Sharp Shooter blasting Wii

Sharp Shooter blasting Wii

Joytech have announced a new Wii accessory called the Sharp Shooter. It's a plastic holding that combines both Wiimote and nunchuk to form a gun.

Wii Sharpshooter accessory
Sharp Shooter for Wii.

The Sharp Shooter is supposedly lightweight and of course doesn't need any additional cables or batteries. Can you fly Bobby?

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Rob Jones

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BonbonJoe said:

Now, let's play some Call of Duty eh?


t-bone said:

That's freakin' awesome! I want it.


Wii Freak said:

I can use that in rayman raving rabbids, where you shoot the rabbids with plungers.


TheDancingPenguin said:

That's frickin sweet! I got to get me one of those.


Zendalf said:

First of all awesome, second of all what the heck does can you fly bobby mean?

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AlexKidd said:

Well, it looks pretty cool.


me said:

I want one of those. No, 4 of those! 1 for each of my controllers / nunchuks, so I can play 4 people in one game.


IowanianC said:

That's great. As long as every game from now on lets you remap the trigger from B on the Wiimote to Z on the Chuck. If not, that would be really awkward.


wiiman said:

This actually looks really fun. Future war games should really use this type of contraption.


Gonzo said:

Nice, I want that! You can play one of those Indiana Jones games with that hehe.


Elementrat said:

That is absoluetely awesome! I am going to buy 2, as soon as a good FPS is released for Wii. Still waiting.


eric wii said:

I will buy this or any gun attachment when metroid comes out. GO METROID!


Chuf said:

Guys, this looks cool and all, but would only work for games designed around it. Take Metroid for example, you need to be able to flick the nunchuk forward and back for back for the grapple beam. Awkward with this. Like I said, once a game gets designed around this, it can work. Until then, it is useless. It is a really cool idea though.


cmk said:

Fun! But wasn't Nintendo making a 1st party one? That was better? But yeah, this looks cool. I bet it interferes with a lot of control setups though.


DJames said:

Yer CMK is right, in Red Steel you can use a gun in each hand and the nunchuk poses as one of them. If you want to aim at one at a time go for this. I must say though, it looks cool but has anyone noticed the nunchuk has no room to connect?


Hey said:

Yeah, what happened to the zapper.


wiiwii said:

Dang you could play Call of duty 3 and elebits, they would be so much easier.


Ian C said:

Cool like the zapper, although they are making a Wii zapper and it looks awesome.


Master Foot said:

The Light Gun is back!


Ekaj185 said:

What happened to the Zapper? Still making it?


HOMEgrown said:

"Can you fly Bobby?!" is a Robocop reference, Clarence Bodicka (Red Foreman from 'That 70s Show) says it to one of his (more dispensable) gang members before he throws him out of the back of a speeding van onto the front of Murphy (Robocop) and his partners car. Classic line.


Wastedyuthe said:

How can you play Call of Duty with this? There are moments, like when you are wrestling for the rifle with a Nazi, where you will need to have your remote and nunchuck for separate gestures. And like someone else said, not one fps game so far has allowed the nunchuck's Z or C button to have the trigger mapped to them. If you ask me, this looks really awkward. You will need to hold it with both hands in order to reach the d-pad etc on the remote still, and of course the B button to fire until games can remap the trigger control to the nunchuck. A better solution would be to make a completely new 'lightgun' remote, which looks just like a gun, with the B button as the trigger, and the d-pad, 1, 2, A buttons on the top in easy reach for your thumb. Then the nunchuck connects to that gun remote as normal. Simple. Now wouldn't that be better?


Senpai said:

Oh man this is going to be fun to use. Anybody else smell some more red steel foursomes?


1st day Wii owner said:

Probably will be used when duck hunt comes out on the VC.


Gonzo said:

Usually the guns in war games, aren't shaped in the way this gun is. It would be like you having an M16, but using that gun. It would be hot, if they came out with Wii guns. Not a game, but a controller! But, what games can you play with this?

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Nova said:

I was expecting something like this. But I think it might be easier to use if the nunchuck wasn't attached to the gun just for the reason that some shooting games may use the nunchuck's movement capabilities.


lickwid said:

Umm. Don't most games use the button on the back of the wiimote to shoot? How would that work?


Danman said:

You could still use this even if the shooting game requires the button on the back of the Wii remote to shoot by just holding it with two hands. It will still act like a gun and anyway even if the shoot button on games was the z button on the nunchuk you would still have to hold the gun with two hands for when you need to press a button on the Wii remote to change weapon, jump etc.


Scrappy said:

I grabbed this for a very cheap price. It does look awesome, more like a pistol and not like the crossbow zapper. However, after I got it I noticed, no room for the nunchuck hookup (you can, but it's definitely pain IF you are lucky and skilled). Also the Z or C would need to be the firing trigger. There are few games that have changeable control setups and make sure they are US version not PAL or JAP.


Shooter said:

I got this too for a very good price not noticing how you have to put the nunchuck in. I must say it is very awkward and like you all said it does not work real well with most shooting games.

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