Sixty Words by POWGI released on Switch

Sixty Words by POWGI released on Switch

Where we're going we don't need grids

Lightwood Games is thrilled to announce details of their latest word game, Sixty Words by POWGI.

It's a much-requested (and slightly larger) follow-up to 2019's Fifty Words by POWGI.

This is a unique type of word search puzzle: there's no grid, no wrong letters and no list of words to find. Each puzzle just contains 60 intertwined words, connected by a theme.

As players discover the words, they paint them with a rainbow of vibrant highlights to create a unique, often stunning, result.

It's less challenging than many of our word puzzles, designed to aid mindfulness and spark creativity, through a relaxing experience of word exploration in a sea of colour.

Some puzzles are shaped and some simply sprawl, but the end result each time is a piece of colour-blended art, created individually by the player.

The game will be released on Tuesday 28th June on PlayStation, Thursday 30th June on Switch and Friday 1st July on Xbox.

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