Saki Amamiya is another assist trophy set to appear in Super Smash Bros Brawl, as revealed today by Sakurai.
In case you're wondering, Saki is a guy. He originated in Sin & Punishment: Successor to the Earth from the good old N64 days. To attack he uses the cunningly devised Cannon Sword, which is both a sword and a gun (duct taped together).
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
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User comments
EDD said:
It's a cool assist trophy.
EDD said:
I do wonder why you don't have no captons.
feb3isfartheraway said:
Thought it was a girl.
the smash master said:
Where'd the captions go?
Keranu said:
Wow, I never thought I would see a Treasure character in Smash Bros.
Nintendoof said:
WHAT. No captions?
divinityboy said:
No captions!? But that is one cool weapon he has. He would've been a good playable character.
Zumwan said:
No captions?
wiistorm13 said:
Looks ok but they are getting too many sword users. Advance wars guy looks good. Where are the captions?
SSB4LIFE said:
Cool, I remember this dude! He was good enough to be a character but I'm happy he isn't because it leaves room for more of my favorites.
Nova said:
Okay. That doesn't look like a guy.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I have no idea who this guy is.
Wiipaw said:
Will you marry me, Saki? It's been so long.
Wiipaw said:
Oh wait, he's a boy? He looked very feminine.
Wiipaw said:
I thought treasure was on a budget (have you HEARD the other voices?), therefore I assumed he was a girl (just look at him!) and they ran out of female voice actors. Oops. But still, his game is sweet.
Aeth said:
Where are the funny comments? Well at least they are adding characters who didn't get to become playable as Assist Trophies to keep everyone happy.
sidkid004 said:
I'm curious to see how many people actually recognize this guy.
BrothaZ said:
He'll probably be playable in the next smash bros if there is one, but no captions?
Scooby Jew said:
How else would it melded together? Duct tape holds the universe together. And, I noticed there's no captions; Wii's World is getting lazy?
Nickhead said:
My my he sure looks like Cloud.
insultman911 said:
I can't see them comments.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I might check that game out.
DKX900 said:
What? No captions? That's one of the main reasons I come on here.
Elebot said:
I played Sin & Punishment once. If you understood anything that was going on, you're a better person than I. Yay Saki.
RisingPhoenix said:
Duct Taped together. Sometimes the comments this place puts before the captions are way funnier.
Aeth said:
You know, I often think it's a waste to make these new developments on the characters and then not use them again. I mean they totally redid Pit's looks and he's been unplayable for 16 years, I think they should make another Kid Icarus. Mario and Zelda have enough games, let the other not so well known characters come back with their own game.
Hey said:
This Assist Trophy concept was in Jump Ultimate Stars as well.
wiicloud9 said:
He's too good of an Assist Trophy to need captions.
Zendalf said:
If this awesome character steps aside for even cooler ones to be playable, there has GOT to be some friggen sweet players coming.
Senpai said:
Holy crap. I hope this means I get to see a cool update involving red, blue, or green. That would be wicked to play as the gunstar heroes.
Mr X said:
I fail again.
frogman said:
Yet another assist trophy that just runs around wildly slashing people with a sword or shooting a projectile weapon. It seems as though Sakurai's team really can't think of anything better.
Dark Star said:
Good point Aeth. This series probably helped save Samus with the original. It would be nice to see another Kid Icarus game. I can easily see the use of the Wiimote for a 3D adventure.
Aeth said:
Yay, they really need to expand to their other characters instead of Mario and Legend of Zelda. Those franchises already have games for the Wii, make one for F-Zero, Donkey Kong, and Earthbound. Ice Climbers and Kid Icarus haven't had a game in years. They are now bringing a batch of other franchises in which were only on the NES so work on those (Starfox and Kirby have games being developed for the Wii).