat. I really hope that this is true! (looks like I might be dusting off my wii).
Sailor Sun said:
I'm so happy if it is really coming. I never got to play the other games. It looks like I will be stealing my little brother's Wii. Long live Sailor moon.
cristal reynoso said:
I can't believe they have sailor moon games! I'm like the biggest fan. All I talk about every day is sailor moon and me being sailor moon. I watch her every day at sailor moon center. I wish I had all the things sailor moon. She is so exciting. So buhu for the people in the world who hate it. It's about time that people start liking and learning about how AMAZING sailor moon really is.
ZackDeMars said:
Please SailorMoon come back! Best show ever! I would like to see what they can do with the sailors chara design nowadays, I guess something really hot.
bee-otch senshi said:
Hopefully it will be like super smash, you can change what type of form from planet to crystal sailor. And that the graphics should be better and everyone has a final move of their own. Sad that neptune, saturn, u-r anus and pluto aren't in this.
juli said:
Wow. A sailor moon game on Wii. I want it already.
sailorpluto said:
I really want this game now. I have wanted a sailor moon game that is not in Japanese.
Usagi Tsukino said:
I hope I get a Wii so I can buy the sailor moon video game. I'm president of the sailor moon fan club at my high school in japan town (I'm not Japanese I just happen to live there).
Sailor moon luva said:
Oh my god! I can't afford a Wii but if it comes back to cartoon network from ep 1 to 200 then I am watching it no matter what. Does anyone know when it is coming back?
Sailor moon luva said:
Hey guys I just sent an email to cartoon network telling them to put it back on air. If anyone wants to help me here's the link, it might be feedback but it could work if all sailor moon lovers do it. And please if you don't like sailor moon, just don't watch it, why ruin it for the thousands that do love it?
sailorsaturn said:
There is a big chance that this game is NOT coming out. Even though I really love Sailor Moon and the girls and wish that their show will go back on air. This won't happen, they took it into consideration, but no.
sailor jupiter said:
Bring it back. I love this show, I watched it since I was little.
Sailor Serenity said:
YAY I love Sailor Moon and I have a Wii. I hope it is like one of those games where you choose a character and don't have to be one person ALL the time. This might happen though if everyone begs for it.
desertraider91 said:
I haven't seen Sailor Moon since I was 7. Would really love to see it now because back then I didn't understand what the hell was going on. Was just staring at the pretty girls. All I remember is "Moon tiara magic".
SuperSailorFan said:
Ahhh I want it. If it doesn't come out that means they crushed a little schoolgirl's dreams. If I don't even see one pic of sailor moon at least once a day I stress out. If I get a game I'll be happy for the rest of my life.
anonmys said:
I wish sailor moon would come to America it would #1 there.
sailor moon said:
I love this show, it will be nice if they put it back on cartoon network.
Sailor MewMew Moon said:
SAILOR MOON FOR Wii. NOW. I love Sailor Moon, I think that was the very first anime I ever watched. I think I watched when I was 5, and now I'm obsessed with anime and manga. I had a VCR when I was 5, and my parents always went to Roger's to rent videos. I had a TV in my room, (which I don't any more) and I always rented Sailor Moon and I watched it every night. Sailor Moon's SO cool. I wish there would be a Sailor Moon game for the Wii, because I also do have a Wii, and I'll be the happiest person EVER.
^^ said:
Sailor moon is the best. Are they really making a game? Ohh I can't wait! I hope it's good not like some other games I know. It's coming to America right? Sailor moon is my idol so it better be good.
sailormoon rulz said:
Is the Wii game coming to america bc I have the Wii and the japanese games will of course not work on an american Wii! Grrrrrr.
sailor earth said:
Oh my god! I can't wait, sailor moon was my ultimate favv show ever and I still watch it on you tube.
Sailor mercury said:
Wow. I'm glad that sailor moon is having a game. I'm so excited that I can't wait for it to come out.
Sailor Skye said:
Oh my god I want a Wii game of sailor moon sooooo bad! I downloaded the sailor v video game. But, I want the Wii game sooo bad.
Luna moon said:
Hell ya sailor moon here I come.
wiler cervy said:
Ima get this game for my girl. She's a HUGE sailor moon fan. I even downloaded 4 seasons of it for her. She's almost done watching them.
Zack said:
Hell yeah! I love sailor moon. I need sailor moon, hope they'll make a good fighting game, this girl so beautiful, she'll rock.
kylee said:
I LOVE sailor moon. I have been watching that show since I was 4, and I'm 14 now so that's like a really long time, but I'm obsessed with anime. But I don't have a Wii so I hope they make one for DS.
Maria Bethania said:
I love sailor moon. Would perfect if sailor moon turned Wii game, because is a game magic for the people who love good games and games dealing the adventures.
Serenity said:
There's no such posting on yesasia. Just someone else getting someone's hopes up.
Biggest Fan said:
A lot of people think you're really weird if you like anime. I'm not gonna lie, I do too at times. BUT I can't help it I'm obsessed with 3 of 'em: Sailor Moon, DragonBall and DragonBallZ who cares(:.
Shadowcat :) said:
Attention all sailor moon fans you can watch sailor moon on Sailor Moon TV.
Luna said:
This would be amazing to play Sailor Moon. I mean they have remade Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon I don't know how many times, why can't Sailor Moon have the same treatment.
Sailor Hotaru said:
I can't wait! I watched this when I was like 5 and now I'm rewatching it. I have all the new sailor moon manga too.
1 post
RobertLiazy said:
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4 years ago