Cough. Hack. Sakurai has revealed a new item in Super Smash Bros Brawl. It's called the smoke ball.
This item deals no damage to fighters, and is merely for fun effect. When it hits something, the smoke ball begins releasing colored clouds of smoky goodness.
I'll take this home for my cat.
Wario, is that you?
Is there any wind in space?
They're coming in!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
It looks like a golf ball.
man with cap said:
Looks cool but I doubt it'd be that helpful.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
This looks like a new way to strategize and play. Pretty cool. I just expected more after a three day wait.
Wiipaw said:
Looking at the enviroment the ball is used, I've found out what the other adventure mode will be: space balls.
Crimson Hawk said:
I don't think it would be useful in battling another player, but it would probably work on a com.
Kamehameha X said:
I have to disagree. It may not be the most useful item in the world, but judging from the range of the effect, it looks like it would be effective in masking YOUR OWN attacks (especially ranged ones). Imagine a Samus Blast just flying out of a cloud of smoke unexpectedly! Part of avoiding attacks is seeing it begin. This item may help land a few of those big strikes! On the other hand, confusing your enemy by throwing it where they are.. not so much.
master1 said:
The smoke ball may be useful in battle I think.
Scooby Jew said:
I hope this doesn't have a similar effect to Togepi blacking out the screen. That was the worst; it didn't help anybody. Still, the idea is neat. I like that part of it.
pichu fan said:
This is just like that invisible machine in ssbm, maybe they won't have it any more. I sometimes hated it because I can't see myself.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I agree with Crimson Hawk, only in reverse. Computer players will most likely "see" right through any diversionary tactics, such as the Smoke Ball or the Nintendog. A human player, on the other hand, relies on a clear screen for their strategies. If their view is blocked, they may not be able to repel your attack, or even know you're attacking until it's too late. Of course, distance attacks shatter everything I just said.
Gonzo said:
I remember in like Silver, Gold, and Crystal versions of Pokemon, they had Smoke Balls. I don't remember what they were for though.
Amazon Kevin said:
It's cool, but it doesn't compare to awesome updates last week.
The Face said:
Its main purpose is probably for wi-fi. It'll be just like the nintendogs who block he opponents screen. Set it off and your opponents screen will be smoky but yours won't, giving you an advantage.
divinity boy said:
Kamehameha X, that's just what I was thinking. No one would know where you are, you pop out of the cloud, blast fully charged, and BAM! They'd never know it was coming.
Crimson Hawk said:
True Kamehameha X, you make a very persuasive argument. I agree with your statement.
Master Foot said:
In the third pic, you can still see the Pink wonder through the smoke. Unless the smoke is opaque, it's kind of useless. If it is meant to be used tactically, then the smoke is apparently dissipating.
Game Veteran 2 said:
I know! You can use the smoke ball to hide the fact you're about to do your special attack. Just imagine Mario's firestorm coming right out of a cloud of harmless smoke, and don't even get me started on Samus's special. Because once they see you're about to do a special other players will do everything they can to take as less damage as possible. On the other hand hitting unsuspecting players will maximize the damage. So I believe that this can be a critical item in quite a number of situations.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I'm not too crazy about this but I like the colors.