Green Hill Zone in Brawl

Green Hill Zone in Brawl

The classic Green Hill Zone from the Sonic games is confirmed as a stage in Super Smash Bros Brawl, courtesy of Sakurai today. It will remain hidden until you unlock Sonic himself though.

As in the originals, the stage features sloped terrain. If it takes too much punishment, some of the ground will fall away. In the background you might also catch a glimpse of Knuckles, Tails and Silver running by.

Hey there's a free life up there.

It's oh-so quiet. Shhh! Shhh!

You try doing loops in clown shoes.

Sammy we're putting you on a diet.

Lower your tails, I can see everything!

Meh, I don't need pants.

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Rob Jones

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w*ll said:

Man, tails speaks the truth.


Captain Jamesman said:

This is really awesome and all, but where the heck is Shadow?


TruBlu said:

TAILS. I love that fox like you have NO idea! This is what he would've looked like if he was playable. Such an odd shade of pale yellow he is. I hope you can hear the choppa-choppa sound when he runs/flies through the loop! And I also wonder how they got to look Tails, Silver, and Knuckles from that angle.


Aeth said:

Wow, originally I just thought the Tails, Knuckles and Silver running in the background would just be cheap polygonal models, but instead they look as good as Sonic and Shadow (who is an Assist Trophy by the way). Anyway looks like they stood true to the Green Hill Stage, even with the row-by-row collapsing, Level Save Point, and the extra life on top of the loop.


Yoshi-1up said:

It's so beautiful.


Sonic Phantom said:

An awesome update! But who's going to be the assist trophy for Sonic then? I think it's Shadow. Anyway awesome.


ToTaLgAmEr said:

Kewl stage, looking forward to playing on it.


Firus the Hedgehog said:

I'm so glad they decided to add this stage in, especially since they very easily could've put some Sonic and the Secret Rings crap in. I'm still offended that they put a next-gen moron like Silver in the background of such a classic stage, but hey, that's life. I'm even more annoyed, frankly, that Shadow is an assist trophy and Knuckles and Tails get a mere cameo appearance. Seriously, Shadow is cool but he's half the reason the Sonic series is in such a bad place now (they tried to focus it too much on him with things like Shadow the Hedgehog) and they really could've made a nice assist trophy out of Tails. Heck, he could've picked up enemies and dropped them off the edge, he could float off the edge and save you once if you fall, he could even carry you around in the air in a Marble-Zone-Boss fashion (for all you who played Sonic 3). But I digress, the stage is awesome. Green Hill Zone FTW.


Aeth said:

Yay, Shadow is an Assist Trophy, he uses Chaos Control to slow down everyone except the person who summoned him. Found it odd that they had Silver there. I mean we have Amy and Cream & Cheese as the first back up characters, Rogue would be next, but why add Silver (Also, if they were going to add Silver, what about Blaze?)? As I see it, it goes Sonic, Dr. Eggman, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream & Cheese, Shadow, Rogue, Silver, and Blaze.


insultman911 said:

I wish shadow also appeared.


Quartz said:

Sweet! I excited! But why Silver? That's retarded. Silver is soooo not oldschool. Make it Amy or something. But oh well, it'll still be an awesome stage.


Scooby Jew said:

Firus, don't be so offended, there's an easy solution they could have used to avoid this whole crisis: Take Sonic out and put Mega Man in his place; simple and realistic. Not to mention, Mega Man would do a little more than just spin for EVERY ONE OF HIS ATTACKS, unlike Sonic. I guess that's life, though.


#1 Peach Fan said:

Man this is awesome. I don't want to get rumors started but I would love it if Tails was playable or even an Assist trophy.


Falcon said:

Shadow is an assist trophy.


Keranu said:

I totally agree with Firus.


YoshLee said:

How the heck did the camera get to that position? Maybe the camera can move around to many more positions, that seems pretty cool. I had a lot of fun with the Melee one as it is.


Frogman said:

Oh no. It's that sonic stage. My old dentist used to have this particular sonic game in their waiting room. Now, every time I see that loop de doop, the balloon checkpoint thing, or even hear the music (you know what tune I'm referring to) I am reminded of all of the drills, pain, and horror that accompanies every trip to the dentist (well, actually I don't have any cavities to this day but it's just the thought of somebody poking around inside your mouth that freaks me out). I guess that's where my hatred of sonic came from (shivers).


TruBlu said:

Frogman, if they had.. I dunno, Frogger at the dentist instead of Sonic, would you hate Frogger? And Scooby Jew, that is the silliest solution I ever heard.


Wii Rox said:

They got the camera at that angle with the debug menu, same way they got the second one with no fighters in it.


Nintendoof said:



Fredicus iii said:

Does the stage scroll? What if someone runs faster than the other characters? Do the slower ones fall behind? What about knuckles, tails and silver? Do they hurt players? So many questions, so little answers.


Aeth said:

Fredicus iii, it doesn't scroll, it's only that part. The characters don't need to run fast but they do need to climb and jump a lot if they want to get out of that ditch. Tails, Knuckles and Silver do nothing, they just run in the loop in the background. But here is a little bit of extra information, the Save Point Spinner does damage when someone hits it and the top beings to spin around.


Frogman said:

Well, the dentist only added to my hatred of sonic, TruBlu. It all actually started because I'm a HUGE Mario freak (probably because of Yoshi) and I just felt a natural rivalry towards the.. blue, spiky hedgehog thing.


davyt 0247 said:

Nice, a very cool old school stage from the very first Sonic game, the Sega Genesis. If I could choose what Sonic's home stage would be, this would be it. Everyone agree? Thanks for letting us know that Shadow is an assist Aeth.


w00tster said:

Tails: "Meh I don't need pants". Hilarious.

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