Woo, a real big update from Sakurai today. Sonic the Hedgehog is to be a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Not much is known about his attacks yet, but Spin Dash seems to be one of them. Expect speed to be one of his main assets.
Get this thing away from me.
Dancing in the dark.
Hitchhiking's cheaper than the bus.
We meet at last.
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User comments
Vive la Oui said:
Sonic Phantom said:
OH MY GOD. Are you kidding?? Our dreams have finally come true. Yes. YES. THE BEST UPDATE EVER.
Walruslord said:
Danny13 said:
Uber awesomeness! Sonic really deserves to be in brawl and finally he's in.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I was shocked by today's update, I almost fell out of my chair. Finally I can use Mario vs Sonic as I'm sure everyone wants to do. This game gets better every day, too bad about the Dec 3rd thing. I hope it comes out this year. I've already waited a year for this game I'm not waiting another.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
My life is complete.
DSpwner said:
Yahooo! Finally sonic my all time favorite character is in smash, yes! (pumps arm in air).
sexystf said:
Finally confirmed, it was tough to keep the secret until the end. They will show us everything and we will have absolutely nothing to unlock we didn't know yet. Thank to burn the punch!
insultman911 said:
Oh god kill me, it's true! YEAH. I thought he wouldn't make it, but sega approves! WHOOOO.
tam uchiha said:
Yes yes finally my wish has come true.
insultman911 said:
His final smash is, well duh. Super sonic and he probably has his own stage. I can't believe he's in. This rocks! Sonic is kind of part of Nintendo because all sega games are licensed by Nintendo.
Aeth said:
So finally Sonic makes it into Super Smash Bros, guess that April Fools Joke wasn't as fake as it seems now. Well he obviously has his Spin Dash (which does damage even while charging), probably has his Special Down+B move (like in all his other games). His normal attacks are just kicks and punches, but it looks like his Super Smash is going Super Sonic. Also his series icon is a silhouette of his head (I personal thought it would have been a ring).
insultman911 said:
I bet they put sonic in because everyone wanted him and Nintendo wanted brawl to be a smash hit, so they added sonic.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Holy fudge holy fudge aaaaaagh. Sonic is in brawl. Best update ever.
Nintendoof said:
Epic news. WARNING NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHING. Sonic the Hedgehog has ARRIVED. Great news for, well everyone. Except for people who hate Sonic.
insultman911 said:
If you look at the vid in one part, mario's carrying fludd on his back.
Super King said:
Ahhh. No way. No way. Oh man, I went to the site today expecting another item or stage, and it has SONIC. I really wasn't expecting this at all. Plus it has TWO gameplay movies that show how much fun the game is going to be. Oh man, I was hoping Mario Galaxy would hold me over until this came out, but now I'm not so sure (but I have a feeling Galaxy will blow me away too). This game suddenly looks 1000 times more fun than I had hoped for.
Dablackluigi said:
Awesome! He looks better than I thought he would. I definitely think Sonic will be one of those characters with the best moves.
Nova said:
NO WAY! There were a lot of rumors, but now..
smashking said:
WOW I could not believe my eyes I had to see the video at least two times. Finally sonic has come to brawl! And it seems that everyone that said he would mess up the game because of his speed is wrong. I wonder if they will add tails or knuckles or both.
WiiNinja said:
This will still be a great game without Sonic.
Sion said:
Alright, best news I've ever heard.
Gerardo said:
Even though I expected it, I can't believe it. Now, Sakurai San said TWO more non-Nintendo Characters (apart from Snake) were sure to be included in the game, if I don't recall wrong. If there's such a third guest, who might it be?
Ohthatguy7 said:
This is truly awesome news. But let's hope that they limit the third party characters to Sonic and Snake. Any more would be pushing it.
The Brawler said:
Yes sonic is in brawl. If Nintendo delays the release date again, then I will be mad and everyone else will be too.
sexystf said:
Now the only thing is knuckles, tails and shadow as assist or playable. Probably shadow will be in as a clone. I hope really hard they will be in as playable characters. And with this update we can easily think about Dr Robotnik as a boss level.
The Hamburgler said:
Sonic is a great addition. Hopefully more third party characters are added yet. The more characters the better, I figure.
DragonFoxCoon said:
To quote myself when I first saw this: "Whodawhada?". Don't ask me why I said it. It just came out.
DragonFoxCoon said:
And I hope they use "Live and Learn" in some way.
Master Foot said:
YAWN, we all saw this coming from a mile away. Sonic is in the Olympic games for crying out loud! Sonic fanboys/fangirls can finally stop the whining. That's two 3rd party characters, but I predict no more than 5. Next hopeful, Megaman / Megaman X. 2 blue bombers in one game.
EDD said:
But, but, but sonic is sega? Ahhh I'll just forget it.
Super King said:
By the way, it looks like there are some new taunts in Brawl, and it also looks like you can do multiple taunts! (4 directions on D-pad= 4 taunts?).
Secret said:
Awesome! Look at that final smash.
Game Veteran 2 said:
Totally incredible! They said there would be 3 third party characters. We can only imagine the total shock we're going to get once the third character is finally unveiled! Think about it, what other video game icon out there matches Sonic? In my opinion Master Chief is going to be the final character. Unfortunately Bungie is very serious about the Halo series so there a lot of doubt in this one. Making it all the more shocking if he's actually included in Brawl.
billywill said:
I knew it ever since Mario and Sonic at the Olympics were announced, since Nintendo is letting Sega use Nintendo characters Sega has to let Nintendo use one of their characters.
r3y-r3y said:
Oh my god, I couldn't believe it. Sonic rules. I thought I was dreaming, this game is perfect, wifi, good characters, what's next.
RisingPhoenix said:
I knew it all along but finally seeing his likeness on the Smash page. I'm speechless. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the videos, they open so many questions (and answer a couple more). Like FLUDD stays on Mario for a duration of time and that there's apparently a friendly thing going on (Diddy & DK, Zelda & Link, Kirby & Meta-Knight). Maybe I'm looking too much into that but it's still interesting. Now we will finally be able to witness the greatest battle in history, SONIC VS MARIO.
n00BHUNTER0 said:
I'd say this is the best update ever.
Senpai said:
Worst update ever.
Wii Freak said:
The character everybody wanted is finally here.
KOOL-AID said:
Ahhhh no doubt best game ever now that Sonic is in it.
shadow walker said:
Gerado! It will probably be megaman as the third 3rd party.
Wii Freak said:
I wonder if Dr Eggman will be in it.
sandm said:
Sonic vs mario PART 2.
Wiipaw said:
I have to change myself.
SSB4LFE said:
I love sonic. I'm so happy he's in Brawl. Also, the videos were AWESOME. Some of the best yet.
insultman911 said:
Now all they need is megaman or X. Or maybe Zero.
sonic vs pikachu said:
This is awesome! I can't get over it.
Wiipaw said:
It makes me wonder if any big-headed cavemen will join the brawl. Heh, heh.
RisingPhoenix said:
You guys know what this means right? Sonic gets his own stage and items! I see Green Hill stage and golden Rings and who knows maybe even a Chaos Emerald. Oh and not to mention the music. "Live and Learn" and "We Can". And obviously he can transform into Super Sonic. Woo, this news totally took me by surprise.
super silver 7 said:
This is the best b-day present I ever got.
- - said:
I personally don't care. As cool as sonic is, I don't think he's a great fighter.
xMr1337x said:
After watching the clips, he doesn't seem as bad as I expected. He's a more decent Yoshi and it seems that he has Kirby's unlimited punch thing.
somebody said:
Wait a minute. I thought kirby was fighting petey piranha not mario.
wiiiiguy said:
When I saw this update I jumped out of my chair and ran around the house screaming "sonic's in brawl!". Here's to sonic- "everybody clap your hands"! *clap, clap*.
Chaos said:
My friends, Hell has indeed frozen over.
pichu fan said:
Oh my god! From the video I saw kyogre, part of sonic's final smash. I also heard lucas voice which sounded a lot like ness. Maybe ness was replaced. Also pokemon trainer replaced pichu, jigglypuff and mewtwo. Ike for marth and roy and last but not least, sonic for captain falcon. I hope what I said is not true, which if it is true I'll cry so I hope everybody comes back please.
Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming. When I saw the video I was like what oh my god.
Quartz said:
Yep, sweetness! That's awesome. His fighting style looks awesome too. Only complaint I have- Took long enough to announce this? He should've been one of the first characters. But kewl.
Blaze said:
Finally sonic is in brawl! I shun all of you non-believers.
Stupidgenius said:
I saw this coming. And FINALLY the topics, the comments and everything about Sonic being brawl is put to an end. Don't get me wrong though sonic is awesome, but the numerous annoying crap can finally stop.
divinity boy said:
I'm going to be courageous and say MEH. Sonic does nothing for me, but snake does.
insultman911 said:
I hope there's shadow. I bet sonic and shadows final smash is using the power of the chaos control to transform into super sonic and hyper shadow. We don't need knuckles and tails that much.
Sonic Phantom said:
Correction WiiNinja, this game will be better with Sonic in it. Now the real question is, are Snake and Sonic going to appear in the story?
insultman911 said:
I bet on the control pad, there's a different taunt.
Keranu said:
You know I never thought about it before, but Sonic's fast speed might make him very vulnerable for falling off edges and such. Though on the other hand if you can master his speed, he might prove to be really powerful.
The Joe said:
Dude - SONIC. This is going to be the greatest thing for Nintendo since the first SSB.
Nickhead said:
Somebody pinch me before I go insane.
divinity boy said:
But damn he has some moves.
smash fan x said:
That is super-ballin.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
There most likely will be another third party character. Well since this is most likely true, let's hope Sora is next.
Dark Star said:
I spotted what looks like a possibility for Sonic's Up+B. One of the bounce things from the series was floating in the air and Sonic bounced of it. I personally expected to see his homing attack but I saw no sign of it. I'm even more surprised that this announcement didn't happen closer to the release date. I can't help but wonder about, and if so who, the third 3rd party being in.
Stinky12694 said:
Yay! Who brought champagne? I got confetti.
goldseer said:
Whoa. Holy crap. Biggest shock EVER.
Jawsh said:
I'm going to bet his stage is Green Hill Zone.
StinkyZ said:
Still waiting for pacman's ghost to come.
Shadow rules said:
I don't believe it, this is the best day ever.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
If they add Tails, maybe Knuckles and Shadow then I'll be satisfied. Ok it would be nice if limbless Rayman was in it too.
SuperMatt said:
Amazing. My new favorite brawler.
Jonny B said:
Wait, anybody notice that the date was missing, as in the release date. It no longer says dec 3 it says tbd. Possibly pushed back or forward?
hypersonic65 said:
Only the third-party characters have spoken any actual words out of all the videos. When I saw this update, the first thing I said was, "Oh my god". Then I blinked. What's with the old music? I was hoping the music would be from one of the more recent games.
YoshLee said:
(I know I shouldn't be too surprised but still) HOLY CRAP, this is an awesome update. I'm definitely trying sonic, seeing as how he's tied with mario as my 5th favorite character.
YoshLee said:
Although I hope they have baby bowser, ridley, toad, and geno my wish list will be pretty much complete.
Dox said:
I can now die a happy man.
Googolmario said:
Yes! Has anyone else noticed that Sonic's, Diddy's, and Lucas's updates on the website were preceded by the Challenger approaching thing? Maybe they're unlockable.
Ultigonio said:
DANG he is fast. So, when I checked for the update this morning, I saw the "WARNING. Challenger Approaching". I was thinking, "Eh, just another new character. No big deal I'm sure" - BOY was I wrong.
globster2000 said:
I'm kind of iffy about the whole release date being TBD on the brawl website now. I remembered yesterday it was Jan 3rd, 2007.
Jarin said:
Megaman could be the other third party. Poor Sega though, their "Mario vs. Sonic" Olympics theme idea is ruined. I mean who's going to bother with that when you can do this?
Hey said:
I suspected it, because M & S are appearing in a sports game as well. Sonic looks like a great fighter; probably the quickest.
Epsilon said:
The most expected yet also most unexpected event happens at last, Sonic in Brawl! WOOT! A third guest though, huh? Maybe MegaMan? As for move speculation, I say B: Spin Dash, Side-B: Ring Dash, Up-B: Homing Attack, and Down-B: Sonic Bounce (SA2). And a stage? Probably Green Hill Zone.
smashdodo said:
Looks like sonic has good aerial attacks.
SSB4LFE said:
Seems like a pretty awesome fighter. I so badly want to make Sonic and Mario fight, both computers on level nine.
divinity boy said:
I take back my first statement, but will add that he seems a bit overpowering.
Nickhead said:
Sweet! I hope they put Rayman in.
Andrew said:
Sonic FTW.
Brett said:
Does anyone else think tails should be in too or knuckles maybe? Or should I be happy with what we got.
EDD said:
When I saw the clips Sonic looks even more skillful than Fox.
YoshLee said:
Looks like sonic is really fast obviously, he doesn't look like he has much strength or control of his speed but he has awesome aerial attacks (which is why I'm trying him for sure). But it's not like I know his stats, I'm just predicting what he'll be like.
Stinky12694 said:
I had a really weird dream last night, the dream was this: I woke up, checked the site and master chief was confirmed! But who knows, microsoft said that they "wanted" viva pinata on Wii and ds, so there's always hope.
RisingPhoenix said:
To Stinky12, that's interesting because nobody in their right mind imagined Solid Snake could play a part, but yet there he is. Although I don't think Master Chief has any rights to be in such an awesome game like this (no matter how badass he is).
YoshLee said:
It would be cool to have the master chief, he rocks, but that viva pinata thing is pretty stupid.
KOOL-AID said:
Now the question is who's the next 3rd party character? Mega Man X seems to have the most chance but Rayman, Banjo, and Black Mage seems good. I'd rather have Master Chief than anybody but he has never been on a Nintendo game.
Fire Fox said:
It's cool to have Sonic in this game. But I would be very upset if Sora made it to SSBB. I'm a big hater of KH here, I heard rumors about Sora being in SSBB and I hope they're not true. I hope it does not happen, because Kingdom Hearts representation would hurt Super Smash Bros. Like I said millions of times, KH is Disney owned, and that includes Sora and other original characters. I mean it, Disney does not deserve to be represented in this game. When a character is in a game like this, not only they're representing themselves, but also their whole series altogether. I hope that the next 3rd party character is someone else. Someone who isn't from KH.
shadic said:
Hey, this means we can create our OWN sonic vs mario's instead of just watching them on newgrounds or somewhere else.
joshua imbert said:
Shadow should be in this brawl, to use the chaos stones.
GamingGuy84 said:
I am so happy that Sonic is in Brawl! I hope that Mega Man X will join him as the last 3rd party character for the game.
Mickey P said:
What a great video.
frogman said:
Well the battle of the century can finally be a reality. This isn't too much of a surprise. Sakurai himself said that sonic was the most requested third-party character. For all you who want megaman or rayman, good luck praying.
doglover said:
I would be cool if for his Final Smash he turned into Super Sonic, ran in a circle and everybody was sucked in and they bounced around like pinballs.
doglover said:
Why don't they get all the characters from Super Smash Flash too?
Wii Freak said:
What's super smash flash?
Megaman said:
Megaman better make it in Brawl as the third third party character. He really deserves it and has been on Nintendo consoles for a very long while and supported Nintendo. It would be a shame if they didn't put him in. Plus, they added a character from Konami (Snake) and a character from Sega (Sonic), what's left is a character from Capcom, which I really hope is Megaman. Either classic or X, but I prefer classic because it's retro and that's what Sakurai prefers.
Kirby kong said:
WOOT! SONIC! I probebly won't use him much though. I'm not very good with speed characters (yes I'm looking at you C Falcon). I'm best with high jumpers and fliers.
Red Fang said:
Really? I'm the best with speed characters.
wii r brawling said:
Ugh. Why? He's the reason this game was delayed people, you see it is hard to get third party characters in brawl because he is from sega and this is a Nintendo game.
Paperguy said:
The information still surprises me today, even if it's May 2009 right now.