Quite an important update from Sakurai today, it gives us some details on a single player mode in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
It's called The Subspace Emissary and it's a side-scrolling action game, complete with a storyline and everything. Ok, less yap, more snaps.
Pop him in the eye, Pit.
This guy's got bad news written all over him.
If you ever build a space ship, make the guns movable.
Attack of the roman smurfs.
Throw more hammers, you're making it too easy.
Where's Mario when you need him..
Oh there he is, hogging the limelight as usual.
The storyline shows character development in some of the big players. It's helped along by a series of video clips. Here are some stills from those:
The real 'fantastic 4'.
3.. 2.. 1.. we're rolling.
Dammit, we'll be waiting 25 minutes for the next one.
I didn't wanna say anything but er, hehehe I can kinda see through your dress.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit aviatorgaming.info ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
KillerHonke said:
The caption under the link and yoshi pic is pretty funny.
world wide wii said:
A word of advice for link and yoshi. Bring a ds next time so you don't get bored.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Halski said:
Kitchwa said:
One of the best updates yet, I say.
singapore meh said:
Samus to da MAX said:
Lol, you guys make the best captions.
Master Foot said:
Princess Peach was not officially confirmed, but yet she's in the intro shot! Oops, did I spoil that one for you?
- - said:
Great news, I still wonder about that sand bag thing.
pichu fan said:
I guess instead of polygons or fire frames they have this guy, but what about the metaknight stage? And they never announced peach in the game, looks like we have two new characters. This news was awesome.
dragoon3646 said:
Really Nintendo is coming out strong. Sony is falling apart and microsoft is stealing other peoples' stuff, because all they got is halo and... Halo is all I can think of.
magic hand said:
This is really interesting but looks a little hard, I think the sandbag like robot things are going to be like wire frames.
Amazon Kevin said:
Platuna from Kid Icarus is back.
DaylessNight said:
The picture of Link and Yoshi makes me wonder about the rumored co-op mode. And it would be interesting if Platuna is a playable character.
Amazon Kevin said:
I like how those new robot/bomb/grunt people can hold weapons (Samus and Mario pics).
ssbbssbbssbb said:
So many pictures! So little time.
bbbrrr said:
I was thinking. I see a Hammer Bro in that pic with Fox, and he has been confirmed as an assist trophy. Does that mean that the enemies may also be assist trophies? I don't know, but I think it's possible.
Name123 said:
It's like two games in one, W00t. Go Kirby.
luigi16 said:
I know what's going on in the smash universe.
Captain Jamesman said:
Here's what I'm going to say. I'm so damn lucky for preordering this game.
B Darius said:
So, Peach is going to appear too?! Cool! I hope all Mario characters will appear.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Peach. Another "Well, DUH!" character. Anyhow, I loved the Adventure Mode the last time around; add in character development and a story, and I'm beyond sold.
SSB4LIFE said:
Best update yet. This is going to be the best game ever for the Wii. The only update that was as good as this was the update giving the release date. I am so happy I have a Wii. This game rules.
Guitardude said:
Awesome. This looks sick.
Nova said:
Cool. I liked the adventure in Melee. This sounds even better.
wiiguy said:
When I saw this I freaked out.
KillerApe said:
Sony is the one that steals people's stuff.
Dox said:
Awesome update, awesome captions, awesome day.
Emanuel said:
Cool I'm Guessing peach is in. But I still want Pacman from Pacman world 3 in Brawl.
Zebinhousen said:
Wow this news is awesome, looks really fun, GO KIRBY.
Nickhead said:
Hey. That's Princess Peach. She's back.
divinity boy said:
If only it wasn't side-scrolling, because if its gonna be any good (and boy does it look good) it's going to take ages to complete. And pichu fan, zelda HAS been confirmed.
divinity boy said:
Its been unofficially confirmed by a LoZ creator in an interview that Ganondorf and Sheik will be playable in SSBB.
RaveN said:
Ekboks also has Gears of War, still won't have anything on brawl! Whoo.
Gonzo said:
At least they have a story/adventure mode. It should be fun.
man with cap said:
Yep, brawl's definitely going to be the best Wii game.
xMr1337x said:
Ganondorf and Sheik will be playable in SSBB but they will be getting whole new move sets, and it might piss some people off because they'll most probably nerf Sheik.
Wiirks said:
Yea, you can see up zelda's dress in twilight princess (don't want to spoil by saying when, you'll know), not so pretty though.
plp said:
It looks so amazing and it even looks like it's going to take some strategy to complete. Looks like koopa troopa might be playable. He's in that pic with fox and he's been added to a lot of other mario games (tennis, m kart, etc).
world wide wii said:
Xbroke also got a game about a pinata.
Gonzo said:
I hope they put Ganondorf in the game.
lman07 said:
I'm going out on a limb here, but it is betraying metaknight as a bad guy, which makes me think he is the boss in the game and will be an unlockable character when you beat the adventure mode.
Scooby Jew said:
Awesome captions, first off. Secondly, that was the best week of updates thus far with no competition to speak of. I can't friggan wait until December 3rd! Halloween? Nah. Thanksgiving? I'll pass. Christmas? Ha. I officially declare December 3rd Brawl Day. A day that we can not only recall the release of a remarkably highly anticipated game for its time, but we can also Brawl each other from dawn to dawn. Dude, that would rule. My post in a nutshell: Awesome update, the game looks better than I even dreamed of it being, and December 3rd is now Brawl Day.
ssbb fan said:
Master Foot that is zelda.
master1 said:
I can't wait to play the adventure mode.
KOOL-AID said:
Great (sarcasm) Peach is back.
KOOL-AID said:
Looking good.
Name123 said:
No, ssbb fan it's peach and zelda.
X said:
Seeing Fox in one of the screenshots makes me hope that they improve him, because though he's my favorite character and the one that I think is the best, I still think that they could make him stronger. With all of these new characters, he might not be worth playing if he's not improved. Also, he looks a lot uglier in this game, I wish they'd have kept his Melee face.
Star said:
With luck this game will use wi-fi multiplayer in adventure mode, would be awesome.
Fire Fox said:
I hope the Subspace Army isn't inspired by the Heartless, they look kind of similar. Kingdom Hearts is a plague to video games and I hate KH.
Daniel said:
I like that last picture with Pit. And that girl. He.. Funny..
Dark Star said:
Can anyone make a plausible guess on what it is with MetaKight? Is he good and just that his ship was stolen by the Minister or is he allied with the Minister? The original Brawl website said MetaKnight was chivalrous and a good guy, yet in most games he has been a villain.
YoshLee said:
Yes kirby faces meta knight in a lot of games, but he helps kirby a lot too. In kirby's adventure for the nes he threw him items, and in the kirby show meta knight was a good guy. Plus in most games he is either forced to fight kirby or thinks kirby's after something.
Dark Star said:
Thank you for posting that YoshLee. You're probably right that Metakight is a good guy. I never played the nes game so I had no idea on that though I do remember him throwing his sword to kirby at the beginning of fighting the final boss and the other parts you mentioned. Do you have any theories on how that the ancient minister go Metaknights ship?
YoshLee said:
Thank you, I like kirby and meta knight so I know a lot about them, but I don't know how the minister got meta knight's ship.
Dark Star said:
The only theory I can come up with is that Metaknight somehow by accident released the minister and the primid into the Smash Bros World and had his ship taken by force.