Last week there was talk of a sequel to Sonic Riders when a listing appeared on the EBGames website. It's now been confirmed that Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is definitely in the works.
Jet the Hawk (a character in the original) is back for more, along with a number of new faces yet to be announced. As the story goes, Sonic discovers an object which can alter gravity (that's lucky!). Unfortunately Jet finds out about it, and so naturally they have to go through a series of races, each more deadly than the last.
The first two stages are known as "Botanical Kingdom" and "Crimson Crater". The trick system used in the original game will feature in this one too, but the turbulence system is out. That's all of the details available at the moment. Goodboo.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
wiiiiiguy said:
Cool, very cool, completely awesome.
B Darius said:
Are the rest of the Babylon Rouges going to appear as well? I really hope they do, along with some new characters.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I haven't played Riders last time around; the controls were too hard in the demo. Will this one be easier to control?
Lickwid said:
What, no turbulence! That's what made the original stand out from the crowd. Ok well just F zero, Mario Kart, and SSX. But still, that was a very bad move. Turbulence created little halfpipes throughout the course and was just plain cool.
Sonic Phantom said:
Okay, so the turbulence won't be back, but the story sounds very interesting. Who knows, Silver, Shadow, Rouge, Omega and Blaze might be in this story. I hope so, because in the first one Shadow and Rouge were playable but not in story mode. Which was slightly sad, but I had no problem with it. Maybe I should rethink my decision and... ah who cares. As long as it's a Sonic game, I'm buying this.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Let's just hope it's better than the first Sonic Riders. That was okay, but lacked depth.
KOOL-AID said:
flamic said:
No turbulence? That's what made the game cool.
Crimson Hawk said:
No more turbulence? They should get rid of that tank thing that tells you if you're about to run out of fuel.
Quartz said:
Well, the original Sonic Riders was good, so I hope this may be too. We don't need new characters, go die Sega.
Wiimaster said:
Gonzo said:
I'm thinking about Zero Gravity. That should be fun.
cmk said:
YAY! Maybe crimson crater is based on cratermaze! (seriously, I thought the first game sucked).
Sonic Phantom said:
DragonFoxCoon, would you quit whining about how hard the controls were? You should at least rent the game and practice it. And as I said before, you would NOT want a game that would take 5 minutes to beat would you? Then that certain game wouldn't really be good and people would complain that the game isn't that long and not fun. If that's what you're thinking, then you are NOT a true gamer. The Sonic games have been made to challenge us and as I said, the games have matured in both plot and gameplay (meaning the controls are advanced as well). Darius, it said Jet the Hawk is in this. It wouldn't be Sonic Riders without the members of his team: Wave the Swallow and Storm the Albatross.
Scooby Jew said:
I haven't played a Sonic game since the Dreamcast days, and I doubt I'm going to start now unless there's some really good reviews. Sonic has just never really interested me and Brawl is way better, so I'm left with no choice but to not care about Sega or Sonic.
super silver7 said:
Way past cool.
Sonic Phantom said:
Scooby Jew, why don't you just play the game and for once, don't listen to the reviews. You don't know, it can be fun.
Googolmario said:
Pretty cool. I loved the first sonic riders, but this is a chance for improvement. I really couldn't care less about turbulence, but this a chance to increase speed-I mean REALLY increase it. Like Sonic next-gen mach speed section fast.
Tommy said:
Damn, no turbulence.
MJVE said:
Can't wait! Silver NEEDS to be put in.
Epsilon said:
Hmm, not sure if this is a good or bad thing.
eclipse said:
Espio should be in this one. He was left out in the first one for non-Sonic characters such as AIAI and Ulala. This is also a perfect chance to include Mighty the Armadillo.
Master Yoshi said:
This is cool! Cool Sonba or Sonic Goomba.
Keida-San said:
Oh wow. Silver, Blaze and team Chaotix have to be in this game. Believe me. The trailer is awesome. The only reason I'm buying a Wii is so I can get the Sonic games. It's about time that Sega started making sequels to their recent Sonic games.
silvershadow said:
Blaze and silver and a few other new characters will likely be in sonic riders:zero gravity because 18 characters will be in the game. That's more than what the first one had.