Word is going around that Super Smash Bros Brawl has been delayed.
Nintendo has confirmed Japanese gamers can now expect Brawl on January 24th instead. No word on other countries as yet.
The official website now shows the release date as an unnerving 'TBD'.
tbd tbh.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
eric ♥ wii said:
SSonic22 said:
That's the price for Sonic in Brawl!
Chris Bajor said:
Oh man I hope they don't delay it in the US. I've had it reserved for the last year in a half. I need it.
The Brawler said:
Nintendo if you do this to us I will never forgive you.
opanimon said:
What on earth are they going to do that for?
Master Foot said:
I knew that it was too good to be true! Maybe it might come out in April 08. But why risk passing up a possible holiday release? The ultimate holiday gift is now in jeopardy.
Mr Friend said:
Phoenix said:
What, I swear yo there better not be a delay for the US. I will be so pissed off if that happened. It's bad enough that I have to wait until dec 3. So to the people who are working on the game, do not push it back later than December. In fact try to finish the game for November!
The Joe said:
No. That's Bull. They can't delay it any more. No.
Wii Rox said:
Nintendo needs this game this year to help drive the nail in Sony's coffin. Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2 are next year, so Nintendo should make as good as it can this Christmas.
Zelda Dude said:
Oh god what will they roll up next?
Zach D said:
I'm still working on the time-machine. Just need to find where I put that flux capacitor.
B Darius said:
If they push it back, maybe they'll add more stuff to it. Who knows.
RisingPhoenix said:
Well look at the bright side: the more the game is in the developers hands the better the game will be in the end result. Other than that I'm pretty disappointed but at least I got more time to get a Wii.
xMr1337x said:
It would have been fine without sonic. Just one character that messes up the game so much, even his spring thing is annoying.
Scooby Jew said:
It was supposed to be a launch title; that was too early, so they give them more than a year. And they're STILL delaying it?! How much can you put into one game? I mean, honestly. This is getting a little out of hand. They should know better than to delay it in the US, so hopefully they'll think with the "logic" part of their brains. They saw what happened with the retarded PS3 fans and all the violence in the US. Imagine how much destruction strategical, intelligent SSB Brawlers would cause.
Super King said:
I REALLY hope they don't delay it. But come on guys, if they DO delay it, then they have a good reason and will do it so they can fix the game and make it better. So I have no problem with them making the game MORE awesome. But I still want it NOW!
SSB4LFE said:
No way. I want to play it during the holidays. I have exams after December. Why Nintendo, why?
#1 Peach Fan said:
I saw this yesterday & was very angry by this update. I hope it comes out before Christmas. I'm not doing a Twlight Princess kind of a deal.
dec3issofaraway said:
What does TBD mean? To Be Denounced?
goldseer said:
If they delay it one more time I'll kill them all and finish the friggin game myself! RAAAAAH.
somebody said:
I'm sorry to say this but brawl will be delayed until 2008, February 10. It is saddening but at least we will get more updates.
pichu fan said:
C'mon we were two months away and if it's going to come out on january 24th in japan, we won't probably have it by march or april. Please Nintendo I have waited a long time for this game, don't make me cut my spikes off.
Pandawan said:
It's only going to be delayed by a month or so, think of the positives. It's most likely that Ninty will soon release a headset and if Brawl were to release before that, it wouldn't support said headset. I for one am happy that they are delaying it (not only for the headset rumor), but because they want it perfect.
YoshLee said:
NO, why god, why. Oh well it's going to be an awesome game so it'll take a while.
Nintendoof said:
Nintendo. Why? I've reserved it on January 14. So I'll have to wait. And wait and wait.
Elebot said:
As upset as I am to hear this, if this is what it takes to make the game the most amazing thing in the world, I say take your time. Keep the updates coming, and we'll make it through. Isn't Galaxy coming up soon anyway?
insultman911 said:
Oh god. Well that's the bad news. The good news is that if it takes a long time to make it, the game's going to be awesome. I think they have just too many ideas that the want to put, so they have to just keep delaying.
Travis said:
Just think it could be a good thing, more time means better items, player, modes, etc.
The Joe said:
Dude Pheonix is right in every way. I even heard that they have it ready to sell but they're just waiting until december.
SSBB Obsession said:
I'm VERY sorry to say to get rid of the question mark. Nintendo of America has officially announced Brawl is delayed to February 10. I like other people are angered and saddened by this (especially me, look at my name).
jskrdude said:
This is crap. I'm going to start to boycott brawl if they delay it any more.
Splatter 1 said:
Sorry guys it's delayed until Feburary 10, 2008.
WiiNinja said:
It's all over. I can't believe I'm saying this, but right when Nintendo's done something right by putting this game on, this all slaps me in the face to know that it's been delayed again. Brawler (the name), I won't forgive 'em either. We deserve better than this. I never wanted Sonic in the first place. Who's idea was that?
WiiNinja said:
Yea, had a paper chain and everything. Time to add on.
BonbonJoe said:
That's the day before my birthday! Alright guys, I know we are all extremely disappointed. I am too, but like Shigsy says, A Delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is bad forever. As if Brawl could get any better, but still. Plus, when you get it, it will taste even sweeter.
Super King said:
I just heard that it's been delayed to February 10, 2008. Damn, blast and thunder.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I'm probably the only one that's partially glad for the delay, and for a selfish reason. This gives me more time to get myself a Wii.
Jarin said:
Shoot, Nintendo summit confirmed it. Now expect Brawl 2/10/08 for US and 1/24/08 for Japan.
Ekaj185 said:
No. I must go blow something up. Arghhh.
Nickhead said:
Does anybody live in Australia? Because there are no answers to when brawl's coming out in that country.
Goombaka said:
*sigh*, I guess SM Galaxy will have to tide me over.
Alex said:
It's a shame they delayed the game but oh well. I'll get the europe version or USA version. I prefer to have a better game and wait.
Andrew said:
Don't worry everyone, they are delaying it because they want to make it as good as it can possibly be.
phoenix said:
Damn japan always getting things first. Who cares if they made the system, everything should be released on one date for everyone. But unfortunately that won't ever. Quote from napoleon dynamite "GOSH".
What a bummer man! Come on big N, what are you thinking.
Dark Star said:
We need to relax and wait. Compared to the twilight princess delay this is nothing. And believe me, I'm irritated because this skips over both the holiday season and my birthday.
Maximillian said:
February 10th! I knew there had to be something bad after something great came (Sonic).
erikk said:
This means my christmas present won't be as awesome as it could have been. Sonic gets 2 more months before I kick his butt right off the game.
n00BHUNTER0 said:
Damn you sonic for having us wait.
JawZ said:
Hey everyone be patient. When I first heard the news it was the end of the world for me because I live in uk which often gets stuff late. I wonder when it will be released in the uk.
RisingPhoenix said:
Hey, this will only make the game a hell of a lot better. More updates, more unlockables, more stages, more music, better graphics, clearer animations, more trophies, and way more possibilities. This game has so many features that it will single handedly go down in gaming history as 'Untouchable'! Always try your best to look at the brightest side possible. Brawl will rule (FOREVER). I got a bit excited!
Dark Star said:
Sonic had nothing to do with Brawl being delayed. Sonic was planned on being in Brawl since Nintendo and Sega talked about it over a year ago. Sakurai and the others probably decided to announce Sonic to cool people down, so he could say Brawl was delayed without too many people planning to firebomb his house.
Undefeated Gamer said:
NO WAY MAN! I will not wait another 3 months for brawl. I have wanted it for half a year and I'm not waiting any longer. They need to let out brawl at the beginning of December at the latest.
Mario & Sonic said:
Mario: Mamamiya. We are-a delayed until 2-10-08? Sonic: Chill out. Our fight will be sweeter if it's delayed. Let's see who's better a better fighter in February.