Friday again, it rolls around so fast. A new stage for Super Smash Bros Brawl is called Smashville. Its theme is heavily based on the world of Animal Crossing.
The scenery in Smashville changes with the time of day, which is determined by the Wii's internal clock. Also it seems like certain events can trigger, like a musical performance on Saturday evenings.
Seems familiar?
The residents looked on in horror.
Dusk in Smashville.
Coffee with your brawling sir?
A fight could break out at any moment.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
smash fan x said:
Wow I wasn't expecting that, maybe an assist trophy can summon a herd of animals to stampede over everyone in front of you.
1st day Wii owner said:
I'm still waiting for animal crossing for the Wii.
LOZfan said:
If there is a stage like this I wonder what it means for new characters.
lickwid said:
Each new stage is more imaginative than the last! Even though you only fight on a 2d plane, the backgrounds are engaging.
Rygar said:
Anybody notice the animal crossing logo used in the title of the update? That means that an Animal Crossing character was just confirmed.
Captain Jamesman said:
Enough with these dumb stages. Put something cool, like Diamond City, or Princess Peach's Cruise ship from Mario Party 7.
Rygar I agree with you, I saw the logo and thought to myself, hmmm. An animal crossing character. I also thought of making your own fighter with your mii, by getting other characters skills. Whether or not you could use them on the internet I don't know, but still it would be cool. I also thought that maybe instead of taking out the horrible copies that were made like pichu, and dr Mario they could make special items that could be won once you beat adventure mode as mario or pikachu. Like you can get a doctor suit for mario to play as doctor mario, or you got an evolution/devolution pill for pikachu to let you can play as pichu or raichu. Maybe even like you got a cel-shaded suit to play as cell shaded link. And these special items don't just change the characters looks, they can effect his stats, like pichu would probably be weaker and hurt itself with special attacks, instead of creating a very similar character. So I'm just throwing ideas around for Nintendo to use maybe in their next ssb.
Rock said:
Wow I never even thought of an animal crossing stage.
Chaos said:
This was totally unexpected news. The backgrounds look so nice. Makes me think about what Animal Crossing on Wii would look like.
Guitardude said:
Ha! I was so waiting for this.
Crimson Hawk said:
I know seriously CJ, Diamond City would be awesome.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Forget Captain Jamesman, this is the best stage revealed yet. I mean, having KK perform while you fight? Sweet! And, if my Smash logic is on par with Rygar's, there might actually be an Animal Crossing Brawler. And again, if my logic is right, it won't be KK or Tom Nook, being as they were seen in these images; it'd spoil the "magic" if KK performed while KK was fighting, or Nook watched in awe as he kicked Meta Knight's butt. But I could be wrong, you know.
Scooby Jew said:
Wow, can they make this game any more anticipating? I argue that they cannot! I'm already on the verge of exploding, and I still have to wait almost 5 more months with little information about the game. About the stage: I love it, can't wait to see what else they do with the Animal Crossing theme.
Gonzo said:
That's interesting. You guys said that Smashville changes the time of day by the Wii's internal clock. I like that.
Orez said:
If Tom Nook was a brawler, I think he could use items from his store, ya'know? Like the Axe (smash attack), Shovel (dig up a gyroid to do damage), Fishing rod (grab move, "reel in" your opponents), Slingshot (range attack)... watering can (uhhhh. Make turnips grow, eat'em and decrease your percentage?). Just some ideas.
SSonic22 said:
Rygar is right, every stage has the logo of the character that belongs. Lylat Cruise has Fox logo, Eldin Bridge has Link's etc. So we are getting an Animal Crossing brawler. Yay! It was not intentional but I guess they gave us the clue.
KOOL-AID said:
Pretty detailed when it comes to the time concept, especially when it comes to the performance by KK at the time of 8:00 PM on Saturday. But if you really think about it the stages have really nothing special to them. Every stage they have announced so far is just flat with a few platforms with lots of detail in the back. They need to bring back stages like Brinstar Depths.
BrothaZ said:
The only bad thing about this stage is that you can't play as KK Slider (as far as I know). He is awesome! At least he made it into the game without being a lame trophy. *gasp* I wonder what songs Slider will play?
TheMetroid said:
Yeah, but what about the Metroid stages?
BonbonJoe said:
I vote for an assist trophy that summons Nook. And he plummets you with Great Deals!
i need a wiieww said:
If you play at 8 o'clock on Saturday it has that dog singing like in animal crossing. Sweet.
Pescador Gama said:
WIIPING FOR Wii, that is the way a lot of persons think, including me. If they don't put those special items it's only because they don't want to, is easy to imagine that, hope all is like you say. And Rygar, I saw that leaf icon, but the question is who is the character! Maybe a secret one?
smash fan x said:
Maybe each version could have a special playable AC character, like 1.0= Bear, 1.2 = Cat.
Crimson Hawk said:
This is cool! Hey does anyone here have Animal Crossing for the DS? I do.
KOOL-AID said:
I hope that Animal Crossing characters don't become playable characters. Maybe assist characters though.
eric ♥ wii said:
Is it just me or does just about every new stage use the internal clock somehow? I think it would be an AWESOME idea to somehow use the weather channel to see the weather of where the player is and incorporate it into the game (or any Wii game). That would be really cool. Imagine what a hurricane would do to the characters.
PP said:
I think that they need a stage for Paper Mario. It would be cool looking. Plus Peach should be in the game.
Matteus said:
Awesome! Now all I need is Sonic to be confirmed and all my dreams will have come true.
Nintendoof said:
I drew a lot of possible characters for BRAWL tell me what's best: Captain Olimar from Pikmin, Bubbles from cluclu Land, Rayman from Rayman series, Waluigi from mario games etc and King Dedede from Kirby series.
Dark Star said:
I don't have the slightest idea who the animal crossing character is or even if there is one. No truly plausible characters come to mind at all, Nook and KK are in the background and no other character seems important enough to be playable. This could be a stage without a character. Marth and Roy both lacked a stage. Maybe this stage lacks a playable character.
insultman911 said:
The people aren't happy.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This was a sweet update. I love how they put an Animal Crossing stage in. I wonder if an AC person Will be playable.
insultman911 said:
I wonder if the time is affected by the day. Like if it's nighttime outside, it's night in brawl.
Aeth said:
Music for this Stage: "Title (Animal Crossing)", "Go ok. Ok. Rider!", "Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store", "The Roost".
Blooper is #1 said:
I LOVE this stage so far. This is going to be my FAVORITE stage EVER.
Smash Bros 4 Ever said:
There is no animal crossing character.