Huge news from Sakurai today, Super Smash Bros Brawl is confirmed to have online play via the Wi-Fi connection. Woop.
There are two modes of connecting, one being with Friends, and the other playing Anyone. As an online player you can choose an icon for yourself. You can also choose short messages as a taunt to be used in-game. Up to four messages can be included and get chosen using the + pad.
When it comes to battling strangers, you won't get to know each other's names, simply P1, P2 etc. No records are stored for these matches either, so there's no pressure.
Friend or foe?
Samus is hot today.
Are those Miis?
You sassin' me, boy?
Welcome, stranger.
I said I wanted TWO pillows.
3,061 news items
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
dec3issofaraway said:
I can't believe it. They just added Super Smash Brothers Brawl to everyone's Christmas wish list.
Super King said:
"Enter Friend Code: 3/64". You can have a 64-player online tournament! Awesome. Awesome to the MAX. Now to find 63 friends who have a Wii and are free at the same time as me.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
Thank you Nintendo.
YoshLee said:
WOAH this is a big update and an awesome one too, but I hope they have a new character this week.
Davidk said:
Great, great news. But my disappointments are: No leader boards, and also chat will not work with just the wiimote control configuration. I'm so upset whatever should I do (sarcasm).
pichu fan said:
Alright then, all I need is wi-fi until brawl comes out. I can't wait to show you people pichu is not a failure if he's in. I hope he is.
gareth said:
Miis are going to be playable.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Sweet. Taunts. No voice chatting with annoying tweens and their potty mouths. Too bad about the distance connection slow-down though. I like going against people whose languages I can't even pronounce.
NinjaRygar said:
It's great to hear there's no online ranking and total privacy. I like that. That means people might actually just play the game and not worry about their stats or rank.
shindrA said:
Yea baby. I don't like the idea with removing names when you meet random foes. That's the whole point of playing online. Making a name for yourself.
world wide wii said:
Cool you can release hell on Mr Sandbag while you wait.
Nintendoof said:
YES! On-OnLine Play.
BrothaZ said:
Heh I love the last caption. But just because there are Miis there doesn't mean they're playable, because those are just icons. But still, Wi-Fi!
JosephTheSquirrel said:
No records? And worse connection based on distance? Isn't this the age of internet? What's going on here?
insultman911 said:
Yes! This is going to be awesome. I hope the names can be extended even more than the ones on the screen. If you see something related to insultman911, that would be me.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
My life is complete.
wii rox said:
I wonder how many people are going to stop playing Halo 3 online when this comes out?
Ultigonio said:
I am happy about this. And what a way to kill time! GO Nintendo.
jskrdude said:
I can't wait, though my online wireless connection that I have is a Nintendo USB wireless thing. But that isn't a very fast connection. I still kind of wish you could use cables to connect the Wii to a network. That would be a lot faster. Oh well.
Nova said:
This is the news I've been waiting for.
STD said:
Cool! I also got a feeling that voice chat will be revealed later on. But also disappointing. I mean come on Ninty. Smash Brawl is going to go down as one of the most competitive and awesome multiplayer games of all-time and you limit the competitiveness. Not being able to know who you're playing is fine, but to not track your records against strangers is ridiculous. They should have that option where the user can determine if they want their stats to be recorded. That way everyone gets what they want.
Kamehameha X said:
I know we all expected it to some degree or another, but I am SO RELIEVED that it has finally been confirmed! I sure hope that they can optimize the connection so we have fewer lag problems and all.
Wii decimates all said:
Ok this hands down is the greatest update ever! I'm totally going to own some people with ike, and looking at the picture with the mii's this also just confirmed pikachu will be back, which I'm not sure was ever confirmed.
Wii-4-Mii said:
YES! I hoped so badly this game would have Nintendo Wi-Fi connection.
The Hamburgler said:
Nothing there says Mii's will be playable. They're just icons. Although I could see it happen. Just give all the Mii's some generic move set. Could be an interesting unlockable player.
xMr1337x said:
SSBB is officially the best game for 2007-2008. It's gonna own Halo 3 by far.
Pezhead said:
On the main website it says they're planning a number of services that make use of Wi-Fi. Hopefully that means there will be brackets. Like 1 bracket will be a ladder where score is kept and there will be another bracket for like practice games that don't count towards your record (Kinda like Arena on WoW). I'm really hoping other possible brackets to be: Free for all, 2v2, 3v1. I really don't want to be stuck with some scrub every game. Also, I'm hoping there is a creator of Each one as far as random people games go. So the creator can set no items, or other options like that. I'm rather excited to hear what the other modes for online play will be.
allforone said:
It's not about the records, it's about having fun and I think I speak for everyone when I say no voice chat is a godsend. It means no 13 year old squeaky voiced idiot overly using his pathetic one liner "insults". I'm glad this is about fun again.
SSB4LIFE said:
Best update ever. Now we can use wi-fi. I knew it was going to happen but I don't know when. The 100th update was the best. Yay super smash brothers brawl. Yay Nintendo. Yay wi-fi.
bbbrrr said:
I can't help but notice that, with all those symbols in the second pic, there wasn't one for animal crossing, like the one shown on the site for the stage. Hmm.
Dark Star said:
Wonderful to finally see this update! Can battle with friends and use taunts to send short messages. There is animosity while in with anyone fights. And to top it off, they will have more services involving the wi-fi connection.
Elebot said:
Needless to say, this is going to be a great feature to an already destined classic. I like the idea of no records and playing without the friend codes necessary. That really seemed to bog down Animal Crossing and Pokemon. It wasn't as interesting, but I guess it was best.
WiiNinja said:
Wow, my heart just did a backflip.
Peter said:
Man please let Miis be playable! Give them more purpose on here than just icons for 4 player battles.
Yoshi-1up said:
Oh my god. Now I'm sure this will be game of the year. And maybe if it had Sonic.
master1 said:
Sandbag just want to die.
GiGANTOR said:
Finally it's confirmed! This is going to be so awesome.
asparaWIIgus said:
100th Post is WIFI.
sidkid004 said:
While I am a little (emphasis on little) disappointed about Brawl's online execution, I can't wait to beat up n00bs all over the world.
BonbonJoe said:
Oh my god. I asked Nintendo this so many times. Plus, I have a buddy in Nevada (I live in Hawaii) and we always used to play SSBM together. Now! IT CONTINUES.
Nintendoof said:
That's it Tuesdays and Fridays are the best updates. And gareth, Miis are only player icons. Maybe.
Scooby Jew said:
I like that the internet isn't region-locked for this game. Japan, here I come. Still, Sakurai also said that the connection is going to be slower across large distances like that. I'll get over it, though. Awesome update, I can't wait to Brawl online.
WiiNinja said:
It's over for Microsoft.
r3y-r3y said:
People going to be playing this game like until 2014.
benny said:
This is pretty bomb, but I kind of knew it'd happen.
WiiNinja said:
Nintendo dropped a bomb on Microsoft. Wii win.
smashdodo said:
STD not to be mean or anything, but with no records is great. People don't have to disconnect and be pissed off. Besides the friends mode shows records, not the strangers mode.
SSBBowns said:
Like my name, SSBB is going to own big time.
The Joe said:
How do you register a friend or whatever to be able to play against each other? Do we have to register each other's Wii number or something?
Andrew said:
Halo 3 blows, I played it over a friend's house, so lame. SSBB woooooo.
shadow walker said:
Gareth MIIs are there to represent the person playing. Even though they probably are playable.
doglover said:
If you have broadband internet you can just use Wiiconnect24, to go online.
doglover said:
Pichu Fan, Pichu hurts himself almost every move he makes, other than just running, walking and jumping.
Brandon's Brawl said:
"Welcome, stranger". Nice Resident Evil 4 cameo. It rocks almost as much as Brawl.