Yesterday Sonic the Hedgehog was finally revealed as a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Striking while the iron's still hot, Sakurai now shows us the blue blur's moves.
His side special move is the ever popular Spin Dash. Charge this up a little and you gain speed, you can also shoot through the air while doing it.
Not another tsunami.
ZzzZZz, no school today mama.
Yawn, pasta for breakfast please..
*stretch*, what am I doing up here?
Sonic's down special move is Spin Charge. Much like the Spin Dash, he curls up into a ball and spins at high speed on the ground.
Dizzy yet?
The up special move is called Spring Jump. A spring appears which Sonic can use to gain a lot of height. You even get the traditional boing sound. Be aware though that other fighters will be able to use your spring if it's on the ground.
Is that a Jawa down there?
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Gerardo said:
That sounds awfully familiar. Isn't it the same as Jigglypuff's Roll in Melee? Oh, I guess another of my characters was just unofficially scribed off this game.
Nintendoof said:
Sonic looks all squishy when he jumps.
insultman911 said:
I knew they were going to reveal this. Those are pretty cool, but they didn't show the standard special move.
insultman911 said:
I wish tomorrow, they reveal sonic's final smash. We all know it's going to be super sonic. We all know sonic's in, but if they add 1 more, it's going to be shadow. If they add 1 more to make 3, it's going to be silver. I don't think they're going to add silver. Just sonic and shadow. Wait, if luigi's a secret character, so is shadow.
SSonic22 said:
LOL at the captions. Yay. Sonic seems overpowered and sweet to control, that spin dash seems pretty powerful and useful for the 2 hit combo and you can get back again.
RaveN said:
How's the spring work if you're falling off the edge?
opanimon said:
Um, yea I really don't like sonic that much but it's only because sakurai put his moves after the day he was posted on his main ssbb website. What on earth happened to Zelda and Ike's moves?
sexystf said:
Cool the spring jump effect, I really like this concept.
Quartz said:
Heh, that sounds cool.
Wii Freak said:
Thank god sonic is in brawl.
Scooby Jew said:
Man, it still hasn't really sunk in that Sonic's going to be in Brawl. I hope he's not too fast like Fox and C Falcon. I can't even grab with those two.
Super King said:
I wonder what his B move will be. Also, I doubt they're going to add more characters from Sonic. Anyway come on, Sonic is enough! He's awesome! Maybe his be move will be he throws one of those tiny animals you're always rescuing at somebody.
RisingPhoenix said:
His 'B' move is probably Sonic Wave from Sonic Battle. But it can't be Chaos Control because it's too powerful to be a plain 'B' move. Maybe Shadow will use it.
dec3issofaraway said:
The side and down moves are almost the exact same. Except that you charge the down move by tapping the button. Nice spring jump.
narutofan8 said:
Yaaa man, I love sonic and I love this game - that's a double whammy.
YoshLee said:
I bet tomorrow will show sonic's final smash, in which he will obviously go super sonic. So that will be pretty cool.
Googolmario said:
In the air, the spring only appears for an instant so Sonic can jump off. I only know this because the computer stopped to load at this point.
Elebot said:
Great moves. Fits him well. No, no one else from Sonic allowed in. It would ruin things. I'm totally into Sonic, but if any of the other cuddly creatures show up, I'm going to be upset.
Master Foot said:
It looks like other characters can use Sonic's spring also.
divinity boy said:
I agree with SSonic22 in that he seems a bit overpowered, but still cool.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
I bet his final smash will be Super Sonic.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I like the spring. Spin Dash is nice, too, but did we really need to different ways to use the same technique? I hope there's some difference there, because I'm not noticing it.
Maximillian said:
That's one of my life dreams crossed off my list.
YoshLee said:
Whoops guess I was wrong.
pichu fan said:
Sonic, is he a secret character? Anyway I don't get the first two moves are kind of the same, how about sonic wind.
kleeborp said:
The difference between down B and side B is you can charge down B way longer and plan your flight better. The spring sonic jumps off can be used in mid-air but the spring just falls and disappears. Sonic's standard B move is a jump-homing attack, he leaps into the air and mid-air spin dashes at the nearest enemy.
BRAWL said:
Never mind. The video is in here somewhere too.
RisingPhoenix said:
I imagine that Sonic's down B is more like "get the hell off me" type of move, like Sheik's down A and Fox's down B.
Nickhead said:
Dammit Sonic should not be in Brawl because he makes the 6th worse games in the entire universe.
Mickey P said:
What the hell, sonic is great. I really hope shadow is in it too, he is so slick.
Kirby the Hedgehog said:
One new form added to my repertoire.
Dark Star said:
Opanimon, Ike's moves were announced. Zelda is returning and does not appear to have any changes, I'm pretty sure Sheik returns with her as a tag team (I saw an E for all clip that at the end, though I could not see Zelda because she was behind a primid, the jingle that plays when Zelda turns into Sheik sounded).
A Guy said:
Shadow will probably be a color change for Sonic, either his red mode or his black mode.
SuperSonic fan#1 said:
There's no other option for a final smash for Sonic than Super Sonic.
Plaugefiend said:
Sonic is a good character to play as, if you want speed and quick attacks.
HannahJuly said:
I hope Amy Rose gets in. And Manic. Do you remember Manic?
ManicHedgehogFan said:
Yea I hope manic gets in too. Same with sonia.